Sunday, 9 August 2009

High summer in Wales

The last two summer seasons have started with the Welsh GP, yet here we were in August, in sunshine, on our way to Nelson FTC for GP8. It was a short hop from the midlands and by around 11am we had arrived and were keen to view the course.
Quite simply it was spectacular! Situated in a valley the Nelson ground consisted of varied terrain of which its most impressive feature was the number of streams that meandered through. There was woodland but never dense, open field with well spaced tress, water courses and opportunity to shoot up hill and down into the valley. The area available to the club is vast and offers great potential. What a venue for the Worlds?
Below is one of the many bridges that spanned the streams and in the distance is an extensive area for the zero range.
On my walk I was attracted to lane 9. The shooting position was atop a natural bridge and from here there was a view down a culvert into the main stream where two targets could be found. For me this was the best lane of the GP season so far.Turn through 180 degrees and meet lane 18. The targets here were elevated and slightly sheltered from the field to the left; inevitably reading any wind strength would be tricky.
Target 14 was also magic. It was placed in the middle of a small stream just above where the stream joined its larger cousin. When eyed through a scope the scene was stunning and could easily draw attention away from the matter at hand. My view again but the best target placement of 2009 albeit I missed. It's down there somewhere!!
Whilst walking around it seemed conditions were ideal but the regular dink of upright targets and the associated gasps told another story. There was wind and although never strong its direction was never constant. The far end of the course was exposed and cleverly turned through 180 degrees to continually test the competitors.
Is Dave Schofield trying a new standing technique or is throwing the rifle his best option?
After the morning round two shooters stood three clear of the field on 47, MFTA champion Neil Daniels and David Williams of Quarry.
This well dressed man, Ian Harford, carded a strong 36 which would later win him C grade and place him in a good position to challenge for top honours come Sywell.
Only 4 behind the top guns was A grade leader Ian Stoddart who would have to suffer the afternoon round to see if he was to be denied his first trophy of the season.

The afternoon session started with a briefing from Dorian Falconer who told us of how much rain they'd had recently; but not today. I had the pleasure of shooting with James Osborne and Mick Kelly and I enjoyed the company of Mick's very well behaved dog. The course was a pleasure to shoot and contained a plethora of different tests. The wind which had brought welcome relief when walking the course now became the enemy. The blue skies and hot sun belied the strength of the wind which might gust enough to lose a plate or subside and be followed by disbelief "it stayed straight on me but the grass was bent over ...".
None of the afternoon shooters could challenge the leaders of each grade from the morning except for Brian Samson who took SFT with 35 and Nick Murphy's 33 took the piston class.
So congratulations to Ian Harford, Peter Moore, Ian Stoddart and David Williams. David's success was the first for a Welsh shooter at their home GP since 1992 and was very well applauded by all.
Final congratulation to Ian Stoddart whose consistent performance this season has led him to the top of A grade but without a trophy. He now has that coveted piece of glassware and if he wins the A grade title at Sywell then he might smile!!


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Phil_G said...


Baltipal said...


Ayupmeduck said...

Holá Jesús It will be nice to see you again this fine year at the european Champs ..Just hope the english weather can be forgiving for them few days shooting..Karl.

Phil_G said...

Greg, you've just been relegated down a few places.

Ayupmeduck said...

Hi gregg. i thought Ian should have made his debut this week on the tinernet..

Phil_G said...

he's probably doing a bit of one handed surfing.

Baltipal said...

Well, yes Karl. Words will have to be had!

Arby said...

There's time yet Phil. Following the theme for the night, every dog has his day.

Phil_G said...

I'm off to sunny Weymouth tomorrow, looking forward to it.
Airshow in Bournmouth at the weekend, the Red Arrows and the Vulcan are there.
I proposed it to the family, but I lost them when I started explaining the history of the Vulcan.

Baltipal said...

Phil, I'm reading 'Vulcan 607' at the mo'. Gripping stuff & very informative about the Vulcan in operation.

Arby said...

Should be great down there Phil. One week is it?

Phil_G said...

just the week, I'm not a tax payer funded professional holidaymaker like some of us.

Arby said...

Have seen them at the Cosford air show. The ground shakes when they fly low, and surprisingly manoueverable.

Also saw one about 30 years ago flying over Bilston of all places on it's way to an air show. It was a bank holiday Monday, pouring with rain and with black skies. I remember how sinister it looked.

Phil_G said...

Bilston always looks sinister

Ayupmeduck said...

Hi Gregg, have you got a user`s manuel for a pro-target if you have not do you want one?

Arby said...

I am in no way sponsored by the tax office, but would welcome the opportunity to be so.

Phil_G said...

I wasn't referring to you. We all know who I meant....

Ayupmeduck said...

Hi Phil , I will try and sort out some starlock washers for your return in a weeks time..

Phil_G said...

cheers Karl.

Arby said...

"Bilston always looks sinister"

You're not wrong there, but this was even before the "improvements"!!!!

Ian C,mon said...

i have have arrived

Arby said...

Sorry Phil, my mistake. Will he rise??

Phil_G said...

thats a nasty stutter you've got there big man.

Phil_G said...

Na, he's fast asleep on the settee dribbling down his Bluenose pj's

Phil_G said...

The real Mr Chairman has landed.

Arby said...

Do my eyes deceive me? It's happened. Welcome, Ian.

Tesla said...

Right, mates. Time to bed for me

Nighty night.
Hasta mañana amigos!.

CB Chairman said...

Phil you've got to admit I'm good at holidaymaking!

Welcome Ian!!!

Ian C,mon said...

umm me drinking rum and black under instruction from shaun

Ayupmeduck said...

Is it really Ian ? . . where have you been mate somebody said you have been surfing one handed is this true..

Phil_G said...

Shaun, if I had to spend the same amount of time with teenage kids as you do, I'd want more than a holiday, I'd need counselling.

Ayupmeduck said...

i got to go now going to the greyhound tomorrow all day if anyone fancies it pop down.. nice to see you on here Ian.. and see you on Saturday..Karl

CB Chairman said...

Another loss for the Villa, shame!

Ian C,mon said...

man still does not know what hell he is doing but thanks!

Arby said...

Shaun, sad news about Bobby Thomson. He used to have an office refurb company which called me in on quite a regular basis for a number of years. He always seemed ageless and fit enough to still be playing. Everywhere I went with him in the Birmingham area people would recognise him and be pleased to see him. He was a class player.

Arby said...

"man still does not know what hell he is doing"

That's the only qualification you need to be on here.

CB Chairman said...

65 - no age Roy. It's frightening

Phil_G said...

younger than you then Roy?

Ian C,mon said...

do you lot talk on here every night

CB Chairman said...

Right I'm off it's nearly midnight in Spain.

Arby said...

Cheeky youg pup. I'm thinking of letting my hair go back to it's natural colour.

CB Chairman said...

One more.

Yes Ian most nights we waffle. Sometimes we talk about FT.

Phil_G said...

what colour is that, flesh?

Arby said...

"do you lot talk on here every night"

Sad, but true.

Phil_G said...

we have christmas day and alternate bank holidays off

Arby said...

Nice one Phil.

Phil_G said...

right I'm orf to Weymouth, do you want fudge or rock?

Ian C,mon said...

sorry shaun did you have a nice holiday mate. thanks for help tonite. it would be nice to talk about shooting

Jon said...

Nah dont think thats the Sniper, me thinks its Mia.

Jon said...

Phil i used to use them Barracuda Match (blue tin) in my old Diana 52 back in 92, awesome.
Believe they made the Bisley Mags, again used to use them up to Nov 93 by far the most accurate pellet ever seen or tried. You would not believe the groups swear blind they were either shot at 10 yards or just one slug fired up to 60 yards. More dialling and more accurate ranging needed.

Jon said...

They do the gold tin as well.

Ian C,mon said...

mia,s going to vets tomorrow legs still bad, mite have to have an op on knee so they say. so did not go down pub tonite. not good! i mean not going down pub

Arby said...

Have you got pet insurance Ian?

Baltipal said...

Am I alone?

Ian C,mon said...

yep its a dam good job aswell

Ian C,mon said...

evening greg

Baltipal said...

Hi Ian, you got here then!

Arby said...

Tell me about it. Goodnight, blog tomorrow.

Ian C,mon said...

yes thanks to shaun

Baltipal said...

How does the 21st Century look, now you are on the inside?

Ian C,mon said...

me going to get another rum

Baltipal said...

Me, I'm off to bed.
If you're stuck for something to do, now you are online. Just put Red Tube up in your search box, buckle stop 3 O'clock in the morning!!!!!!!

Jon said...

See if this un works, nipper run off last Saturday from up by the masts, found by the farm back of the complex.

Ian C,mon said...

thats it, you all go to bed and leave me on my own. i,m new to this you know

Jon said...

Heres some links to get you started, left mouse click across these links, so blue, right click press copy. Addrees bar at top paste it in.

Well go easy on you.

Jon said...

Eon make sure you have the three S's Sunday, piccy time.

Phil_G said...

Evening chaps sat outside the Nothe tavern overlooking the harbour drinking brakspear bitter waiting for my prawn skillet it's a hard life! Off to the speedway later unless someone buys me more beer. later

Ayupmeduck said...

Hi Ian , I could be the secret to you winning on Sunday mate if I can get a good score and beat peter clarke and des Edwards hopefully it will push them down the points table enabling you to win.. been shooting 4 out of the 5 days this week shot 491 / 505 targets so feel confident about getting a good score on Sunday..took the new PT around today after a quick set up and missed 6 targets out of 80 very happy with the purchase....

Ayupmeduck said...

Have a great holiday Phil have another beer on me and relax...and take in the views

Arby said...

Won't be at Millride tomorrow; family commitments. Have a good day.

CB Chairman said...

Evening chaps, anyone about?

Tesla said...

Evening chaps.

Hi Shaun,I guess today has been a calm day to recover forces.

I had a radio interview explaining the FT , so the sunday FT competition has been included in the Okondo festivities, so good stuff for us.

CB Chairman said...

Hola Jesus, I'm just back from a 2 hour walk to stretch my legs.

Was it a local radio station?

Tesla said...

Yes it's a local radio with 50.000 people listening more or less.
Anyway it's very important to have chance to show other people our sport.
I was interviwed during 20 minutes trying to explain the most important characteristics of the FT to people who doesn't know anything about that. Hard work indeed.

About you legs. Once you arrive to have good phisic situation is very easy to maintain the form.

Arby said...

Evening Chaps, have you recuperated yet?

Tesla said...

Hi Roy.
Yes , I've recupered already my muscles.
Shaun and Ev have behaved brilliantly. The effort has been important because difficult conditions by the heat. They are true athletes!!!

CB Chairman said...

Hi Roy, I've got the bug. I'm off to Snowdon on Monday.

Jesus, were you nervous?

Arby said...

Yes, Shaun is a true athlete, just like Hussain Bolt.

Tesla said...

No Shaun, why do you say that?

Arby said...

Never done Snowdon Shaun. Scafell Pike and Helvellyn are my only achievements.

CB Chairman said...

It is not usual to speak on the radio. Did you receive any questions?

CB Chairman said...

Snowdon via the Crib Goch path (the horseshoe) is awesome!

Tesla said...

Roy , it was really fantastic to see them both make a very big effort with very warm weather (37ºC)in the second climbing day.
Even myself I have some problems because dehidratation

Arby said...

Shaun, I wonder if you could do me a small favour. Last time I was in Snowdonia we stopped at a superb outdoor kart track (formula 1 grade) where we watched the racing. If you happen to pass it by chance, could you possibly make a note of it's name and telephone number.

Tesla said...

No, Shaun it was in live conditions.
The speaker ask for the general view of the FT and then next questions were coming in function of my last answer. No problem at all. This is the second time I was interviewed about the FT. First time was last year. I don't have any problem to talk in public

Arby said...

Jesus, don't forget I've seen you both in action - very impressive. I'm ashamed to say that I'm well out of practice. As for Ev, I can only imagine her athleticism, but it wouldn't surprise me.

CB Chairman said...

Roy, I'll keep an eye out for it. Have you done an internet search?

Arby said...

Yes, but to no avail.

Tesla said...

Right mates, off to bed.
Tomorrow I need to go to prepare the FT competition, supports, lanes, big work .

Buenas noches amigos.
Hasta mañana.

Arby said...

Shoot well, Jesus.

CB Chairman said...

me too!

Buenas noches amigos!

Ian C,mon said...

evening ! if there is anybody there

Ian C,mon said...

do we have any imfo who we are shooting with on sunday

CB Chairman said...

Evening all!

I had a good day at Millride dropping 4. I missed them all to wind from the left. It was tricky because at the gun end the wind was showing right to left but I was getting left to right at the target.

Baltipal said...

Evening Shaun, 25/275 for me & SOoooo easily could have been 27. I missed the closer of the two disciplines! How'd you like Lane 15? That was mine.

CB Chairman said...

Lane 15 - just the sort we need more of. When I shot target 30 I gave a kill and a half right and sneeked in at 3 o'clock. It's having the confidence to give so much for wind that I need to develop.

LeeEv2 said...

Hi all, hope everyones ready for tomorrow? will be taking my new baby but not for the shoot! need to sell my new nikko and buy an old one! see you all 2 morra!

CB Chairman said...

Greg I've bought a portable stove so we can brew our own tea tomorrow. And maybe in the future even consider breakfast!

CB Chairman said...

See you there Lee, hopefully with Swifty.

LeeEv2 said...

Shaun, Purley in force tomorrow 5 of us going! lol... swifty will be coming im dragging him! well big bill is! want 400 for the new nikko to all the fellow bloggers! need old nikko.

Arby said...

Evening chaps. Glad to hear you're in fine fettle for tomorrow.

CB Chairman said...

Hi Roy, what were you up to today?

Arby said...

Father in Law's birthday party. Family gathering.

CB Chairman said...

Are you travelling with Phil tomorrow? We hope to get there around half ten.

Baltipal said...

BTW, just call be Two-Gun Greg!

CB Chairman said...

Of course I forgot it had happened. I hope Trudy doesn't consider it bigamy!

Baltipal said...

A menage et tois de FT!

CB Chairman said...

Stop you'll get excited.

Baltipal said...

Where's me oily rag?

Arby said...

Not sure about car share. I was originally going to drop someone off at B'ham airport on the way in then make my own way to Sywell. Have now managed to make alternative arrangements so I am available to drive P & J. Have sent them a text but they are at a wedding so might not get it.

CB Chairman said...

It was dry a minute ago!!!!

Arby said...

Greg, you two timer. Congrats anyway.

Arby said...

He'll be tired but happy in the morning Shaun.

Baltipal said...

Shaunie, free one evening next week for scope fitting favour?

Arby said...

Can't manage two then Greg? Will Trudy get a RN type decommissioning ceremony, or will there be an emotional handing over to Paul ceremony. Was he there today, and how did he score?

JONTA said...

Evening guys, Greg bring both guns tomorrow and riser blocks and we will do it tomorrow after the shoot. Two minute job, get a zero job done.

Baltipal said...

Paul & Eddie Roy, I believe Eddie got a 19 to Paul's 21, I think.

My Silys were interesting, I managed to clear the chicks, drop two Turkeys & quack the Rams, HONESTLY, HOW?????!!!!!!

Baltipal said...

We won't be able to get a level fit in a field surely?

CB Chairman said...

Greg, if you don't do it tomorrow then I'll happily help next week.

Arby said...

Paul's regular shooting seems to be paying off. He shot very well in the week after a shakey start.

And Ian, was he exhausted after all his blogging?

Arby said...


JONTA said...

Will be level anyway as we will not be disturbing the scope out of the mounts. Just undo mount screws from rail, fix risers onto my PT then put mount/scope assembly onto risers.
I have spare levels to check against the level which is on PT

Baltipal said...

So exhausted he dropped 7, but he's reading that as a good omen for tomorrow! The lucky bugger got a 11 to my 10 on the Silys too, if onlyI could have knocked over a couple!

Baltipal said...

OK Jonta, sounds good, up to Shaun though as we're going in his Jalopy tomoz & he may not have the room.

CB Chairman said...

Not sure now that I've bought a cooker!

No problem Greg bring it along.

Baltipal said...

If you'd said today Shaun I'd have stopped at the shop & bought bacon..........Mmmmm, bacon!

CB Chairman said...

No just tea tomorrow.

CB Chairman said...

I reckon it'll pay for itself by the end of the GP season in 2014.

CB Chairman said...

Greg have you any sachets of Silica gel that I can nick?

Baltipal said...

Too bad you're not camping at Weston Park......I'll have to rub two Girl Guides together now!

JONTA said...

Mr C, as if not dialling for the long kneeler was bad enough.
On the sillys only hit 2 chicks then relised I had left clicks in from target 30, which was full range. What surprises me I actually hit 2... how.

Still managed a 14

Baltipal said...

Er, now noe Shaun, I can get some next week at work though. Do you need them for tomorrow?

CB Chairman said...

Jonta let's hope that all your dialling errors are behind you.

CB Chairman said...

Not needed tom Greg but if you could get me a few please. I am leaving the guns in cases more often these days so would like to guard against moisture.

Baltipal said...

No problem. They come in with the packing on the Computer gear, just get thrown away! I'll start collecting afew.

JONTA said...

Got to go guys, Duty calls......

CB Chairman said...

Ta Greg.

I was looking forward to the piston comp tomorrow. Both Marc and Nick have won 4 rounds. However, I cannot see Marc Fisher's name on the entry list.

CB Chairman said...

Bit early for that Jonta!!!

Baltipal said...

Where's Ian, he lead me to believe he was a 'Born Again Blogger'?

Baltipal said...

Have we got a definative list then, how about Lane allocation?

Arby said...

Mia's probably using the PC heself tonight.

Arby said...

Point won or 2 dropped today Shaun?

CB Chairman said...

No lane allocation Greg.

Roy, I'm happy with 1 point. Spurs next away (0 points) than Villa and Hull. 6 or 7 points by the end of Sept and I'd be happy. You?

CB Chairman said...

It's no good looking Greg it hasn't changed! (Big brother is watching)

Baltipal said...

Ah, hoist by my own petard! The Stalker shall be stalked!!!!!!

CB Chairman said...

I could live to regret my comment.

Baltipal said...

AFK for stewed fruit & cold custard washed down by cider.

CB Chairman said...

Right night Greg and hello Ian when you turn up later.

Arby said...

They showed City too much respect in the first half, but on the whole I think they should take heart from their performance. Hull at home next week, then Blackburn away the following week. Winnable games.

Ian C,mon said...

you lot do some talking

CB Chairman said...

See it worked. Evening Ian!

CB Chairman said...

Right I'm off to be to dream of reading the Sywell wind.

See you guys tomorrow.

Arby said...

Ian, you should be in bed or talking to your sports psychologist. We want to see you triumph.

Ian C,mon said...

jonta on the nest at 9.55 what a man, hope he,s oiled his mozzi,s

Ian C,mon said...

took me 20 mins to read all the posts tonite good nite shaun

Jon said...

Just got in now to start 3 1/2hrs work.

Best of luck tomorrow Ian if you are still there.

Ian C,mon said...

`thanks mate i will try

Jon said...

I will pass the tin over Saturday Ian, just found it thought it was mine.
2006 James Griffiths
2007 Lee Hadlington
2008 Jon Harris
2009 Ian Stoddart

Ian C,mon said...

no probs mate, well i did it at long last

Jon said...

Still there Ian or you talking to yourself?

Not bad 1 1/4hrs and stopped to put £48 of petrol in.

Baltipal said...

Another Seasons draws to an end & Sywell poses to me the same problem of my inabilty to shoot well in exposed & windy conditions, this time I vow to do something about it! If we have spare targets I would like to set them in the field at the end of the Course of a Saturday, resets or knockovers, doesn't make any difference to me. Just a couple of lanes worth to cure me of this weakness. It's getting embarrassing fellas!!!!!

Ian C,mon said...

took me 1hr/10 mins going briskly of course and yes i am talking to my self as usual

Ian C,mon said...

good evening greg,do not worry it was all most impossible to hit some of them in the afternoon session. wind bad

Arby said...

IAN'S MY HERO. Well done mate, enjoy that celebration drink tonight, your victory was well deserved.

Baltipal said...

Nice one Ian & Roy, my hat is off to both of you & in my case you know that is true as I do wear a hat!

Please remember that the blog may not change so quickly as our own CB Chairman is up a Welsh mountain tomorrow.

Ian C,mon said...

i think it mite be a good idea if we changed shooting partners each week so we may help one another it would not hert. we all mite improve a little more.

Arby said...

I agree Ian. I've been thinking that for quite a while. I don't know what others may think of it, but I think it's worth considering.

Ian C,mon said...

by the way fantastic result roy i,m realy pleased for you mate just seen final results great mate.millride C,mon.

LeeEv2 said...

Hi fellas! well done to Ian for A grade! AA for you from now on pal.. and well done Royston Vasey for 2nd place..... and was so sorry for my little pal Mitch for just missing out! next year Mitch..
What was Shauns score? cant see it.. i got a good 35 but still un happy as i missed 2 sitters ish! the old EV2 can still cut it! makes me wonder about the steyr?
cant wait for the next shoot.
And Jo, remind Phil about your scope!

swiftyx2 said...

Hello Folks,

Well done Ian great win for the season, bet you are a happy man? (still drinking)lol.

Roy, Well done mate.

I had a great day and enjoyed the wind, it made you think about every shot and listening to some big names saying they had not got a "clue" made me feel much better when I missed one.


Karl still got your winnings????

Arby said...

Thanks for your kind words Lee and Steve. Sorry I missed you yesterday Steve, hope the event wasn't too much of an ordeal for you. Good scores for both of you.

Jon said...

Its that Lee geeza, gutted with my score considering what i missed, was there for the taking.

4 Midlanders in top 6 yesterday.

Jon said...

Nearly missed this one next Sunday.
50 shot open at Otmoor run by North Oxon just down the M40.

The Otmoor 80 used to be good.

Ian C,mon said...

thanks lee and steve, worked at it all season and big thank you to jonta for all his help and advice, he is the man

Phil_G said...

Evening chaps. Blimey all this food and drink takes some shifting. Crab fishing is great. Well done to all the guys at sywell. Well done ian great job. Righto back to the beer.

Ian C,mon said...

thanks mate.

Baltipal said...

Evening blogsters,
Baltipal is back online after an enforced break caused by Virgin's inability to maintan their lines.

Trudy has shot her last for me & Pilsbury will be her new partner from Friday. I may disappear for a little bit as I have yet to see the results, bloody Virgin!!!!!

Jon said...


You on cable Balts or ADSL?

Arby said...

Good evening brethren.

Baltipal said...

Cable mucker, I still can't find the results! Actually, I can't find the sites!!!!!!!

Ian C,mon said...

can someone explain something to me why is there a dustbin after my comment . yes i know it mite be crap but why

Baltipal said...

It gives you the option to 'Bin' your commebt if you should decide to for some reason! We all have them against our own comments.

CB Chairman said...

Evening all new blog on line in 3, 2, 1 fire!

Jon said...

Chap at work is after home phone, broadband and tv. No options except Sky.
Just doing the Virgin survey!

Ian C,mon said...

well i can not see a bin on yours. can you only see it on your side. i have a lot to learn?

Ian C,mon said...

how do i get a picture up against my comment

Jon said...

Ian start up this blog again, there is a new one.

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