Quite simply it was spectacular! Situated in a valley the Nelson ground consisted of varied terrain of which its most impressive feature was the number of streams that meandered through. There was woodland but never dense, open field with well spaced tress, water courses and opportunity to shoot up hill and down into the valley. The area available to the club is vast and offers great potential. What a venue for the Worlds?
Below is one of the many bridges that spanned the streams and in the distance is an extensive area for the zero range.
This well dressed man, Ian Harford, carded a strong 36 which would later win him C grade and place him in a good position to challenge for top honours come Sywell.
The afternoon session started with a briefing from Dorian Falconer who told us of how much rain they'd had recently; but not today. I had the pleasure of shooting with James Osborne and Mick Kelly and I enjoyed the company of Mick's very well behaved dog. The course was a pleasure to shoot and contained a plethora of different tests. The wind which had brought welcome relief when walking the course now became the enemy. The blue skies and hot sun belied the strength of the wind which might gust enough to lose a plate or subside and be followed by disbelief "it stayed straight on me but the grass was bent over ...".
None of the afternoon shooters could challenge the leaders of each grade from the morning except for Brian Samson who took SFT with 35 and Nick Murphy's 33 took the piston class.
So congratulations to Ian Harford, Peter Moore, Ian Stoddart and David Williams. David's success was the first for a Welsh shooter at their home GP since 1992 and was very well applauded by all.
Final congratulation to Ian Stoddart whose consistent performance this season has led him to the top of A grade but without a trophy. He now has that coveted piece of glassware and if he wins the A grade title at Sywell then he might smile!!
1 – 200 of 587 Newer› Newest»Hurrah!!!!
I'm in the Showdown!!!
and so is Ian!!!
Thanks Shaun, I found it a pleasure to shoot badly on that course.
Congrats on the Showdown
Evening Roy, I'm in and out at the moment packing for the Lakes. I hate packing.
On the way back we stopped for a monster KFC, twas lovely.
Ev'ning blogsters.
Congrats Shaun, well deserved Sir! Thanks for the text earlier mate.
Here is the tradition Baltipal slideshow that Roy won't be able to view;
Looking at the totals you need to win a Sywell with Ian H coming 5th or below.
Hi Gregor,
me and Paul having a walk on Friday night finishing with a pint or two.
Are you free from family duties?
Greg, I was in Decathlon today and nearly bought you a sleeveless jacket. There's one in 3xl and it's reduced to £12.95, get in quick.
Yes mate, I'm up for it.
You should have given me a ring about that jacket. I won't be able to get up there before Thursday.
Oh yes I can, Greg.
I'm so glad you had a good journey back; ours was rather different. Although we did have a sumptuous travelling picnic, courtesy of Jo.
Barring a massive malfunction I can't see any way that Ian wouldn't win 1st place overall. Therefore, I'd like him to win at Sywell, thereby denying others the points, so I'd need to make less of an improvement on my total score to achieve 2nd or 3rd.
nice tactics Roymund.
Hello Gents,
How you all keeping? well I hope.
Shaun, well done with your PB, AA soon for you.
Been catching up reading blog and you boys have done some major shooting and had some great results. Give Mark and Ian my congratulations.
Arby you are shooting like a pro,keep it up.
All the best Steve.
Hi Steve, I hope you are feeling better mucker, we'd all like to see you shoot at Sywell but only if you're well enough for it of course!
Evening Steve, how's things.
Any chance of a show at the Masters on the 5th Sept or the Castle 80 on the 13th?
Hi gents,
Booked for PM for Sywell so hope can make that one, need some practice as very rusty. Morphine tablets starting to give me some pain relief but groin still swollen and sore, might shoot it standing????.
Missing shooting badly at min.
Hya Steve. Missing you mate. Even if you couldn't shoot it'd be nice to see you at one or more of the events. Somebody needs to keep Lee in order anyway.
Excellent news Swifty all the best fun is in the PM session.
Greg, walk or not walk?
Yes mate, I'm up for it.
Open event at Newbury on Saturday 5th September. 40 shot course. Virtually the same as the BFTA Champs in April.
Good news Greg, talk to Paul in my absence.
What times are we talking Friday?
Shaun, when do you go, and what's the itinerary?
The Kirkstone Pass Inn at Ambleside always used to be worth a visit. If you're not familiar with it check out their web site.
Right then thats another one for the calender, fingers crossed.
Greg, Got the Mondeo we were talking about a while back. Fantastic car.
Are you all shooting Styer rifles now then?, any good gossip or things I should no about?????.
I'm buying Jonta's black PT.
October 25th the Bisley 80. Does it clash with anything?
Evening gents and a good write up again Mr C.
Paul's getting to mine for 5pm. If your working late then we could meet you at the Coach.
Roy we will be climbing Loadpot Hill on Wednesday and then visiting Hadrian's Wall on Thursday including a visit to Housteads Fort.
Was it very slow going round.
Unfortunately I'm in San Francisco, ha ha ha!
Jon what happened to you on Sunday?
Swifty I'm still with the EV but I bought a Tx200 on Friday and since then my shooting has improved, LOL!
Greg I've just cracked a Tyskie
What a good idea, OFF TO THE BEER FRIDGE!!!!!!
I think I'll have to see you there then, I'm working till 6 O'clock so again won't be free till around 7.30.
Pulled out at 12am Sat for a few reasons. I hate waiting and seeing on lane 25D, that means 12 to shoot before my gang gets down, is not fun. Noticed three slow uns in front as well. Neither would it have been any fun if started on lane 1 to 10 and feel sorry for those that attended. Plus 147 mile each way, i would have been savage.
All the same i know i missed a good shoot.
Shall I tell you about our journey home? No! Well I'm going to tell you anyway.
In order to avoid the M4 I set Crumlin as a way point on the satnav so that it'd take me cross country to the M50. Well, it took us to Crumlin, but we failed to notice that it still thought the M4 was the best route so it took us back to it by another route. We're on the M4 and it instructed us at one point to keep right. We followed the instructions then realised it was taking us past a road signposted to the M50. we carried on down the M4 but one of our number was desparate for a beer fuelled wee. Whilst there I reset the satnav for home with Monmouth as a waypoint. The road we travelled along went on for ever and ever through Symmons Yatt, Tintern Abbey, the Forest of Dean - the whole picturesque route. At times we were on unmade roads with grass up the centre. Eventually we made it to the M50 and after dropping Phil and Jo off we got back to our house at around midnight. I was getting more and more stressed and couldn't understand why we weren't hitting major routes, but looking at the map today, there weren't any. Phil G might not be joining us for some time. What time did we leave that pub by the way?
Fed up of this Firefox keep crashing.
Jonny, I don't hnestly know. Time kind of dilates for me on a GP Course! The fella I was shooting with mentioned it seemed slow to him. We had a little rash of stops in the middle & I think target 50 failed right at the end but I doubt that would held anything up then.
Jon, didn't notice that it was slow. Many of those on extra lanes were allocated to other lanes.
You left the pub around 8.
Was Phil G in trouble?
Thats the way i was going to go Royston, past that other Welsh GP shoot 2006 and 2007.
Its pretty much all dual carriageway to M50 bar about 15 mile past above shoot.
I think in the end M was the least of his worries.
Well Roy, we kept on leaving the M4 & at one stage nearly drove through Cardiff but happily that led us to a friendly wayside KFC. The M4 was largly empty for us good job as we had acouple of naughty beer fueled pee stops aswell! I got in the house around 12.15 but we stopped a Shaun's for a can & to transfer the photo's.
But on the other hand, we haven't heard from him have we. Do you think he could be under the patio?
That makes me feel slightly better, but then again there were 4 responsible adults in the car, one of whom is a "Knight of the Road"!!!!!!
The Welsh last year shot with Dorian and an SFT geeza, finished more than 50 mins before the majority.
What i mean is because there were 88 booked in pm, minus those that didnt turn up, lane 1 would be queing for around 40 mins, though not as bad as the Masters.
" finished more than 50 mins before the majority."
How come those in front didn't hold you up and keep you to their shoot time?
That didn't happen in the end though I admit it looked like it was going to!
That Shooters drawn for 1 D!!! In practice though they were allocated normal lanes by the start. Mick Tromans was one. promoted up from a feed on to Lane 22 or 23 or something like that!
Roy, I feel there is some story yet to be told about your journey home.
Such as??
Photo's from Rob & Ozzie on STB, you got a mention from him too Shaun.
I am a Brummie (Handsworth) but emigrated many years ago whilst there was still a Lotus garage.
Directions from Brummy is to use pubs as markers but since their decline looks like KFC joints now.
I'm present and correct.
Spent today taking family for carvery so made up brownie points.
Spent this evening stripping down gun to accept new rail and am booked into casa Jonta to take the opportunity to have frame dremmeled to avoid any chance of barrel touching frame and causing POI shift.
Phil I hope you didn't tell Mrs Gee how many SA's touched your lips!!!
We were navigating from rabbit hole to badger sett and the numerous 5 barred gates.
Three blokes & a bird driving up a deserted Welsh lane at 11 O'clock at night, occasionally stopping for 'comfort breaks', I wonder what the Heddlu would have said!
I have no comment to make...
Don't worry Greg, she was quite gentle with us and just kept producing food.
We were not pulling away or waiting for the next lane Roy. Not sure there may have been a fair few empty lanes pm last year. Predminantly the other side of the course to the snails - 5 mins per lane 2 mins to shoot.
Finished, had a natter 20 mins, strolled back, handed cards in, another natter, some barracking for 10 mins and still had three lanes left. Some people are really slow and it holds up everyone else.
I have some big drills and reamers Phil.
Jon, thanks for the offer, Jonta has offered to give it a tickle with the dremel, which should do the trick.
And I've got a big vice. Oh no! I shouldn't have said that should I. Cue Phil.
Nah, nothing like that Jon, apart from 4 or 5 Cease Fires it all rattled along quite well.
I bet she was trying to keep you all occupied, sweating on what would happen when the sarnies ran out! Poor girl!!!!!!!
Ive got an English vice straightens Stainless steel cylinders out no probs, so i am sure i could crimp up a Steyr.
Luckily the road ran out before the sarnies. She even tried to give us fruit, but we weren't having any of that healthy eating lark.
After leaving the pub I tried the soothing music to bring blood pressure down. Even resorted to a Dad's Army CD at one point. Didn't seem to work though
Dremmel, you will be there all night dont fanny around, lend you some carbide burrs to put in die grinder.
Wouldn't a chisel be even quicker Jon?
bugger. 31 was 3rd in B grade.
Should have had that easy with the start I had.
Bugger, bugger, bugger.
Nah a bastard file would though.
You wont recognise my new toy in about two months.
Night all blog you later in the week if I survive the Lakes.
Must say and i have noticed for some time that quite a few that did alright in previous years are literally no where this year.
Know at least 9 out of first 19 in A promoted, those that ended high up overall in A last year havent performed at all.
Its in the bag for Ian he likes Sywell, watch out for Des with a win!
Compare last years to this years, whats going on?
Ev'ning blogsters, anyone about?
I'm here Greg. Anything happening in your world?
Well, the Chiropodist has flagged me up for Charcot's Arthopathy in my right foot. Great init?
I might agree if I knew what it was. Does it affect your FT?
Just looked it up. Historically it was thought to have some unmentionable causes, but this has now been discounted. You'll be needing some very stout boots then.
It effects my ability to walk & as that is my only way of excercising....
Apparently the treatment built up boots & elevation, I WORK IN A WAREHOUSE!
Oh well, we'll see what the Doc says.Administrator
I live in boots matey, Safety boots for work, walking boots for just about everything else. If they order me off my feet that could cock things up!
We'll wheel you round the course Greg, you'll be ok. Or we could just put you on castors.
A Bath-Chair with a Gun Mount please!
I've spoke to Ian tonight just to bring him up to date on his A grade position. By my reckoning there's only one person who could pass him, but they'd need to win the next GP without Ian adding to his "drop" points of 36.
Good luck to him but I don't think he'll need it.
AFK for a bit.
I think Peter Clarke or Des Edwards could beat Ian. Although Des is quite low down, his 6th score is only 9, so he could add 41 points by winning Sywell.
You're right Phil, Peter would need 1st to beat, and 2nd to equal, assuming Ian doesn't improve on his 36. But I hadn't spotted Des. Two 9's early on are strange scores
Perhaps they aren't strange scores, I was forgetting how many competitors there were in A grade.
I did spot Des thats why i mentioned last night.
In A top 19 last year at least 9 promoted leaving about two in similar positions to last year. Other 8 including previous winners well out of top twenty.
Points all over the place as well with 18th taking two wins along with 2nd and 3rd.
Still reckon its in the bag, i had only got to beat James Last year or score the same, both couldnt be caught by gp8.
Dont know if you realise but its probably going to be three out of three for Millride members GP A grade overall wins.
Lee Hadlington 2007
Jon Harris 2008
Sure James Grifiths won it i 2006 and may have before as well.
Evening bloggers, anyone about tonight?
Evening Greg. I'll bet you're glued to the football.
FOOTBALL, It's too soon for that isn't it? The season can't of started yet!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, my friend. Lower leagues started last weekend, Premier League (Wolves & Blues) start on Saturday.
That's it, long hours of being ignored on here all alone. Then everyone wonders why I get involved in the foreign forums!
Now, now,don't be like that Greg, you sound like a football widow. The advantage of the laptop is that I can both watch and blog with you. I'm sure you'll be wanting to know that England have just equalised against Holland.
Not really, you know it will all end in disappointment, frustration, recrimination & tears.....it always does!
Did FT Adventure just crash for you as well?
It did Greg. I thought Shaun had done it 'cause I mentioned the Wolves.
Well Roy it seems as though we are the only sensible people on here.
ps i do admit to going to see the blues play at home when i was about 13, i soon came to my senses.
Ev'ning all, I trust we have a Football free areana tonight?
.....and I'm taking 100 before Phil shows up!
Hi Greg , Sorry to hear about your foot, me and Deb went to the Greyhound Sc today I shot 86x90 targets and debbie shot 59x80 had a pub lunch halfway though. sun was shining what more could you ask.. going to Redferns Ftc tomrrow that should be fun aswell.
Ah, Karl. I was trying to PM you on STB. Did the SA fella get hold of you mucker?
Ahh me mate Balts.
Jonny D, how the Devil are you Sir?
Hello young bloggers, wherever you are.
Hello Balti fine sir.
Just had a go on airgunforum chrono, sod em.
Sure any sane individual would bow down because of some malfunctioning or misunderstood equipment and legislated against.
The signs are those things that say your speed or slow down. A442 from Hodnet 40 mph limit, seen it trip in at 32 mph or as late as 43 mph. Follow different colour cars, lorries etc, some trip some dont but lighter ones (silver) or high lorries trip it sooner.
Just taking the mut out.
Evening blogsters,
I'm in & out tonight due to Bananas converging on a small unsuspecting Public House but an interesting Thread developing on AGF concerning the BFTA Chrono that Jonny D has contributed to, Mmmmmm. The controversy goes on!
evening blogsters, frustrating afternoon at the ride. Whilst fitting the weaver rail, Jonta helped by opening out the frame to ensure no fouling on the barrel with his dremel. So the gun has had a pretty major rebuild. Couldn't get a zero at all, needed loads of windage, so took the mounts off and refitted which helped a lot. Finally got a zero, but couldn't get a group, even at 30 yards. Maybe due to major barrel clean I took the opportunity to carry out.
Maybe needs re-leading. hope it settles down eventually.
Evening Phil. Is this with the new batch of pellets off Dave. What was the size of the group. Did you try straight from tin, sized, lubed, etc.
Balts the last blow up was about two years ago and no replies from BFTA officials. No wonder they want to control whats being said and no wonder why any one doesnt use the newish BFTA forum.
The point being i barely get through on a good day and thats running 791 ft/sec Mozzies. Last one did was Byley read 821 ft/sec not 1 ft/sec more else DQ then all hell would have broke loose. A certain person was running 813 ft/sec and has upped since- must have passed with no DQ in 7 shoots this year!
Incidently had to run 8.4gr at 771 to 773 ft/sec, had quite a few close calls 793, 795 etc.
Need a decent chrono again trusty old Skans packed up and Combro i won plays up. CED Millenium
Not much happening, see you up the ride tomorrow then.
Evening all.
Sorry for taking your major blogger, Baltipal, to the pub. No shooting for me tomorrow but good luck to all!
Any news from the Ride?
I assume it was a windy day.
A good day for Blues as all of our relegation rivals lost except for Stoke of course.
Evening Shaun, yes a tricky day at the ride.
I was disappointed with a 21/255 after starting with 12 hits, one down after 16, then 2 double dinks and a decidedly average last 10.
Jonta missed one for his first clearance with the Steyr, Daz was 4 I think, Ian was 3 and I think Karl was 3 too.
It was pretty nasty in the Royston De Bolivia v Gregor Ralph dog fight, Paul had to step in several times and remind them no gouging and holding.
and you were where exactly? hm? hm?
If anyone is going to Far Coley tomorrow, could you ask if anyone is interested in 7 tins of JSB 4.52's for £35. the code number on the back is 7000008 which I believe is important to some.
Evening Phil, good shooting. I took my lads birdwatching as they are going to nan's for 4 nights tomorrow.
hi. how was Wales?
Wales? That was last week, it was the Lakes and it was okay.
Watching Ironman, awesome!
Just read about the UKHFT Gathering being cancelled.
Birmingham sitting a comfortable 9th in the table.
"A good day for Blues as all of our relegation rivals lost except for Stoke of course."
And just who do you think your relegation rivals are????. (I'm still in attack mode after this afternoon )
My Six
Ok, 5 out of 6 isn't bad, but I do think Wolves will be challenging for Europe!!
Roy have you been drinking or snorting?
Caught red handed.
What's your itinerary for next week?
Hi gents,
Phil, Could I have those JSB,s please?.
Hoping to go for a shoot Sunday fingers crossed.
Come on the "Reds".
Blue is the colour Swifty but I'd accept a City Pool double.
Roy, land at the same time then off to Jesus' holiday home to relax. Next two days walking and further relaxing.
Hi all,
ignore the log in Baltipal here
Good news that you're shooting tomorrow Steve.
6 of the 8 games today were away wins.
Evening Greg. Why are you Paul?
By relaxing, you mean eating and drinking.
What time are you planning to hit Stansted this time?
Not until closer to 5am
Paul shot very well today.
With his 400 or Greg's Pro-target
Some strange results from the away teams today?, lets hope at least for the Reds its the same Sunday.
Looking forward to shooting its been way too long!!!!!!!.
Is Phil still on line?,
If not could one of you gents please let him know I would like the pellets.
Swifty, they are yours mate.
I'm off on hollibobs next Friday, but I can arrange for someone to bring them to Sywell if you're going.
Good to hear you're back on the horse mate, how'd it go? Did you remember which end to hold?
His 400. People were very eager to point out to Greg, that Paul wouldn't be needing a PT any more.
I'll text him Steve.
I won't text him!
go on text him.
Text who?
Phil can Swifty have those JSB's please, or should I text you?
is anyone going to Far Coley tomorrow?
Doesn't Greg look like Paul these days?
My air tube is currently in the hands of gunmeister Harris having a quick fill fitted. Hopefully that will improve my scores dramatically.
best send me a text
Don't text him Shaun. I'll walk over and ask him.
got my eyes on a nice pair of Burris Zee signature mounts, and coincidentally the shop selling them is in Weymouth, handy or what?
Cheers Phil Sywell will be great, thanks.
Took my baby out of case and she felt great, (no smutty comments please) children might be reading,
"Lee you on line"
Hope its the right way?????.
That's not handy it's devisive. Well planned!
Greg is at mine at the moment crying over the fact that i beat him today.
I dropped 8 but missed a plate
in the field.
Greg dropped 13 and Roy 14
This is weird, split personality is generally treated with drugs.
Well that's what he said.
I can't imagine why you'd want a gun that shoots worse than the one you've already got??????
Fighting talk from Mr Gee
Good night gents, off to dream of targets falling!!!
(in my lane).
In my case it's the useless lump at the end of the gun that's the problem not the gun it self.
Greg has left the building!
And me too.
Goodnight all.
Steve, make sure you come on tomorrow to let us know how you did.
Ian should be making his blog debut soon. I hear he was up and running last night.
Greg has left the building!
Driving, or on his hands and knees?
aw, no fun to be had then.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's on the blog before i post this.
Shaun have a good break in Spain.
its getting quite interesting over the Gathering cancellation on stb
I was thinking of posting something like
"we don't get this disorganisation in FT. Maybe we could organise a shoot for you mud dwellers. Hope this helps?"
what do you think?
Hi all, this is the REAL Baltipal now!
Paul, I fear I forgot to give you some money for the Chinky, how much was it?
Great idea Phil.
Greg, looks like I'll be joining you at FC. 9.00???
good, Greg's back.
Now what was I saying about that pro target?
so, you two sneaking off for some practice at FC eh?
Who needs practice more than I do? The problem is that I don't seem to learn from it.
I've just read the 'Gathering' thread, not happy bunnies are they?!!!!
Night all
Good Session at FC today with Ian & Roy,(when they turned up!)
This weekend has given me two day's shooting without frustration or doubt, well not too much anyway! 50 & 55 yarders were going high for some reason??????
......And a nice Pint & chat at the pub afterwards, not a second though as Roy had to rush back to Jackie to wield his Chopper.
Hopefully Ian will make his debut on here tonight when he has girded himself to tackle the registration screen.
She was very impressed with the old chopper Greg, and the way I wielded it. Too bad I'll have to return it to Dave next weekend, but I hope to have many hours of pleasure in the meantime.
A bit of a eureka moment for me today. Hamster now 2" further forward and everything feels much more stable. Can't wait to try it out properly on the range. Thanks Ian.
Evening chaps. Good to hear that you had a good day at FC.
evening chaps, anyone know what size thread is on a set of scope mounts, the one that actually holds the mount onto the 11mm rail...
Sorry Phil, can't help. jonny D might be the best bet when he comes on.
Encouraging performance from your boys I hear Shaun. All packed, or isn't that your department?
Yes, after a shaky start we played quite well. Particularly encouraged by Barry Ferguson.
Yes I am packed. I always always take too much so I'm trying to minimalise. Also trying a new bag with wheels, I found our trip to Euskedi quite uncomfortable pulling the gun and carrying the bag.
If I recall, you and Greg watched me humping a big suitcase around, then towards the end of the trip pointed out that it had wheels.
Yes it was a bet to see how long it would take for you to notice!!
Yes, that was quite funny.
Hi Greg, any news on the adoption of Trudy?
Paul still keen after having a good shoot of her yesterday. I'd like to shoot GP9 with her but afterwards she is Paul's should he still wish.
I'll be buying Jonta's next Saturday before his hols so I've got a bit of work to do the week after next.
No Sywell for Jonta?
A viva España por el Jonta!
Lucky Jonta!
"Yes it was a bet to see how long it would take for you to notice!!"
"Yes, that was quite funny."
I'm gutted. I wouldn't have done that to you.
Hey Mr, you got a target today because of me!
evening chaps.
so how fast will Bolt go? will he run backwards to give the others a chance?
Just in case your post wasn't in jest Roy, we didn't notice and didn't have a bet.
Sorry if I've ruined the wind up but I'm away for 3 nights and I'd be worried.
Hi Phil, I am waiting in anticipation. The women's shot putt has been quite good. I do hope that Bolt runs all of the 100m. Ennis on the start line.
Shaun I'm disappointed that you hadn't had a bet.
Can you feel the tension in the air?..... it's electric.... waiting for that opening blog from Ian. Will it be tonight?
What time is the race?
Ennis takes gold in the heptathlon.
100m next on track, check out Eurosport.
Come on Ian, take the plunge!
Having said that he did mention a late Tea at his Parents then a trip down the Boozer with Mia so tonight might not be the night after all!
its on bbc2 now
well done Jess...
thanks Phil now tuned into advert free BBC (could I have a rhyme there, will the buy it?)
will they ... sorry nervous fingers
Good lord, I want a beer!
they might knock a fiver off your license
Greg, that doesn't rhyme, and it has nothing to do with the BBC. Must try harder.
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