After months of excitement our journey to compete in the Euskedi Open 2009 began late on Thursday night. Our flight from Stansted was scheduled for 7.30am and because we were transporting our rifles abroad for the first time we wanted to arrive with plenty of time to spare in case any problems arose. However, all that was required was proof that they were really air rifles and the cylinders were free of air. So just before 6am we found ourselves in a bustling departure lounge where hen and stag parties were starting their celebrations early. When in Rome!

The flight left on time and after the blink of an eye and odd nod of the head we touched down in Bilbao.

Security at Bilbao also required to check that we were carrying only air which presented a slight problem as one of my gun case padlocks refused to open and I had visions of my air rifle spending the weekend at the airport. Enter Jesus whose arrival smoothed our transit and we were in Spain! Regular readers will know that Jesus visited the UK to compete in the NEFTA Classic in May where he made many friends. Today he introduced his friend Inaki who had kindly volunteered to transport our kit to the Extebarri Hotel which was to be our home for the next three nights.
Off we set for our first view of the Basque Country and our first experience of a new culture. Jesus wanted to show us his city from above but that was after a welcome drink ...

... and some pintxos!

We then walked around a plateau that offered superb views of the city of Bilbao and the green mountains which enclose it. Bilbao is an important port and industrial centre, its construction within a valley means it cannot expand outwards so up it goes!

From the heights we could see the port and the legendary "the Football Cathederal" home to Athletic Bilbao.
Next our journey lead us to a traditional Basque restaurant; a caserio. This is where the Basque farming family would live with their animals. The caserios are unique and offer visitors an exceptional eating and drinking experience. The favoured drink is cider and its method of delivery is well suited to a field target shooter.

With our appetites very satisfied the journey continued to Zumarraga and the Exteberri Hotel.

Bags dropped off we set out to view the shooting ground and meet up with the organiser of the event Jose; who is known as Sanjon on the internet.

A walk of the ground revealed that all facets of FT would be tested. There was opportunity for depressed shots, inclined shots, varied distance, within woodland and in open field; what would tomorrow hold?

Slightly jaded now we returned to our hotel for a siesta and then our adventure continued at the welcome meal in Zumarraga. Here we experienced the great hospitality and community of our hosts. We sat at tables that contained 40 or more people and shared communal dish after dish. The beer, wine and cider flowed very easily and we had a great time.

Very satisfied and ready for bed? No! Manuel, who we had met in Northern Ireland last year, insisted we trip into the town for a night cap.

Day 2 began with breakfast and then it was off to the shooting ground to zero and check out the course. Upon arrival our attention was drawn to banners representing the shooting regions of Spain and our presence was honoured with a Millride banner.

Plinking confirmed that our rifles had not suffered in the flight and so to explore the course. Jose had designed two courses each of 44 targets; a black course and a yellow course. On day 1 the piston competitors would shoot black and PCP yellow. The ground consisted of three plateaus which were joined by a steep path. The course started on the lower plateau where we would be tested first shooting downhill and then up. The course then climbed to the second plateau where there was an assortment of distances and kill zones varied from 10-40mm in an open area. The transit to plateau 3 was through woodland and here shooters would have to adapt to the shaded conditions which tested range finding. Finally plateau 3 contained some long targets and some in trees, it was this area that would be most exposed to the high sun. However, before the shooting commenced it was back to Zumarraga for lunch!

Round 1 was due to commence at 5pm thus it allowed shooters travelling time and avoided the hot afternoon. Before the action got underway we were treated to an incredible sight of two men playing this instrument; in the past it was used to communicate between caserios. It was certainly a workout!

So to our lanes. The commonest pre-charged rifle on show was the Steyr LG110; there was a handful of Walthers and the odd EV2. One guy was using the Mach 1 from the USA and there were also a number of sporters. In Spain the power limit of air rifles is 24 joules compared to the 16 joule restriction in the UK. It was interesting to watch these guns at work; they certainly whacked the plate when the kill zone was missed. There was a slight breeze and I was surprised to see that even with 24 joules that wind compensation proved tricky. The spring gun is very popular in Spain particularly the Cometa. So as the evening drew in there were two vibrant competitions unfolding. At the end Pepone top scored in PCP with 42, Colapso was second with 40 and Snowball third on 39. The piston class was lead by Victor on 35 and Mamel topped the 16 joule class with 38. In Spain the shooters are called by their pen names so Greg was Baltipal, for Roy read Arby and I was CB Chairman.
With the first round complete we headed back to the hotel and decided to relax on the terrace and take a few beers and enjoy some ham, bread and chorizo sausage.

Greg took the opportunity to show his dexterity when it came to bottled beer!

Sunday morning arrived and shooting would begin at 9am; this time it was the black course for us. The shooters had been paired based on yesterday's scores. I shot with Josefe from Madrid who used a LG110 with a silencer attached. After two rounds we managed to tie on 69 from 88 and I hope he saw that 16 joules wasn't too bad! Roy and Jesus also couldn't be separated on 61 and Greg shot round with Inaki scoring 63. Pepone added a 41 to win the event on 83 and a tremendous round of 43 saw Snowball move into second place. Mamel finished on 78 to win with 16 joules and Suidos pipped Victor to win the piston class.
The prize giving ceremony started with a surprise for me as I found I was helping the Mayor of Zumarraga present the trophies. The winner of each class received a Txpalla which is the traditional headwear of the Basque men and is regularly given to the winner of sporting events.

Congratulations to Pepone

and to all the winners. Let's hope we see you at the Europeans in September.

At the end of the event Jesus, Jose and his wife presented us with their Millride banner upon which Jesus wrote an invite for Millriders to return next year.

With the shooting over there was time to shower and change before joining everyone for a special lunch. There was a fantastic affair. The food and drink was superb, there was live music and spontaneous dancing, the atmosphere electric and we three were treated as VIP's. Salud!

After the parting lunch Jesus and Inaki took us on an off road trail in Jesus' jeep. He managed to drive it up paths barely wide enough to walk along; it was cracking fun!

However, there were no roads to our destination which was a cross perched on a mountain high above Zumarraga. To get there required leg power but the rewards were well worth it.

We descended to Zumarraga and after an essential cool beer we took to the streets to watch something quintessential Basque. The idea is for two cows to pull, and two men to steer, a 3 tonne concrete block along a fixed route then turn through 180 degrees and do it again.
This guy steers from the front

and this guy prods from behind.

Our holiday ended with a trip to the beach resort of Zumaia where we dipped our toes in the Atlantic.

Then we enjoyed some more pintxos in the beautiful city of San Sebastian; yes that is an octopus's leg!

All too soon it was time to return home. Jesus and Jose transported us to the airport and ensured we had a smooth transit into the departure lounge.
We had a fantastic time that my words cannot possibly describe. We would like to thank all those people who treated us so kindly and generously. In particular Jose for his superb course and competition organisation and Jesus for his amazing hospitality.

I hope we are the first of many future UK competitors in the Euskedi Open. Muchos gracias amigos, hasta el proximo ano!
1 – 200 of 586 Newer› Newest»Looks like you had a brilliant time I think me and Debs might come next year..such friendly people..what hospitality.. Great write up Shaun
Nice one Shaun, caught it very well indeed.
Looking out my window onto a slate grey sky & rain, it all seems so far away, but that's what cameras were invented for so;
Evening Karl and Greg.
Karl I hear that you have £100 already saved.
Thanks Shaun. Seems amazing that this time last week the adventure was about to begin.
Roy, this time last week you were in a right panic!
Evening chaps.
Brilliant story Shaun so I know has been not easy to make a synthese of all the events lived and very good pics too.
As you say Roy the adevnture has just begin.
Big envie for other mates who couldn't be here with us.
I'm sure next year will be different.
Andy mailed me on monday very interested about the comp and with very good toughts for nex year.
Hello Jesus. Hope all is well and that you've recovered from our excesses.
Excesses? Who has made some excesses? I don't know anyone who made them.
Be prepared for the next time..on 2010.
Piccies please?
Hola Jesus!
Hola Shaun.
Regards to Ev, George , Michael and Peter.
I'll need only two days to sleep enough time to recover the right activity level.
Well Jesus, we all ate well, drank enough, laughed and talked a lot,had great shooting, and saw some sights, but your hospitality was far in excess of what we could have expected.
Jesus, you deserve two weeks.
Interesting to hear that AC has been in touch. If he needs confirmation that he should make the trip next year, then point him in our direction and we'll leave him in no doubt.
Hi all, Jesús, I am inspired! Tonight I made a dinner of Langosteens & Prawns on a bed of lettuce & tomato with white wine vinegar & extra virgin olive oil dribbled over the top, washed down with a good English cider!
How did you rig up the authentic glass filling ritual Greg?
Greg, at the end this kind of meal is very healthy. Perhaps can help you with your ¿diabetes?.
You can take as much as you wants without any problem, except the cider!
Roy, be sure I'll forward him to you if neccesary.
Shaun , two weeks?. No my friend I'll be training to tekking.....
Ohhhhh. Battery off.
Hasta mañana amigos.
Jesus, what was the name of the rock pulling sport? I have to warn you that you won't see much of that at the Europeans, and mountains are in short supply.
if you're shooting at something high up, what allowance should be made for aim point?
Shoot low in the kill. However, ha ha ha, if the target is very close then don't forget that you must consider scope height.
do you range on the actual target and shoot low, or range on the bottom of the tree and still shoot low?
This article, and particularly figure 4, suggests that even ranging on the bottom of the tree would result in an over the top shot.
hello btw, sounds like you had a spiffing time.
Phil you've found a lovely page of maths.
We encountered a number of inclined and declined shots in Spain. I shot a 50 yarder declined shot first and then checked the kill. Assuming I hadn't wobbled the hit was high. I think the example on that page has quite a large angle. In the case of the target I shot there was nothing to range on to find a horizontal distance so I just aimed a little low (but still in the kill).
I'm thinking of Purley. If I remember correctly, there were several inclined shots, maybe 10 or 15 degrees, and also a couple quite high up in the trees.
off to bed, blog tomorrow
I'd aim low in the target.
Acouple of Videos, some were too big for photobucket so visit my Facebook Wall to view them;¤t=EuskadiOpenJuly09014.flv¤t=EuskadiOpenJuly09017-1.flv
How does one go about visiting a 'facebook wall'
Looks like Chloe's got swine flu :( got to go and pick up the tamiflu for her.
Just go onto Facebook & search for Gregory Ralph, I've a open account anyone can view so shouldn't be anymore difficult than that.
How do you know it's Swine Flu, do they do a blood test?
I don't have a myface account, they are the work of the devil.
No blood test, they tell from the symptoms, the sudden onset of a cough, headache, sore throat, high temp, aching bones, neck and joints.
When I went to the 'pickup centre' the guy said I was the 59th today, they were expecting to get to 100, the highest so far.
No work amigo?
Hi Shaun, spent the 100.00 already.. Does that mean Phil G that you will not be there on Sunday ( swine flu ) hope she is alright every case that has come to Debbies surgery has been tested came back just normal cold. the NHS has stopped swabbing now and set up a helpline.
Hi Karl,
should be there, said as long as she coughs and sneezes in to a tissue, there is little risk of spreading.
Evening all!
Phil I hope she is okay soon.
Evening all. I suppose now that we've no living room carpet I could have one of those big cider barrels and a catching bucket on the floor.
Bad news about your daughter Phil.
Wow. Great pictures and a great time by all. Thanks for the nice read. Kevin@DiabloFieldTarget
Hi Kev. Where in the world are you?
Hi Kevin,
great that you could make it over to take a look.
Roy, Kev is from California. He runs the diablo field target blog
I came across it during my surfing and sent him a mail pointing him to our ramblings.
OK Phil. Welcome Kevin. Hope our brand of humour travels well.
I believe this is Kev. Note the gun, not that dissimilar to yours.
Yes Kevin, the guns are similar, but I'd like to bet that you use yours to better effect.
Phil, have you made the decision ref Purley Chase yet?
Just found a string of Marillion video clips on Youtube. A few beers and I'd be happy all night, unfortunately the diet continues.
Is that the same diet you were on last weekend Shaun?
Roy I barely have strength to tap the keyboard
Understandable Shaun. I remember thinking "that boy's not eating and drinking enough".
It was the photos that shocked me Roymund. I said whose that fat bloke? It's me !!!!!!
I noticed that there were some strange shadows about which had the effect of making even me look a little meatier. So don't despair, that's probably all it was.
Don't say that Roy I've had salad for 4 nights running.
Evening guy`s, nice article again Mr C. Looked like a great experience.
It was the business Jonta.
All set for Sunday?
looking forward to sunday. Think Ian and myself have club knockout tomorrow if he fancies it.
You down the Ride tomorrow.
No not until next week (25th). Did you know the W Open was now 40 shots.
Yes saw Bills post on STB
I'm looking forward to the weekend's shooting.This week seems to have passed by so quickly. Feet-up time for you now though Shaun.
Haven't had chance to get the gun out of the case yet, so it might be in bits.
Just about to test mine.
Roy, I am free to shoot Sunday and was looking forward to it till I saw the weather forecast.
I'd say I was 99% sure, shall we co-habit?
Metcheck says dry for that area on Sun. No probs with car share Phil, but I'll have to liaise with Phil J. 'cause I'm sure it's my turn to drive. I can't see it causing a problem, will collect you at a prearranged time. Like old times, eh!
Love is reborn!
Only if there's room Roy. I'm happy to make my own way if you've got a car full.
Even if Jo comes, there'll still be room for 4. Remember Redferns last year?
yeah, you were a real sport...
Oh, you didn't mean that did you?
You had your share, don't forget.
I'm off before you two swap dogging locations.
How could I ever forget, I couldn't sit down for weeks
Which one of us inflicted that then Phil?,.......or can't you remember.......Tart!
You said it was just a silencer I'd been sitting on
well, it looks like I don't have Plantar fasciitis as I thought, seems I have a heel spur.
Guy at work had his removed and couldn't walk for 9 weeks.
Sounds nasty.
Everyone's gone to bed & I'm all alone having consumed most of a bottle of cider & a goodly part of that bottle of Rioja.
Where's Kev? Early evening for him we'll talk rubbish till the Cows get out of bed!
Well my search for a LG100 is now on the back burner as today I put a deposit on a Tx200.
In Spain the piston is very popular. I think there were more than 20 competitors. I found this refreshing so thought I'd have a go.
is that a carbine?
I think you had a tx200 before? I had a classic, by God it was front heavy.
You can't stretch to a prosport?
No, I didn't want a carbine. Before I had a HW95 but you couldn't put a big scope due to the break barrel. I considered a Pro-Sport but most successful piston shooters use the 200 or HW77. I'm not looking to change to piston just an alternative and I would like to shoot it in Spain.
Do they still do the sr?
No I don't think they still make the SR. It also causes problems because some do not consider it recoiling.
Did you shoot today?
How did we all do today. I was consistent with 80 - 80 - 80 for a 240.
Missed 4 disciplines, one stander was a complete miss, missed a 30 yarder low with a flyer (I think), the rest were due to the wind.
consistent shooting just what's needed to win the W Open!
yes, but consistently good, not average.
Hi lads, Shaun you still here, what time tomorrow?
Evening Greg, 8am at mine?
How did today go?
will we be having a warks open blog, or do we just dive in here?
Can't answer that Phil, so I'll just dip my toe in.
Tom nearly. The play-off holes were just too much for his old bones.
I thought he'd got it at the 18th and his 2nd was just too much, such a shame.
Evening guys, this blog for a while please!
Thoughts about today at the WOpen
I thought you were stuffing your face?
shame it was so poorly attended,
I found the 3rd bank of 10 targets extremely difficult (the 'uphill' ones)
overall I enjoyed it immensely.
Very enjoyable morning. Lovely setting, great company, and you could see how hard they'd worked setting the course. Very embarrassed about getting a placing though, they deserved a better turnout
I thoroughly enjoy the woods at Purley. I hope they are not disheartened by such a low turnout. It's surprising that a cold winter league day will see 70+ midlanders turn out for 30 shots but a lovely day in the summer ...
It could have had something to do with the school holidays just starting; shooters may be under pressure to do family things.
any explanations for the poor turnout?
They knew Mark was going, so they decided the result was a foregone conclusion.
apart from the one you've just given
I do hope the event continues.
it must be quite depressing having put in all that work to see so few people turn up.
Agreed. But what a great venue.
My score of 31 should have been 34. I missed 2 close kneelers and 1 35 yarder.
So do I. I guess one of the problems may be that with the more serious shooters GP's are sacrisanct, and shoots in between have to be negotiated around family and holiday commitments. In the winter months families may not be quite so bothered because they'd only stay at home anyway
my score of 27 should have been 40, I missed 13.
I like your ambition Phil.
Don't worry about that one Phil. As your scorer I'd have made sure it wasn't 40
Hi lads.
Today was about lack of confidence for me, all the way around I'd convinced myself that yesterday little knock had effected Trudy far more than I could tell.
I think a plinking session before the shoot should start with a close plate to check windage then move onto zero range to check clicks then a long one to check wind drift & I'll be following that itinery from now on, no more than a dozen pellets I reckon.
no sign of any scores yet.
Phil Gee scored 27, though he should have scored 40.
tell me about it.
anyone about
that's a no then
Hello Phil
Hi John, Karl gave me that Anschutz palm rest to try but I can't get comfortable with it, and it changes the balance of the gun too far forward for me, so I'll give it him back the weekend.
Couldn't you get on with it either?
I took the barrel out and Gaz had fitted an aluminium sleeve and an O ring to the front location.
I've taken them out, but I need to take a bit off the housing with a dremel to make sure the barrel is clear all the way round.
felt good for sitting but standers found it uncomfortable
Evening chaps!
I took more than a bit out of mine Phil
Hi up Mr C
no sign of the results from yesterday, were they uploaded last year?
Will blog end of week.
Yes the results were posted last year.
Jonta are you still here?
Jonta I'm up for helping set out on Saturday, what time? 11:30am?
11.30 is normally a bit late nowadays.
I turned up at 11.30 on Saturday and there were about 4 targets left to do.
I'd say around 11 if you want to play with the spray paint.
Hi Phil okay 11am it is. Not keen on paint but am keen to make sure at least 10 of the targets are 50 yards plus ... ha ha.
Hello, one and all.
I think the range and difficulty of targets we put out is by and large good practice for GP's, and I know it makes more work for people putting the course out and getting it back in, but I would like some higher targets. We don't shoot them very often and they can be a real test, as we saw at Purley.
Evening Roy got your swing sorted?
Yes, I agree Phil. I would like some long targets and I'm soooo glad it's a Club Agg so there will be limited reducers.
Also I've put risers on again and need the practise.
dont you think the targets are generally at long enough ranges?
you might need the above Shaun.
Evening all. BP Night at the 49th so I'm now very smelly, dirty & greasy, Hurrah!
I fully support that the course must be for all and not just FTers in a GP the next day. However, I would like some long ones because I need to practise the buggers.
Evening Greg.
Now Phil that's rooood!
Regret to say that I don't think there'll be any time for practice. Big mistake, I know. I might get the opportunity to get to the range tomorrow but I seem to have a lot on at present.
where do you think they could be longer?
I think the distances are partly limited by the wood and I think the non-GP shooters also have to be considered.
I just wrote that
Personally, I wouldn't have a comp on a GP weekend, I'd have a practice.
If you're missing targets, you want 3 or 4 goes to try and establish where you're going wrong, something you can't (shouldn't) do in a comp.
I must have been mid type when you posted
Yes I see your point. My need for practise cannot overcome my need to obey the rules ... sad I know.
And, it would make it easier for folks to miss the Saturday to save brownie points for the Sunday shoot.
its a shame more do not share your view....
Could all MFTA shooters please read my post on any of the forums (FT section) reference changes to the Winter League.
"its a shame more do not share your view...."
I recall our conversation yesterday Phil. I think your suggestion is well worth consideration by the members, although others may disagree, because I recall DP saying that wherever possible Club Aggs would coincide with external comps so that competitors could practice. So, perhaps other members may have expressed an alternative view sometime in the past.
Shaun, I suggest you edit your actual e-mail address, as screen scrapers search the web for e-mail addresses to send out spam.
In addition, some anti's might send you shite, or use your address to sign you up for porn sites.
I suggest you create a hotmail or other non-personal address.
Just my advice.
Thanks Phil.
I think perhaps I should have an e-mail address MFTAsec@ etc
However, I'll have to stick with it for a time
at the very least I suggest you make it: (please replace the _at_ with @)
with BT, dont you have multiple addresses?
cant you create a
have done.
Thanks for the info Phil, could you send it again to the new address.
night team!
I agree with you Phil G. I think it should be practice the day before a GP ..takes the pressure off so to speak sometimes I just want to come and shoot and not compete.. thats one of the reasons I gave up in the ninties stopped enjoying the shoots because everywhere we went there was a comp on
Evening all.
Phil you don't need to send me your info as others have and it works. Thanks for your advice.
Evening all.
Now, this MFTA vote shenanigans! What will be the advantage of the proposed change, if any?
Ah, saw this after I'd already sent it to the new addy, make your mind up man.
Greg, none to you. It obviously rewards people who shoot all or nearly all the rounds, just like yourself.
nice TX200 on STB, looks mint for £260.
Lee H selling his highly tuned one with lovely Paul Wilson laminate stock for £550.
What kind of idiot would go out and buy a new one with those 2 to choose from?
I'm buying a Tx201.
Evening Greg.
I could give you an advantage of the percetnage for points if you want to start a discussion.
Good heavens! I'm mean percentage; sorry
go on then Mr TX201 owner to be.
Okay lets say the winner scores 28 and you score 26. However, inbetween there are 10 shooters on 27. Using the present points method you would score 89 points and all those who scored 27 will receive 99 points. If you had scored your perecentage, you would have scored 93 points and those on 27 would score 96 points. I think that the percentage points is fairer as your points reflect your performance not your placement. Also consider the impact of a low turnout. If 40 shooters compete the last place is guaranteed to score 61 points irrespective of whether they hit any targets blah blah blah ...
OK, argument against the change, Devil's Advocate?
The present system adequately determines the places in the WL. If the percentage system was used last season then the top 15 and top 30 would have been the same only in a slightly different order.
I think the major advantage of points is you know how many points you have as soon as you know the top score.
That should be percentage points.
And apart from NEFTA does anyone else favour this percentage based system, is it the norm?
Don't know.
So, the biggest argument against such a change would be of the, "We've always done it this way!" & "If it ain't broke don't fix it!" variety?
I think it has more for it than the "status quo".
And the other question, about increasing from 6 scoring comps to 8, pros & cons?
8 for the good guys 6 for us mortal. IMHO
For instance, one person I've spoken to has voted against because they feel increasing to 8 comps will prejudice against people who can't compete at all/most of the season. Would that be fair to say?
I'd say that's a fair point.
Then why a change?
Help differentiate the top shooters. Remember this year when Andy and Neil were so close after six rounds.
There are fewer C grade shooters than any of the other grades at any one WL venue. Of those C graders, many seem to be "floaters" or home course shooters who only attend one, or perhaps two shoots. The number attending a qualifying number(6) of shoots is low. If the number of qualifying shoots was raised to 8, the number attending 8 or more shoots may be even fewer. In effect this would water down the competetive element and the "places "would go to those who entered enough comps, rather than those that had shot well.
If the last winter league scores are studied I think only 9 or 10 people would have achieved 8 or more shoots whereas about 13 attended 6 or more. Not a big increase, but from a competetive point of view 13 is better than 9.
Evening Roy.
Yes I agree.
The big question of the night is do I take 4 three woods because I can't decide which I use best. I think I probably prefer the stiffer steel shaft to the whippy carbon.
"because I can't decide which I use best."
Sorry, I mean less badly.
take em all Roy
Yes, that's what Ian Woosnam advised me to do.
Apart from trekking, any other plans for the holidays Shaun?
Cycling, walking, birdwatching and beach in Wales.
Hadrian's Wall and walking in the lakes.
Plenty of fresh air and exercise then. That should get the boys to sleep at night.
Talk Thur if back early enough, otherwise, Fri.
Enjoy the golf Roy. Blog later.
just posted on your thread Shaun, you seem to have started a mass debate (oh, err).
I would favour a shotgun start.
C'mon maths boy, how many would have had to queue on average last year if we had one shotgun start?
or don't you "do" math when you're on vacation?
71 shooters at first round
78 at round 2
76 at round 3
67 at round 4
mmm, not looking good for a single shotgun start.
3 per lane, 15 lanes.
how about Alton towers type booking in, each batch of shooters are given a half hour slot, so 20 are given 8am, next 20 are given 8.30am and so on? Last batch should be 9.30, good enough for 80 shooters.
Won't eradicate queuing, but should reduce it.
Might patent the idea.
Evening all. I'm off for a Birthday Balti shortly so just a quick dip into the blog bath.
Phil, whether we have a Shotgun start in the WL or not is not the question, it's a sideline. It's clear it's not up for debate & Lee has poured the metaphorical bucket of water over it! You'll have to go to Ian & ask him to bring it up at the next MFTA meeting but reading between the lines.....
Now, how about what's best, 6 scoring comps or 8 scoring comps?????
I think the main thing is that Lee has clarified that it's in the rules that you can move on to a free lane.
So, I don't see why, with a big queue at the start, you can't move on to target 8 or 10 whatever.
To me, that's the equivalent of a 'free for all' shotgun start.
When we got told to go back to the start at Castle, we could have told the nice man to go away, it sez so in the rules.
Now, where are these Winter league rules?
Evening all.
Phil where's the debate?
goodnight bloggers!
Hi Greg, how was your birthday curry?
Very nice cheers Shaun, abit filling though, I'm not the man I used to be!
Get my vote?
Right, I've got to take my bed apart now. Guess who's sleeping on the settee tonight?
Yes Greg your vote registered.
I'm afraid I can't play after the shoot on Sunday Gregory. Sorry!!!
according to Trev, I got the last space for the pm session, wahoo.
Nice one Phil!
Lane 1b with Jo.
Does this mean we feed on as lane 1 clears?
Yes, in front of you there is lane 1a as well.
It's also possible that if shooters don't turn up you may be moved.
Night guys!
Evening all.
Assembling the new bed now so attendance may be patchy.
Emley Lane allocation is up on the BFTA forum, I've drawn Mick Brown & Calps. Should be great!
Evening Bloggers. Is everybody prepared for victory this weekend?
evening all. 2 days of shooting, nice.
Be careful with that bed Greg. we don't want any accidents of the damaged finger variety.
200 for me
and 201
"I've drawn Mick Brown & Calps. Should be great!"
Should be a good opportunity to tell him all about his Spanish fan club.
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