Saturday, 22 August 2009

Season Finale

The final GP of the season took place at Sywell near Northampton. This is the traditional end venue and it offers excellent facilities including a lot of space to accommodate the prize ceremony and the end of season raffle.
Sywell is famed for its wind and today would offer a severe test. The course consists of a three sections. The first is open grassland and although the wind was strong it was, to a degree, consistent. Next was a garden area, here the wind was switching and swirling and flags, indicating wind direction, showed it was going left and right at the same time! The third section was "the bank of death", here targets were placed at varying heights and the wind was blowing a hooley. The strong wind gusted up the slope of the bank and lifted pellets well above the killzone.
Of the five competitions the winner of B grade and SFT had already been determined. The C and A grade winners were still uncertain and the big one could still be won by a number of shooters.
The last 2 seasons had seen the Sywell GP won with scores of 43 and 42. Today's conditions suggested that a score close to 40 would probably win the day.
Here's Andy Gillott negotiating the bank; he posted an impressive 36 to further his challenge for the overall title.Roger shows off his kneeling technique.
Big Neil bags a pair on his way to 36 to tie for third on the day and 6th overall.
The morning session was topped by Andy Calpin who scored an impressive 38 to lead by 2. It looked like this score would not be troubled by the afternoon shooters as the wind seemed to increasing in ferocity. Dorian Falconer came close with a 37 but the day was to belong to Mr Calpin.
So to the award of trophies and the end of season mega raffle with lots of prizes on offer; many thanks to Napier for the sponsorship of the GP series.
Kate Green won a shoot off to claim her first piece of FT glassware; third in C grade. In her excitement Kate unfortunately dropped her newly won brandy glass. As soon as Mr Calpin received his then he offered it to Kate, what a gent!
Paul Schofield won A grade with an excellent 35 which was 1 more than Dave!
After the day's trophies were awarded it was on to the overall placements for the season.
Congratulation to Brian Samson who dominated the SFT class.
Piston class was a two way contest between Nick Murphy and Marc Fisher, both had won four of the previous eight rounds. Nick triumphed today and added the Piston title to the British Championship he won in April.
Ian Harford had started the season with 3 rounds of SFT before constructing six strong rounds to comfortably win C grade. Second place went to Roy Boliver, well done Arby!
Simon Higgins came top in B grade after an impressive first GP season. Tenth place belonged to Baltipal!
Midway through the presentation we were treated to some overhead aerobatics which temporarily took everyone's attention.
Ian Stoddart had a brilliant season and won A grade at a canter, Ian c'mon!
Karl Clarke finished 6th in A grade in his first GP season for many a year. And to the top man. British FT Champion Andrew Gillott.
It's been a great season and I daren't add up the miles that we have travelled. The grounds, the courses and the weather have all been variable but one thing has remained constant - we all had a great time.
So goodbye for a while, it's time for a blogging recess. Follow the adventures of the MFTA WL starting in October.


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Baltipal said...

¡Raul es me nombre padres senor! yo soy illamo Antonio Raul.

Baltipal said...

OK, what's the betting Shaun has talked his class into having a beer after the lesson?

Baltipal said...

I've got the day off tomoz so it's time for a hair cut, a visit to Brum to hunt down a Spanish dictionary but I am also considering a trip over to either Sporting Supplies of Bloxwich or DAI at Brierley Hill. Anybody need anything let me know.

Phil_G said...

I'd like to try the Falcon 7.3 grain jobbies if anybody's got any.
Will pay up to £3.50 for a whole tin...

Baltipal said...

Will do.

Baltipal said...

AFKB for steak sarnie, back soon.

Ian C,mon said...

have`nt you eat it yet, its been 1hour

Jon said...

Check the Mossies at DAI 2008 batch number.

Baltipal said...

Do you want some?

Baltipal said...

Here is the target that decided the Worlds..........15mm at 21 metres;

Jon said...

Ooh up early as well Greg, just have a look at the batch number 500 08
I might have to get my bargaining coat on.

Might get the mut back today if no more seizures from yesterday. He was drugged up still last night and didnt recognise us.

Jon said...

Have had some new Crossmans about two months off Stu Hancox to test. Work out at less than £6 a tin, initial trials were good.

Do want to try them Falcons also.

Baltipal said...

No, I'm happy with mozzies but I'm getting a tin of Falcons for Phil G & 2 x tins of mozzies for Paul.

Baltipal said...

Sorry Phil, they hadn't even seen a tin of Falcons at Sporting Supplies & the traffic meant that a trip to DAI was un feasible this afternoon.
2 tins of mozzies coming to Royston though.(I've sorted through both leaving only the really manky ones!)

Arby said...

Thank you Agent P, hide them in the rolled up picture of the "Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies" and I'll collect them later.

Hopefully I'll have recovered from a streaming cold enough to be at shooting tomorrow.

CB Chairman said...

Evening gents!

Phil_G said...


Baltipal said...

Don't you wish you'd gone Shaun?

Phil_G said...

rain tomorrow, fine on Sunday apparently.

CB Chairman said...

Oh yes Gregory. Next year, I'm hoping the event will bein August.

Baltipal said...

Ralphs are arriving!

Arby said...

Evening Chaps. Now the WL is nearly upon us, do you recall the discussions on different forums a few months back about the queuing on the first lane. Didn't someone with influence say that it would be OK to start on any unoccupied lane. Any thoughts?

If I don't get to M/R tomorrow can someone be aware that Kevin Jones has expressed interest in doing the WL. It would be great if somebody could give him an intro and make him feel welcome.

CB Chairman said...

Hi Roy,
the MFTA meeting reiterated that such practice was fine. However ...

Arby said...

Yes, I know what you mean. I wonder who'll be the first to test it, and who'll be first to show ignorance of the MFTA ratification. To prevent "bloodshed" I hope there'll either be some form of written hand-out at registration, or a verbal briefing.

Phil_G said...

1. when is the next MFTA meeting?
2. can aanyone attend?
3. will there be a voting paper regarding the 'unanswered questions' handed out to all competitors at the first couple of wl's?
4. there is no number 4.

Phil_G said...

so, if at the start people were to feed onto a free lane until all lanes were filled, when the 'last' group shoot their first lane (lane 15) do they then have to wait until all others queued at lane 1 have 'fed on'?

Arby said...

I think the average number of shooters in WL is usually about 65, but of course they all arrive at different times. I suppose it's a matter of whether it's better to have all your queuing time at the start of the course, then have a clear run, or spread the delays over the length of the course. Without trying it, I don't suppose we'll know without some mathematical model.

CB Chairman said...

Stop being pragmatic Phil.

The next meeting is on the 21st of October at the Beacon Way. It isn't usual for people other than reps to attend (Ian S).
I will be raising "communication" but will not pursue the un-answered questions unless a club rep proposes that we canvas opinion.
Roy raises an important point, at the last 2 meetings the Chair has stressed that this is allowed and it has been communicated to club reps via the meeting and the subsequent minutes. I for one won't be skipping the queue.

Arby said...

We'll send Greg then.

Phil_G said...

so if I manage to get my e-mail address to our Chairman, is it acceptable for him to e-mail me the minutes?

CB Chairman said...

The minutes are available for everyone as soon as they are ratified.
It's another point I wish to raise.

Phil_G said...

Ian S, at the next MFTA meeting, on my behalf, could you please propose to canvas opinion on the questions that were raised recently on the airgun forums (but had unsatisfactory answers) by handing out questionnaires at the first 2 or 3 winter league rounds.
I propose that anyone not submitting their views will be banned from receiving any prizes.

Phil_G said...

my point is, if it is acceptable for our Chairman to forward the minutes via e-mail, then surely it would be acceptable for you to forward the minutes?

Phil_G said...

what are the 'other' points you wish to raise?

CB Chairman said...

I'll happily send you the minutes when they are ratified Phil. However, I would prefer that they are hosted on a website to allow easy access. I'm suggesting yours!

Mine is a general point relating to communication that may have a few sub clauses.

DaveS said...

Room for a small one?
Found this place the other night and thought I should join :)
I shoot in NEFTA but have been known to frequent the odd MFTA shoot as well ;)

CB Chairman said...

You're very welcome Dave!

CB Chairman said...

Do you shoot the FT circuit Dave?

Phil_G said...

I'd be happy to host them.

Arby said...

Welcome, Dave.

CB Chairman said...

Let me work on that one Phil.

Baltipal said...

Hello Dave, welcome onboard mate.

Phil_G said...

Hi Dave, you'll fit right in, we have a lot of small ones.

DaveS said...

Yes - mainly the winter leagues but have been known to shoot the GPs as well.
Face shoots are the Classic and Inters :)

DaveS said...

Face should have read "fave" - my iPhone likes to correct me more than the wife does :)

Baltipal said...

What's your set up Dave?

DaveS said...

I'm a Steyr fan :) I shoot a LG100 with a big Nikko on top.
I think I have owned most of the FT guns out there and settled on the Steyr eventually (I think I've owned 8 or 9 of them :O )

JONTA said...

Evening guys.. Hello Dave how you doing, John told me at one of the Gp`s you have become a bit of a fitness Guru.

Baltipal said...

Turning into a Steyr club round here, I DEMAND PT RIGHTS!!!!!

Baltipal said...

Ooops! Ralph clan need new drinks, back soon.

DaveS said...

How you doing Jonta? It's been a while :)
Managed to lose 7 inch off my stomach and still working at losing another 7 inch. Built a gym in the basement and took a break from shooting over the summer to concentrate on getting fit. It's taking some getting back into shooting now - don't seem as stable now the weight is going :(

DaveS said...

"Turning into a Steyr club round here, I DEMAND PT RIGHTS!!!!!"

I love the ProT - shot one in 2007 / 8 winter league and it did me proud. Steve Page has it now.

Phil_G said...

I have the same problem, I'm a shadow of the man I was. Just ordered a curry, so that should help the standers tomorrow.

JONTA said...

Not to bad Dave, good to here from you mate. Next time we shoot together do remember to introduce yourself as I may not recognise you....

DaveS said...

Will hopefully be at the Castle, Woodend and Dowry shoots over the winter. So we should bump into each other at some point ;)

Phil_G said...

see we came a distant second in the cricket

JONTA said...

Nice one mate..

CB Chairman said...

night all!

Arby said...

Dave, we were talking a little earlier about our WL. Am I right in thinking that you have a shotgun start. In your view, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

DaveS said...

Yes - we operate 2 shotgun starts in NEFTA.
Advantages that I can see are:
1. No shooter gets the advantage of shooting clean targets all the way round. The targets slowly get shot up as we progress round.
2. I have the choice of 2 sessions and have a fair idea what time I will get home.
3. We are partnered with random people on the lanes - this helps to get to know other shooters and helps bring new shooters on.
4. We all start and end at roughly the same time so plenty of time for banter in the car park :)

JONTA said...

Dave how many usually attend your WL..

DaveS said...

1. If you turn up late then you may miss the first session and have to wait for the second.
2. We have had to run 3 sessions on odd occassions and the daylight only lasts so long ( this is very rare though)

Arby said...

What Kind of competitor numbers do you get Dave? Could you explain more about the timing of the two starts please. We seem to have a bit of a scramble to get on Lane 1 first or thereabouts.

DaveS said...

Counting visitors as well as NEFTA shooters you will probably be close to 90 or 100 shooters. It depends on the location. We have seen around 120 in the past

DaveS said...

Start times are 9am for the first session and then around 11:30am for the second (depends on first session)

NEFTA did operate a start on lane 1 type system years ago.

I am only commenting as I have been asked and know you guys have a few hot debates about this and the scoring in MFTA. I don't want to start any arguments :)

Arby said...

No arguments from us Dave. I'm just interested to know how others do it.

JONTA said...

Got to go guy`s, pick the daughter up again... Dads taxi.

Arby said...

I'm off now as well. My Daughter is just about to get in the car and drive back to Suffolk.

DaveS said...

Right chaps - good night to all :)

Baltipal said...

Oooh, everyone's gone to bed again!

Phil_G said...

i'm still her, although I'm post curry so I'm not much use to anyone

Baltipal said...

Anything going on, on the 11th?

Arby said...

I'm still viewing as well. Daughter on way but A14 closed near Stowmarket so i'm staying awake in case she needs map guidance. I wouldn't go to bed until she was home anyway particularly as she's travelling alone.

Baltipal said...

THE A14!!!!!!!(shudder!!!!!)

Phil_G said...

the 11th of what?

Phil_G said...

and you didn't offer to drop her off, what kind of father are you?

Arby said...

Don't go there Phil, that could easily have been commanded.

Arby said...

Greg, did you enjoy the day off? Find anything interesting at Sporting?

Baltipal said...

Looks windy out there chaps!

Roy, a decent place, the blokes seem keen to get you stuff even if they haven't got it in stock but it was a long way to go to be told they don't have something. The camping bit in the back might be handy though.
The prices looked pretty good for the full bore stuff, Kalashnikov there for £580, I'll have to tell Al.

CB Chairman said...

Evening all. I'm off already watch a movie and snooze. See you at FC tomorrow!

Baltipal said...

Oh well, defeated again, 16/225 with 1 missed plate, that pesky wind again!

Phil_G said...

20/250 for me. was ok with the wind in the wood and i felt a bit unlucky with the field, 4 dinks but close on all, the pellet being pushed down and hitting low did me more than lateral error.

Arby said...

Any other notable scores?

Baltipal said...

Debbie gotta 15/220

Phil_G said...

it was tough in that wind, lets hope its a bit easier tomorrow

Arby said...

How many did Ian drop in the end - I'm assuming he was top scorer.

I was pleased to have scored 20, the same as Phil, but as I missed a plate then shot a wrong target, I ended up with 240.

Baltipal said...

Ella & scope will be included in the House Insurance next month when the renewell comes up, only another £42 so anyone out there who hasn't got cover get on the phone next week.

Baltipal said...

Ian dropped 5 same as Jonny D & Karl I think, Paul dropped 6, jammy sod!

Arby said...

Well done Paul. I think Trudy's doing it to make you feel bad about dropping her for a younger model.

Baltipal said...

Still searching for my technique, everytime I thing I've cracked it it fails on me, we'll see what happens tomorrow. Any engineers out there, I'll happily pay for two longer cheekpiece rods, I need to lift alittle higher.

Jon said...

Forgot what i was gonna say now- hahaha

Phil_G said...

i assumed the gun was covered on the standard house insurance, I don't see it mentioned as specifically not covered.

Phil_G said...

i've asked my insurance company to check.

Baltipal said...

When I rang mine, they said an item such as that would have to be specified, you therefore can't assume coverage, on the other hand it only cost another 40 quid to cover the rifle & scope for £1,500.

Jon said...

Thiefs, just another way of getting extra dosh out of you.
Hate double glasers and insurance people.

Baltipal said...

And me but it would be alot of dosh to find if something befell it!

Baltipal said...

I believe that was a 1500, surely a record!

Jon said...

Hate to think the irreplaceable cost of mine, so pointless.
If you go off welham pricing and mines had a lot more done to it, over £5k.

Phil_G said...

scanning the BBS, it seems like some insurance companies cover sporting equipment by default.
I think my single item limit is £1500, so I think I'm ok. We'll see.

Jon said...

Better split mine in to 4 then.
Scope irreplaceable
Wouldnt cover the action cost

For well over a decade contents insurance most covered up to £30k. So what they are saying is any individual pricey items need extra insurance. If nothing but a £30k painting in a shell they would require extra insurance!

Phil_G said...

the problem is a lot of companies are removing things that were previously 'default' items to reduce the cost on comparison websites without clearly telling people what has been removed.
I'm sure it is mentioned in the small print somewhere.

Ian C,mon said...

greg i missed 4 280 mate

Baltipal said...

Top Gun! Soz Ian, very poor memory for numbers.

Ian C,mon said...

man try hard

Ian C,mon said...

put BBC2 on great laff now

Baltipal said...


Arby said...

Well done Greg, but I'll bet you wished you'd stayed in bed.

Jon said...

Greg dont let it get to you, write it off as a bad day and have a laugh.

Baltipal said...

Already have Jon, cheers for today mate & sorry for the wingeing, I despise myself for the weakness & frankly it bothers me more than how badly I shot, WHAT A SOPPY TART!
Castle next though & I'm going to kick some arse & take some names...............ROY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baltipal said...

Congratulations on a great 5 BTW & indeed all the 'riders who DO know how to shoot, especially Kev & Paul, WL Virgins that went & kicked my butt, WELL DONE LADS!

Arby said...

What have I done?????.

Phil_G said...

I think yours is easiest to spell...

Phil_G said...

scores are up

Arby said...

OY BALTI, just remember it's Head to Head next Saturday, will you be as big and stroppy then.

That told him, Phil. Mmmph, nobody messes with me, mumble.....mutter....., young upstarts....

Phil_G said...

overall table looks a bit screwy though, not in order.

Jon said...

Have a moan, get it out your system, i luv to listen to it.
Best of the lot for that is our Mr Holdsworth.

Would have been happy with a miss today, the longer kneeler and would have missed sitting.
If i hadnt have heard a lot of 6+ coming in i would have been quite disappointed with my performance and practically gave up after that twiggy one over a tree before the kneelers, it threw me a bit.
Missed the easy un lane 14, almost a gimmee.

Jon said...

Wheres todays scores Phil?

Jon said...

Ok Phil its literally just appeared on Far Coley slow site.

Baltipal said...

FC site Jon.
Guess who's bottom of B Grade?
Well done to young Mitch as well, his 23 has placed him very favourably.

Jon said...

Top FC shooter is an A grader.

Jon said...

Look on the bright side Greg, theres only 77 who beat you. TCook only bettered by 5 shots.
All the Osbournes on 23, must be a first.

Jon said...

Aaaagh that probably explains why Mr Bates was on the plinking for ages after Greg.
Look on the brightside son, at least didnt come last.
Laugh it off your time will come.

Ian C,mon said...

we all must try keep single figures. the minimum you get is roughly 75% ! then jobs a good `n`

Ian C,mon said...

greg just ooow saaar. as jon says just a bad day mate. must never give up. i dropped 15 last winter league!

Jon said...

Single figures!

I dow wanna miss eny

Ian C,mon said...

back later!

Baltipal said...

Not so bothered by the result now, I've had bad 'uns before & shall again no doubt but I really didn't need to carry on like that, it can only have been annoying to those around me & it shows a fundamental lack of control. I even think Ced may have told me off about my language at one point but I was so flumuxed I'm only remembering it now, VERY embarraced!

Jon said...

Dont worry about it, call it a bad day.
It dont bother me but wanted to identify the trouble more than anything.

Look at mine last year at Purley, i wanted to escape, 5 shoots left to clear that 62%. Next time there won by two clear targets.
Take it as it comes.

Jon said...

Good idea while i think of it Greg, back later.

Phil_G said...

links to the results and totals now on the Millride winter league page

Jon said...

Sorted Greg see you Sat.

Baltipal said...

Ace matey, cheers Jon.

Arby said...

Greg, don't waste time brooding about any aspect of today, it was a one-off. Worry about the important things like our gladiatorial contest on Sat.

Baltipal said...

Looks like Jonny may have sorted my cheekpiece issue so watch out Millride, failure is unacceptable!

Baltipal said...

I'm thinking hard about that chrono session on Saturday, I think I need to chrono again

Jon said...

Chrono session whats that?

Jon said...

Ooooh big brother checking on us!
As long as the BFTA one isnt used, not got a problem.
Better still can bring a proper chrono that runs at 48 mhz not 4 mhz.

Baltipal said...

I bet I'm running slow!

Jon said...

Nah, im running slow to pass the BFTA jobby, others running at least 20 ft/sec faster and not penalised.

Jon said...

Food for thought.

Whilst i had the current world champs gun here, it was running at 735 to 740ft/sec because he said that was the most accurate at that point.

Ian C,mon said...

it is i ! how things now?

Baltipal said...

Buenas tardes a todos, ¿qué passar?

Phil_G said...

me sir.
I was just reading your review of the winter league round 10 from 2008 on a new zealand forum.
you get about a bit dont you?

Phil_G said...

pm on the BBS Greg.

Baltipal said...

Ian, I've sent a E-mail to Lyndeen booking two places at the Bisley 80. It's on the 25th of this month, booking in is 0800-0845, shoot starts at 0900hrs. Two 40 shot shoots & a hog roast to finish.
Cost £10 + £1 for Bingo card for a cash prize, knowing your luck you'll probably win the pig!

Baltipal said...

Phil, reply on BBS.

Phil_G said...

knowing Ian, he's more likely to kop off with it

Baltipal said...

"I was just reading your review of the winter league round 10 from 2008 on a new zealand forum.
you get about a bit dont you?"

I try young Phil, I try. Happy day's, back when I could hit things!
Did you check the piccies out?

Phil_G said...

not yet.
What's the gun doc done to ya cheekpiece?

Phil_G said...

talking of pics, I hope you don't mind but I've nicked one of your photos to make into a winter league banner

Arby said...

Evening folks. I'm reduced to listening to Villa v Man City on the radio. Greg, after to your well informed observations on football yesterday, would you like to comment? You being a closet supporter and all.

Phil_G said...

Howdy Roy, which bit of Chez Boliver was missing when you got back?

Baltipal said...

I prefer to make generalised rather than specific observations, mainly because of my utter ignorance on the subject but I will say that Man City should win 2-1 tonight!

Baltipal said...

Casa Del Boliver, ¡por favor!

Arby said...

Only the wife, Phil.

Phil_G said...


Phil_G said...

where's the boy Shore tonight?

Baltipal said...

Phil, I don't know what he's done but I'm excited at the propect!

No probs Phil, me fotos, su fotos amigo!

Baltipal said...

Kicking an unsuspecting ball about, perhaps!

Arby said...

Time to buy shares in a defibrilator company then.

Arby said...

Greg, I think Jon's modification to the cheekpiece will be a little sticker with an arrow on it, and "This end to be pointed at target" in big red letters.

Phil_G said...

have you seen it? whadda think?

Phil_G said...

your photo on the website, not the sticker

Arby said...

With a score like mine at least Greg knows I'm not gloating.

Baltipal said...

Nice one Phil, nice & grim looking!

CB Chairman said...

Evening chaps!

Please now comment upon the slimline "Tales of Winter"

Phil_G said...

greg, I have some photos for your perusal in a powerpoint presentation, send me your email addy on the bbs

Phil_G said...

you have a typo.
poo,l i guess should be pool?

Phil_G said...

now how are we going to get ian over there?

Baltipal said...

The wheelbarrow I think!

Baltipal said...


JONTA said...

If my phone rings I`m not answering it...

Phil_G said...

Ian, click here

Phil.J said...

Hi guys, going free to a good home, first to say ill have it gets it.

A butler creek, internal diameter of 42mm. its yours if you want it.

I will bring it along on sat 20th as i am not shooting on sat 13th.

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