The long journey north did not put off the stalwarts from Millride FTC, no less than ten of their number made the trip and six took the opportunity to camp on the grounds of Dunfermline FTC. We left Birmingham at 10am ably driven by Greg and navigation was by Tom.

After about 90 minutes we took a pit stop and met up with the other party of campers.

The M6 was running clear and it wasn't long before we crossed the border and were enjoying traditional Scottish cuisine in the KFC at Gretna Green.

Another 2 hours and we arrived at our home for the evening. Many thanks to David Foster and the members of Dunfermline FTC for allowing us to stay and their subsequent hospitality. After only a few minutes the Quecha village was assembled and our thoughts turned to finding a pub.

Our hosts indicated that a track lead from the site to the Dander Inn so no cars were needed and off we set. The walk was delightful and full of the sights of spring the highlight of which was a number of beautiful yellowhammers.

We were welcomed at the Dander Inn and quickly we began to make friends with the locals. Our plan was two pints and bed but this was soon forgotten as the chat and beers began to flow.

And then we were eight as Phil and Jo arrived, they had chosen the luxury of a hotel with a nice restaurant but tomorrow they too would enjoy a trip along the track!

A few more beers and we were having a scream. The Dander Inn is dedicated to Dunfermline Football club and we joined in the odd verse of "We hate Falkirk and we hate Falkirk ... we are the Falkirk haters". I'm sure the residents of Falkirk are very nice but tonight we were for the Pars!

Food became the focus and when we asked our new found friends where we might find some they responded by firing up the BBQ and offered us all burgers, chicken and chips. Up the Pars!

It seemed we'd been in the pub for an age but it was still very light when we left to take the track home. Back at camp a few more beers were in order and some crisps, biscuits, chocolate etc.

I had a good night's sleeps but some complained of noises emanating from Greg's tent; Roy had taken precautions but he said in vein.

The tents were soon folded into neat circles and it was time for breakfast. As last year many thanks to Anne and Alistair for providing us with some scrumptious grub.

Shooters now began to arrive and our thoughts turned from our stomachs to the purpose of the visit. After a few words from Dave Penman we set off for the course. It was set within dense woodland that offered some shelter from the wind and the occasional shower. Dave had changed the direction of the course from the last two years and, perhaps fearful of another clearance, he had set them long. I recorded the average length to be 42.6 yards compared to the previous highest of 40 yards; this coupled with six standers from ten disciplines meant it would be a challenging course. As usual despite the difficulty some quality shooting produced some high scoring. Last year AA had been a tie between Andy Calpin and Mark Bassett on 46, this year Andy Calpin stood alone on 46. However, this wasn't the top score of the day, that honour went to Andrew Luckley who won A grade with 47!
So soon after arriving it was time to head home. Cars packed we were once again on the road to our favourite food outlet at Gretna Green. More chicken eaten, some coffee for the drivers and off we set for England.

We arrived home around 10pm all tired having packed a lot into 36 hours. Well done to our drivers Greg, Roy and Phil. Passengers Paul, John, Ian, Jo and Shaun. And to Karl and Debbie who made it a holiday. Millriders on Tour!
1 – 200 of 563 Newer› Newest»Brilliant Shaun. What an excellent weekend. I've spent a lot of the day trying to remember all those jokes that were told in the pub and as we sat round our imaginary camp fire afterwards.
Excellent again Shaun. Why the double hash marks thoug?
Anyway, here's some piccies of the weekend;
I don't yet know his name.
Ian came joint second not third. Top of A grade well done!
Roy tops C grade and I think Debbie will be second.
Greg second in B grade.
Andrew Luckley
Now you haven't read the update Mr Gee.
Evening everybody.
Shaun, I've sent you an email ref Easyjet and the transportation of sporting guns.
Shaun, did you say that you wouldn't be at M/r on Saturday, because I need a copy of that letter from AFTE.
I won't be there Roy. The form is an invite for you signed by Jose. I'll e-mail you what details are required and fill them in and bring the form with me.
big nikko with green turrets on bs for £300. dont tell Paul
Phil_G said...
Andrew Luckley
on 30 June 2009 @ 17:04
front page:
Posted by CB Chairman at 18:42
Aah your honour.
When I mentioned the possible positions I was obviously aware of Mr Luckley. That information was posted on this site at 16:31
I call my next witness.
HFT practise time
I think there was a moral victory for Paul at the weekend. Hadn't shot seriously for a while, new equipment, and forgot to take his range card to the shooting line.
Thanks for the email Shaun. I'll pursue a response to my point about the license, but other than that I don't think I need to do any more. I'm presuming that the cylinder would need to be emptied, although they do not appear to have raised that point.
Evening all.
Evening Greg. Hope work hasn't been too exacting after the weekend fatigue?
Hi Roy. No, not too bad. Good weather most of yesterday so I was able to get the tent dry & stowed away.
Where has Shaun got the Total Result Positions from, I can't see any updated results yet?
He will have done it manually on the back of a cigarette packet by adding Sunday's results to the total after GP4.
I don't smoke so just used a cigarette sized piece ot paper.
Roy, everyone has suggested that they should be empty but leave about 50 bar to seat the seals.
I'm back. Have I missed any tales of derring do from far flung lands?
I don't know why the total hasn't been updated yet, but it could be something to do with the programming, because for a while the winner was shown as 102%. The programmer didn't expect the winner to come from a grade other than AA so it was showing the winning score as a percentage of the top AA grade.
Oh, of course!
Roy, have you looked at the results for the Club events at all? I know you said you don't pay too much attention to them but we've got a little battle going on you & I in the H2H Comp. Both with 7 events under our belt but with 1 point between us!
Shall we have a small wager on the end of season outcome? Beer not Stirling of course!
Yes Phil, we took on the might of the Dunfermline FC army and came away,not only unscathed, but with full bellies. Shaun and Paul were singing Blues anthems in response, but very quietly
Greg, the Club results are very important and I'd hate anyone to think I was being disrespectful. I'd looked at the positions but wasn't aware of our "closeness". Yes, I think a beer wager would be an excellent mind focusser
of course, as the uploader of said results, I am open to bribery
the head to head will shortly be updated to the 'new' and 'sexy' format.
Evening guys. As usual top report Mr C, as you said plenty cramped into so few hours.
Well back to the M/R saturday, I thought it may have been a club agg as we had a H2H as a comp last time round.
See Greg and Roy still up for it.
After our little discussion at the weekend about a Road Trip across Europe next year for the Worlds, this has appeared on the AGF, just a taster;
we've got a H2H Sat then 3 Club Agg's on the trot.
Hiya Jonta, still on the wagon mate?
Evening Jonta.
Phil, bribery is such an ugly word....PM on the way.
H2H on Saturday Royston, partner up for the Duel del muerte?
You're on Greg.
Roy, got the PM.
Greg, you've got a very competitive offer to beat, don't spare the beer tokens.
On the scrumpy jack at the moment Greg. Hiya Roy. Yes Phil had a look at the programme on the M/R site before posting.
Told Ian we had our knock out comp this week, will have to happen next week now.
I think Greg and Roy should shoot together saturday to give it a bit of zest.....
Took the wife to the NIA on Sunday.
Popped into the Big Wok for a feed beforehand, v nice.
made a bit of a pig of myself :)
It's the only thing to do in those circumstances Phil, all that food & the same sized bill whether you go up for another plate or not!!!!!!!
Jonta, I remember now, it's 'No drink & no sex before a Comp' isn't it? I admire your fortitude & dedication to the sport!
That's it then, Roy & me partnered up for H2H till the end of Season with Beer galore to the winner!
Talking about food, shopping in Waitrose today and picked up some of that potato bread that we had for breakfast on Sunday.
Evening all!
Had an excellent day up at Cannock Chase. Spent a few hours with a group of 8 kids mountain biking. And they say teaching's dull.
Teaching them what Mr C
That was nice black pudding that was, Mmmmm!
Another FT video now, this time from NZ. Check out the Knockdowns getting thwacked by the HP rifles.....I wonder how often they have to buy new ones?
Hi Shaun, I'm rashly betting beer again mate!
he was teaching them how to mount bikes I think
From behind or leg over
I wasn't teaching them anything. I was the bloke at the back of the pack having a great time.
Greg may I point out you've never won a beer bet.
You didn't see any local former footballers over there did you Shaun?
There's a first time for everything Shaun. I'll start saving now.
Shaun there's a first time for everything!
DOH! Pipped!!!!!!
Is there anything on Sunday to anyone`s knowledge
theres a first time for everything apparently
We're even neck and neck on posts.
who is doing the Euros?
Just got a quote for 7 days hire of a 17 seater minibus, 3 drivers, excess waiver at £250, okay for europe. £985
If we could get 6 to go that would be about £165
Me & Shaun are.
Pencil me in Mr C..
How much is the flight, just for comparison?
Daz and Mitch as well Phil. Roy said he is going to book as well.
About £432 fuel and the crossing. Perhaps we could up it to 8 people.
£395 for 1 week from Rising Brook. Not sure on position for Europe.
What we need is someone who might have access to a minibus.
Maybe a teacher or the like......
Is the comp in Budapest. If so, 986 miles from Brum according to the internet. Road miles will obviously be in excess of that.
Later guys...
Quote of about £280
That would prevent us camping so accomodation would up the price.
"What we need is someone who might have access to a minibus."
Or a big wagon like Phil J's. We could then export people as well as import.
Might carrying guns across multiple borders present a problem?
European firarms license.
Nothing can stop Milriders we're like the Hun
Perhaps firearms license might be better
"Nothing can stop Milriders we're like the Hun"
I can't remember them invading Dunfermline or Far Coley for that matter. And they didn't do very well in the Winter League.
When I sold the EV to the guy in Belgium, I looked at the EFP.
I decided it didn't apply to sub 12 ftlb airguns, as they don't fall into any of the categories A,B C, & D mentioned on the form, see what you think:
Yes I remember Rob F mentioning this. It's the same problem we're experiencing going to Spain.
Goodnight teamsters.
Goodnight gang. Food for thought eh!
anybody here?
Jonta, FC is on this Sunday.
Hi Bloggers. 30 rounds of .38special purges the soul for sure!
just me by the look of it Greg.
Have you relieved the tensions of the day?
The biggest competition of the season begins on Saturday then.
Too right mate, we'll draw a crowd!
yeah, bit like rubber neckers looking at a car crash
Do you think Phil's not quite on board with the significance of it then Greg? He seems to be a bit underwhelmed. Still, he'll be the first one dancing and pulling faces when the TV cameras arrive.
Roy 'yogameister' Boliver versus Greg 'snoreonator' Ralph
Greg, have you seen any photos of GP5 yet, apart from your's and Shaun's. I thought that chap we were talking to on Sat night was doing some.
Forget that 'Knock-out' thing, this is the real deal!
they'll remember it like the rumble in the jungle.
How about the Flops in the Copse?
Brilliant Phil.
.....or Bungle in the Jungle.
its a bit mucd describing the ride as a jungle...
although the adjective of you two I do agree with...
Still no full results yet!
Wouldn't it have been nice to have had a few hours at M/r on a nice long night like this? Pity we can't leave targets out.
I'm currently positioning myself (i.e. making excuses) so I have a spare couple of hours Friday afternoon for a zeroing session at the ride if anyone is interested.
(weather permitting, else in the village hall)
posted without seeing your post first Roy, coincidence
" for a zeroing session at the ride if anyone is interested."
Phil, can't yet say for definite, but I might be that soldier"
Oooops! Greg, I haven't picked a rifle up in about 3 weeks, and I only put the scope on on next Saturday morning.
now for some reason, I've never bought an airgun magazine. Not sure why, particularly in the early days when everything was new. I think its because I get all my news and data from the web as it's current and all the first views I came across defined them as 'comics' and 'never have a bad/true word for any equipment' and 'full of adverts'.
Are these views valid?
Apart from the usual websites, I do enjoy a read of target shooter at what are your views?
OK for some, I'll be slaving away in a sweltering Warehouse Friday!
I occasionally have a read of 'Shooting Sports' but as for the others.......shouldn't they be paying us to carry those adverts around?
Yes, but you'll be dreaming of sangria and señoritas
It's cerveza all the way for me matey!
but it doesn't alliterate with señoritas.
I could have put cerveza and c*** but I don't think Mr C would be too happy
I like your Greg bating on the BBS Phil.
I'm quite pleased. Pithy I thought.
Been to the dentists Phil?
breaking these teeth in for the dog.
Evening mates.
Shaun, Greg, Roy: e mail sent.
I saw you had very good Scotish experince .
You'll don't need to carry any biscuits to the Open, be sure!
"could have put cerveza and c*** but I don't think Mr C would be too happy"
cerveza and chips? Yes, Mr C might be upset at that but I'd be happy with it.
where's he who must be obeyed?
Evening Jesus. Thanks for the email. Sounds like a great weekend you've got planned for us.
Scotland was an excellent trip with many funny moments.
Ok, mates.
It's time to bed.
nighty night
"...but it doesn't alliterate with señoritas."
Just how do you think 'cerveza' is pronounced Phil? It certainly wouldn't alliterate with 'c***'
OK, how about caña and c***
evening all sorry for being away yesterday but I do have a note.
"where's he who must be obeyed?"
Do you mean the obersturmbannfuhrer?
"evening all sorry for being away yesterday but I do have a note."
I think he's back!
I think it was a bileous attack, Greg.
HFT practise complete. I am looking forward to my debut on Sunday. Me and Phil J are flying the flag for Millride at the Bulldog Bash at Weston in the Woods.
Evening all, another hot one today, nearly killed me at work! I've drunk all the beer I came back from Scotland with, even the alcohol free stuff!
In what way have you been practicing?
Did Ian get back to you with a response from Mark?
Have set up zero at 30 yards and been moving closer and checking the POI.
Was that second question to me?
Another drama! I've just had to rescue Mom from another fall, in the back garden this time. She scares the bejabers out of me!
No tomorrow.
Is your mom okay?
Greg, I think you've found out where all your beer has gone.
I thought HFT was for poofs?
Yes, just shook up. The problem is she doesn't have the strength to get herself up. We have an emergency pendant on order for her but that won't get here till next month.
Phil that was an insightful comment. I've posted it on the BBS HFT section quoting your name and address!
is this emergency pendant like an airbag then?
hope you don't take any offence Greg, my mom is as blind as a bat now, always walking into things and the like. We have a right game with her sometimes.
Parents, who'd have em?
I have the new Grade data. Anyone want to know how they're doing?
yes please
I suspect, despite my best efforts, its almost the same as last time.
I see the Williams brothers are through to the final again. Guess they'll flip a coin to see who's allowed to win this year.
the suspense is killing me
Your standard deviation is zero Phil; that's consistent.
If there's anybody there I've just spent an enjoyable time reading the reports posted bt Jesus of his time with us. Courtesy of Babblefish I might add.
Some phrases are classic.
English breakfast from the "sausage van" - "cholesterol in vein"
Fish & chips at Burton Salmon - "Half a shark covered with chips.
He remembered fondly the camping experience and the nocturnal chorus of the returning revellers, and the even louder chorus of the sleeping beauties.
do you have a link for it Roy?
you going to make the ride tomorrow?
What time were you thinking of going Phil?
I finish work at 1, back home, s,s & s, so about 2 - 2.30
Might be a bit difficult but I'll do my best.
no panic, I'll be there. Get there if you can.
Greg and Roy, invitation forms arrived from Euskedi today.
Good news Shaun. Refreshments seem to be a high priority on our itinerary; good job they won't be weighing us on the return journey.
evening chaps. good plinking with Roy at the ride
Phil's mistaken Greg. I wasn't there.
Roy looked 'cut' Greg. I think he's been working out.
He'd got at least 4 different types of pellets trying out. sized, not sized, lubed, weighed, hand made.
You'd better bring your 'A' game.
Evening team.
I'm afraid Greg's computer has gone belly up so he's only available by text. He's not happy!!!
He will be at Millride tomorrow though.
Roy you have e-mail
Can't wind him up then, boo hiss.
The lack of young Gregory is having a dire affect on blog traffic.
Many, many thanks to Roy's Son Ashley. They drove over from Wolverhampton, fixed my PC & wouldn't except as much as a beer for their troubles. Thank you Ashley & Cheers Roy, good lad you've got there mate!
Now for God's sake, SOMEONE BLOG!!!!!
Now, isn't that typical!
Nighty-night all. Good luck to Phil J & Shaun for tomorrow for their 'Hufter' excursion.
Thanks for the kind words Greg.
Just got back and am now waiting for something to eat courtesy of Mr Wing.
You showed no mercy at M/r today Greg.
OK, I need reports from the Shoots, Weston in the Woods & FC, someone is bound to have gone!
Whats this Weston Woods.
FC dont mean anything its only a plink/club shoot, John, Ian and me from M/r.
Hi Greg, Ian and I went to FC today. Both missed 3 the 1st time round which all of mine were disciplines. 2nd time round I missed 2 standers, Hit everything off the bag. Ian struggled a little dropping at least 6.
Greg brought PT down yesterday for you to have ago, had to rush off. Could see you were up for it with the comp between you and Roy anyway.
Afternoon lads.
Shaun & Phil J went a 'huftering' down to Weston-in-the-woods, scores are;
Shaun 70 & Phil 64.
What ever that may mean!
Good day at FC was it?
Soz Jonta. Got there late, despite having nothing on in the morning for a change! Could of had a go with it then.
what was the result of the bungle in the jungle?
scores are;
Shaun 70 & Phil 64.
is that the total of phone numbers they got?
Hiya Phil.
Royston 18/240
Greg 22/260
Only the first round though, I hear Royston is a finisher!!!!
"I hear Royston is a finisher!!!!"
That's not what J says!
V quiet tonight. Am I missing something good on the tele?
Top Gear.
Where's Shaun with tales of rolling round in mud?
Evening all!
Just back from the in-laws BBQ.
Had a great time at North Oxon today. Despite every intention of shooting kneeling and standing I found myself prone wherever practical. I dropped 12 shots which was then dropped to 10 after a target (shot twice) was withdrawn due to it not working. I found that mid-shoot my POI was high. I corrected and then had a good run to finish.
Received your email ref Easyjet Shaun. It might look good if we take our BFTA cards as well.
Glad to hear the HFT was a success.
Evening Phil. Were you happy with the gun yesterday?
I agree Roy and our driving licenses. I think that we'll breeze through. Lets pray for little breeze in Euskedi.
Shaun,how did today's event compare with a GP in terms of numbers, organisation etc? Anything to be learned?
Hi Roy, I guess so. It will take a while to get comfortable with it, and there are quite a few mods I'd still like to do.
Such as?
Roy it was low key. Maybe 50 shooters present. I'd certainly try it again.
What I learned most was bbout my score and POI.
A pink windicator and camo woodwork. Perhaps a general Village People feel to the Steyr.
an adjustable front weight set, adjustable hampster posts, hampster made of one of those aluminium plates with drilled holes, ditto for a palm shelf, adjustable butt hook, quickfill tube, and I'd like to do something with the cheekpiece, as the top radius feels a little too sharp, so I'd like a recess cut into it to get my head more vertical.
but I like the idea of the Village people stylee.
maybe a red indian head dress for the windicator?
God I must be drunk
What I learned most was about my scope and POI.
what about it?
At such low mag the POI doesn't change much. I had zeroed at 30 yards but not checked the zero at later ranges. On the plinkers I noticed I was hitting high and was unsure whether that was due to fill pressure.
Keen to try again.
Goodnight blooooogers!!
You'll be needing some wifey points for that lot Phil, and I was hoping to borrow some from you.
Hi boys. Sorry I've missed the show tonight(asleep I'm afraid!)
Anyway I just checked the forum status' prior to bed proper when I found this on STB;
Very sad indeed!
Had my eyes poked at the Hospital today & apparantly I'm not going blind yet so it's all systems go!
well if you let them keep poking your eyes, you will go blind.
Sad news about Mr Luckley.
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
"seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow"
so, when you getting the 110FT Shaun?
any results from your bash yesterday?
Evening chaps.
Evening All. Dixon of Dock Green used to say that you know.
Very sad news today.
Shaun & Greg, spoke to Dave Pitt tonight, as arranged. Was unaware that Greg had already taken the alloted number of badges. Nevertheless, I've arranged to meet him tomorrow night to pick up a small supply of the old round badges. Have also agreed to take a further quantity of new badges on a sale or return basis just in case they're needed. Is this acceptable?
Hi Roy. OK by me bud.
Hi chaps,
I thought we'd had the badge conversation and it didn't end that way.
Results from Sunday
Evening all, Mr C left you a answer phone message. Do you have Steve Hughes of Byley phone number. I may be able to shoot sunday after all. If you have could you text it me please.
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