It was an early start for the journey to Iceni; memories of the Millride wind and rain were soon forgotten as we drove east into blue skies and warm sunshine.
The Iceni ground was superb. It consisted of a field and acres of beautiful mature English woodland. The clear skies meant that it was sun bathing weather in the open and the woodland canopy offered shelter and a cooling breeze was very welcome.

A walk of the course revealed that conditions were very favourable for high scoring. There was enough wind to cause problems though, particularly the six targets positioned in the field. This St George Cross occasionally opened to show the word
Iceni, it spent much of the day moving from left to right and offered help and confusion to the watching competitors.

Everybody was revelling in the glorious weather. Here are a couple of spring boys enjoying the summer climate.

And these two are relaxing between lanes.

Michael G Cotter sticks to business and bags a pair of kneelers.

The morning scores were high lead by Andrew Gillott and Simon Ayres who both dropped only two, also congratulations to Mick Woodhead for an excellent 47 which would win him A grade.

After a quick refill, Greg you look guilty, it was time for the afternoon round and off we set.

The sounds of falling targets echoed around the wood and in every direction smiling faces finally buried the Millride demons. The course was excellent; it offered plenty of targets that every shooter might expect to get and some to challenge the very best shots. I really enjoyed being in this woodland, a cuckoo could be heard calling and many other birds offered their song. There was some wind but the trees and ferns protected many of the targets that was until I found lane one. It consisted of a 40 yarder low in the grass and a 50 yarder high up on a cage. I missed the low shot with my pellet taking about a kill and a half of wind, I moved to the high target to find it virtually paintless and all I could do was remove a bit more! I wasn't alone in missing as James Osborne also dropped this one on his way to an outstanding 49.

A first class day out and many thanks to the Iceni team for their hard work. It's back to Newbury in two weeks time; let's hope for more of this weather!
1 – 200 of 478 Newer› Newest»Excellent Shaun,I wish I was there,it sounds like a good day was had by all!
Hi Paul. How's things?
Fine thanks,looks like i missed a great day yesterday.Well done with your score, is that your and Gregs best GP?
Yes it was good. It was nice to shoot in such nice conditions. I improved my best from 38 to 40 and Greg improved a huge 6 from 33 to 39. Watch out B grade the Ralph is coming!
Both Greg and Roy did well I was supprised neither of them finished in the top 3
Close though.
Did you see that Ian is second in A grade?
Yes,I did notice.It's great that he's starting to go further a field these days!
We booked him in for Scotland last night!
Evening everybody.
Thanks for the report of your best.
Paul you would have enjoyed it. We did bring a tan home even if there were no trophies. (Karl excepted, of course) I'd agree with people who said that the course had something for everyone, and I have to say that the course had to be worked at. I came away quite exhausted, although the heat may have had something to do with that.
He may get a nose bleed if he travels that far north!
Thats great news the more Millriders the better. I had my booking confirmed yesterday for Scotland
That makes 5 campers.
Greg is going to drive in his new car which is very nice.
Evening Roy, it was a long day yesterday.
Hi Roy, A great score yesterday You deserved a place with that amount of kills.
Yes Shaun, I don't think Ian, or the rest of us for that matter, realised the cumulative implications of his score. I hope it's assuaged his initial despondency
Shall I drive aswell?
Gotta go now I'll try and blog in the week. Well done to all the shooters from Millride It was nice to see Karl and Debs there aswell.
see you soon.
No Paul, it's you me and Greg. Have you see his? It's huge!
Roy, a top 3 place overall for Mr Stoddart I think.
Goodnight Paul. Good luck with the sale on Wednesday.
Thanks Paul. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed with my score after the event, although I hope that this is a good sign in itself and that it means I may be moving forward. Have been giving a lot of thought today to the steps I can take in the search for better scores.
Yes, I found it very tiring and didn't envy you guys who had to work today. I did think about you as I had a little lie-in. (Not much of one though)
Roy are you interested in Lee's scope? Is he selling the MK3?
I've spoken to Greg about it tonight because I thought it might be of interest to Paul. I'm going to have to pass on it at this particular time though.
Evening all, anyone still here?
I'm watching Gregory!
Can you E-mail the picce of my scorecard Shaun?
I'm here Greg.
I know it's academic for you but did you see that GP6 appears to be over subscribed, yet the (I presume) un-updated lists are showing an entry of about 65 people. Seems unusual with so many weeks left to the event.
sent at 8.12pm sir!
Roy I can answer that one.
The BFTA site only shows entries that pass through its website. For GP2 I received entries from:
at GP1
So it could well be nearing capacity.
Luvvly Jubley!
Ian phoned me earlier tosay that he's adjusted Trudy & she was very consistant at around 805fps but had a small leak that could be sorted with an O ring from AA, HURRAH!
Sorry Shaun, Virgin E-mail is a pile of Pants! Can you PM the piccie to me? Far more reliable!
I take your point Shaun, but I have the impression that this one has filled up qicker than most. There's still 6 weeks to go.
Great news about Trudy, Greg. You'll be itching to get your hands on her then. I predict a long week of expectation for you.
A weeks a long time in FT Greg, count those sheep.
Greg I've not sent a PM attachment before, can you talk (write) me through it please?
New Averages/Grades
Roy = 49.25 C
Mark C = 80.1 AA
Karl = 76.2 A
Debbie = 37.2 C
Jonta = 88.8 AA
John H = 82.8 AA
Phil J = 77.2 A
Greg = 65.4 B
Shaun = 73.4 A
Ian = 75.6 AA
Daz = 83.7 AA
Mitch = 59.1 B
Evening all, anybody there?
Hi Greg, great shooting from all the Mill Riders on sunday. Do you know if Paul is interested in LeeEV scope as he as text me again today.
Hi lads, it needed you two there to make it complete!
I shouldn't think so Jonta, he has just been asking me about the price & availability of new one's. He's seeing that bloke tomorrow night so should be ready to buy oon me thinks!
Evening all!
Phil, thanks for the heads up on the butt hook, I have invested.
Hiya Shaun. Will it fit Trudy?
Hi chaps,
Looks like you all had a good shoot Sunday, some cracking scores all round well done.
Can you tell Ian well done from me great score.
they are designed to suit the ev2 butt hook Greg, so I think no.
Hi Greg, no it fits onto the bottom arm of the EV butt hook.
Hi Steve, pity you couldn't have come with your present form you'd have cleared it!
I'll be very interested to see if it could be adapted for the Steyr, but by the time you get it, they will probably be all gone.
May need some help saturday especially at the end. I may have to leave at 3.30. Dave will not be there, also Ian and Daz will be at the Anglo`s.
I will be early to put coarse out, Have got one of the new blokes coming to give hand. If someone could have my keys to lock up would be good.
I will know for certain on Thursday.
Hi Steve m8 how you doing.
Hi Shaun,
Would love to have been at shoot, some good scores put in, bet James was gutted missing only one. What was Greg looking so guilty for in back of the car?. Have not shot for couple of weeks now so counting days till Sunday.
I should be there usual time to help put the course out.
It should be HFT 4 this week....
Steve where you shooting sunday.
Hi all,just a fleeting visit.
Looking on tinternet it looks like
the optics warehouse is still the best bet for a new nikko.Hopefully I should be able to afford it if I sell the s400 tomorrow!
Hi Jonta,
Not bad thanks, hope you are well?.
How come you and Daz not at GP?.
Cheers Phil should of known it be HFT when I knew Dave was away.
How many will be doing HFT can we set out normal coarse or must it be 45yd max.
Exciting times ahead Paul.
Sorry Jonta I'm not coming this weekend as I've got kiddies parties.
Just been speaking to Ian & Trudy has a slight leak but will last the Season. She will need the O ring behind the Reg Collar replacing, a job requiring a Lump hammer apparently!!!!!
Not sure how many turn up expecting to shoot HFT, I think Roy from Stoke(?) and his mate normally shoot it HFT.
I guess if it says HFT, we got to put out a HFT.
Purley for me this week. Got date for op 15, June so hope will be able to last for bigger shoots after it.
Pilsbury, have you looked at Ramsbottoms for Nikko?.
Cannot commit myself to all the GPs Steve especially when the weather was as nice as it was, otherwise I would probably getting a divorce.
If the GPs were on a saturday then I would do them all..
What time do you start sunday, do you put a 30 shot coarse on Steve.
If divorced Jonta you could shoot Saturday and Sunday!!!!!!
Same here Jonta, divorce cost to much and bet she would want half my gun!!!!
Jonta 30 shot course, course will be ready about 9.00am.
Hi Steve,
how are you? JSR only have 1 in stock with nato ret, It's cheaper than optics warehouse but I like mil dots.
Jonta I should be able to shoot on Saturday, so I'll be able to put away if you need me
May see you then Steve if I do not get chance to drop Luke`s stock off this week, will pop down with it sunday so may have a shot or two.
Yes Jonta, I can putaway no probs but I've got the new Motor in for an inspection Saturday morning so an early start maybe problematical for me.
Hiya Paul BTW!
Thanks Paul,
Pilsbury, Have you phoned them? good service in the past. Try Highland outdoors.
No problem Greg, setting up should be covered.
Will blog Thursday/Friday fellas.
Paul. if you decide on Opticswarehouse, e-mail the guy first to make sure he's got one in stock.
Good night gents, Jonta come and shoot Sunday.
Thanks for the tips chaps.I've got a few days off next week so I'll do a bit more digging then.
I'm off now so catch up with you all later.
Bye Bye Paul.
Evening folks. I see everyone's signing off now I've come on. I have that effect on people, you know.
No mate, I'm still here. May pop downstairs for a beer momentarily though.
I'm here too, but I'm ignoring you
Did somebody say something, 'cause I'm not listening.
Good turnout tonight.
I'm back too!
I have an FT free weekend and I'm not happy about it.
Goodnight all!
What's happening Sunday then Shaun?
Just walk about shouting "bang" every now and then and you should be OK. With a bit of luck the family might even get fed up with it and suggest you go shooting.
Hi Roy, were you happier with your shooting on Sunday?
Yes and no. I was relieved to get a respectable score for my grade, but overall was disappointed at many that I missed. I felt that I gave a number of stupid shots away. Looking forward to trying to improve on it though (Famous last words eh!)
We all concern ourselves morbidly with our failures, we measure our results by what we've missed rather than what we've knocked down & discuss at great length the one's that failed to go down!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine what it's like being Ozzy then, missed one for a clearance.
I'm sure it gets more frustrating the better you get, just like golf.
Right, on that note I'll take my leave & bid you both a good night.
Good Night!
49th tomorrow so blog you all alittle later.
better go too.
You workshy types can stay up all night, but us workers have to get our beauty sleep.
anybody here?
Evening Phil! Are you watching the Lions trounce the Boks?
No, I don't have Sky now.
I may have it reconnected to take advantage of the phone-broadband-tv package, but even then I probably won't get the sports.
Watching the underwater soot juggling lost its appeal after a while
Nice Nikko on the BBS with Taylor shark-fin for £350
Evening all. Phil, is that even a real sport!!!!?????
No news from Paul yet, should be back surely!
Bad news to report about Chuggin' Betsy I'm afraid. An Artic managed to catch her while doing a turn around in the yard today & 9 days after buying her she now boasts a dirty great dent in the rear passenger door panel!
It would appear Greg and Shaun are number 1 and 2 for the Euskadi open.
They obviously think you're pretty good.
No pressure then
bad news Greg. Will you be able to claim off your company's insurance?
No, I'm on my own. Only cosmetic damage, just deeply iritating!
Evening Greg why can't you claim off the company?
No one saw the accident happen & they have only my word that it wasn't there before I drove into the yard. Although I had parked with my Superior's consent, it isn't strictly speaking an official place to park your car so the whole insurance thing is very doubtful anyway. I only parked there because starting at 10 there was no where else, first time I'd parked her there as well! I've parked the Plum there loads of times & nothing has happened, typical!
Greg have you received the e-mail from Jesus?
nice to see the church moving with the times
Good God Phil you can't say that!
why, do you think non-union members read the board too?
Phil have you gone all "Big - brother's watching" on us?
I thought your outrage was genuine, so deleted it.
I thought it was quite funny.
I was refering to your chuch comment, hence the God, which I also thought was funny!
Paul has made the sale! Hurray!
so now he has a Nikko amount of beer tokens burning a hole in his pocket.
I see now. I apologise for my hard of understanding. there's nothing like having to explain your jokes is there?
It's the two Ronnies problem again.
where'd Greg go? Is it beer o'clock?
I think he's probably crying in it.
maybe he's trying to t-cut it out?
No, curry time. I aswaged my frustrations earlier with 20 rounds of .38special rapidly fired at an unsuspecting paper target, that won't be bumping my car again I tell you!
Yes, Shaun I did. What's a 'Dorsal'?
Dunno, but I'm going to print it, it looks cool!
Hi guys,
Really nice bloke I sold the s400 to seems really keen.Just need to find the right place to buy a scope.
Phil liked the church and e-mail gag nearly pi***D myself laughing.
well done Paul!
I've got a Besonder Optish 10-40 by 50, yours for .......
Paul have a look at this
Sorry mate don't know how to go to the link! bit thick
Copy it and paste in into your browser
I can't log on as I'm not a registerd user.
I know it's because it's in the sales section.
Anyway it was a big nikko with Taylor sharkfin for £350 (sharkfins cost £50) however, I notice it's a Nato ret.
Right I'm off to read about Pius XII
Cheers Shaun, but i agree with your and Phils comments of
a few days ago about buying a new scope
Night Shaun,I'm off myself now
Greg/Shaun, I may have inadvertently mentioned that you are expert marksmen...
that fish starter looks a bit of a small portion Greg.
Evening Phil are you causing us embarrassment and indegestion?
I may have let it slip that the Euskadi open is in the bag and that, with you and Greg going, there was no need for anyone else to turn up.
And the figure on its back laughing?
nervous energy
one of the guys in these pictures looks like one of the two that are pictured with the Bananas in Ireland.
Roy there are numerous photos, most are around the mid 180's of Russ Sneddon(?) with your steyr
Mamel is Manuel
Shaun, you are being far too modest on the AGF
Evening all, Phil are you stirring things up?
I do hope everyone has excercised their prerogative!
Yep, I hope everyone voted BNP
Now I know you're kidding!
There was loads of choice though wasn't there, the ballot paper was about a foot long!
Mine was about 30cm, it was a Euro vote.
it took me ages to do enie, meanie miney mo, using the classical round robin knockout system, not to mention the repechage
They always seem bigger when you talk metric!
being a euro vote, it was also completely pointless
Oh Phil, voting is never pointless!
our source of good quality reasonably price shooting glove-ature appears to have been replaced by a smiling young lady (all innocent, don't worry)
c'mon, FFS, Rusty Lee???
someone within my family-in-law circle voted labour because she didn't want to lose her £200 winter fuel allowance if the 'other lot' got in.
where'd everyone go?
greg eating curry and shaun asleep dribbling down himself?
i see greg's hat towards the end of the clip
Hi Phil, not dribbling yet but likely soon.
Oh no Gregory, the Weston in the Woods event clasjes with WL 1
Which is like a clash!
Afternoon all. My butt arrived today. Had a trial and it is very different. I hope it proves successful but I can't trial in until next Saturday; bugger!
Michael is 9 today so I'm paying homage to St Ella the patron saint of all my boys; God bless her!
when you say very different, what do you mean?
I've been playing with the format of the results. I've done the Club Agg totals first, what do you think?
Really think, not "oh, it looks great Phil"
It looks great Phil but I'm still bottom!
England are under pressure in the cricket.
oh dear, the orange boys who usually beat us at football have beaten us at cricket. That can't be right!
the air waves are very lonely tonight.
Hello Mr C
It looks great Phil...
I'm back. how is the worshipping going Shaun?
ha ha, stop it the pair of you, I might break a rib
Hi gents,
"God I miss my shooting", only been few weeks but chomping at the "bit", been in garage just holding the EV and dreaming of targets going over.
Hi Steve I will be there Sunday m8
hiya Steve, how's it going? when you gonna be back to full fitness?
Phil, op in couple weeks so fingers crossed.
Jonta, on your own or with the gents?,
Evening all, what did I miss?
Mr lonely i`m afraid Steve
Ahh! Don't feel lonely Jonta, you're never alone with a Guinness!
Greg dont you fancy Purley sunday.
I am sorted for tomorrow, not got to pick daughter up from Birmingham till 7.30pm
I'd say yes mate but I may need to Roughwedge it to double check my clicks now that Ian has Stoddarded Trudy. If it is just a case of knocking afew off anything beyond 45 then yes, I do fancy Purley but it's a bit pointless if I'm shooting clueless!
no, i must resist
Greg, clueless thats me!!!, come along would like to chat about the new car too!.
Gotta big dent init now, boo!
Behave yourself Phil.
Greg could you not sort it out tomorrow as its only a HFT thingy.
Could put some card out in the field.
Nice job Phil, looks the business!
Tomorrow will certainly be about checking clicks & if they are all kosher then SIG! If weather/conditions or general sh*t happens means I'm scratching my head at end of play then it will have to be the wedge the next morning. I've got to clear Newbury now don't I? If all is well I'll pick you up if you like, send me your addy Jonta.
Could you say hello to Karl and well done last week! I will be back!!!!!, and I have £10.00 a copy of the beano and two rock hard conkers that i will swap for the Leup!!!!!.LOL.
See you tomorrow guys,
Come along Sunday Greg, you can set the zero range as you like? then shoot course. You will have range to yourself.
Right, appologies to all at Millride today. Events conspired against me getting there & may does so again next week as well!
The car went in to be inspected & to have a tire valve replaced. The valve ended up NOT being replaced & afew jobs linked to the front suspension were identified for fixing next Saturday. On top of that I got totally soaked to the skin while waiting for the car NOT to be finished.
I have made up my mind to go to Purley tomorrow however, to sort my new clicks out.
So I repeat my invite to Jonta to give him a lift to save the World & decrease our combined carbon footprint.
According to RobF, it looks like Hungary to host the 2010 WFT Champs, not Germany.
Early Anglo info has it that Will got 34, Mitch 27 & Debbie a 24.
Well you didn't miss much at Millride, Greg.
There was me, Terry, Jonta, Kev and Roy.
We put out a 25 shot HFT course, the "wrong" way, i.e. shooting from right to left.
However, only Carl and Gaz turned up, and that was to exchange gun bits, so at about 2pm we fetched the course back in and buggered off home, soaked to the skin.
HFT not having the desired impact then. Well I suppose every hfter will be at Redfearns.
I'm just back from gymnastics, earlier it was Laserquest.
The things we do to gain FT credit!
1) Don't tell me the football scores, I want to watch the highlights later.
2) I'd like to join in the fun at PC tomorrow. What time will everyone be getting there?
Look forward to seeing you in the morning.
Forget football I think 20-20 could be the TV sport of the future. Every game I've watched has been excellent.
That is until they have live FT on the TV.
did you say forget football?
Ebay item number: 200348511116
As we were getting soaked to the skin, we were discussing these babies earlier.
I'm sure I was being ironic. However, I generally find international football to be lots of hype followed by a let down and load of bullshit!
ah, if you refine your comment with the international appendage, i agree
don't listen to him Roy, it was a thriller.....
Hello. pointless me trying to get there today then, couldn't of been any earlier than 1300-1330hrs anyway!
Double layer of wax on my new boots......Mmmm, do I go for a triple?
Any word from Daz & Ian at all?
Don't worry Roy it was on Setanta.
the "highlights" are on ITV later
Jonta did tell me the scores as had phoned.
IIRC, Ian was 5 down, Daz 8 and Mitch 20.
Very little wind or rain, apparently.
that should be "as Daz had phoned"
Ian looks like he's 2nd after the first day.
Here you go;
Ian on 45, Daz in the pairs on 129 with a guy who scored 87, so obviously 42.
I'm taking 200!
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