Here are two well dressed morning shooters: Kilty's coat hints of the Winter League

By 1pm it was very hot so the shaded woodland brought welcome relief. The odd breeze was for once appreciated though perhaps not by those on the firing line. I started on lane 3 with Hugh Osborne and Brian Samson. To my left Greg was hoping to pick up some tips from another ex world champion James Osborne.
It is a pleasure just to be in the woods at Newbury, sometimes the position of the lane can give the impression that you’re on your own and only the regular sound of targets falling over breaks the spell.
After eight lanes the course rotated 180 degrees, at the turn of four lanes two were standing and one was kneeling; was this to be amen corner?
British Champion Nick Murphy competing in the piston class shows off his standing style
There then soon followed another adjacent pair of discipline lanes and when, after these, James Osborne was still clear a buzz of anticipation could be felt; could he clear the course? FT has this way of spreading information, quickly it was established that a 50 shot GP course had never before been cleared. There were still plenty of targets to conquer and many were testing; a good number were long range that would surely punish a nervous twitch. As he came to his last lane, still clear, I paused from my own turn to watch. He was shooting the lane I had started on so I knew the first was close to full range; it went over. With number 49 down I heard his shooting partner, Chris Briscoe, comment “that’s the hard one“. James replied “no, this is the hard one”. Over it went and the BFTA had its first clearance on a 50 shot GP course; well done Mr Osborne!
And here's the proof!

So we leave Newbury until the Masters on September 5th and for those lucky 64 the Showdown on the 6th.
1 – 200 of 522 Newer› Newest»Nice work again Mr C.
Well done Shaun cracking report.
Would love to have seen James on the last lane (how much pressure).
Well done gang some great scores,
Greg "A" grade for you sir.
Hi Steve no op today then m8.
Thanks Shaun.
I know the man who signed the card of the man who cleared the course at Newbury. Good to see Greg taking his place in history.
Mr C that`s the 1st report you have done without any mention of the local wildlife.
Well how did your individual shoots go then guys. I came out of kill twice, missed twice as both went dead straight at 54 & 53 yds yet strings were showing wind on them. Also missed two standers. The other shot was 51yds, never seen the pellet fly or strike.
Jonta, sparrowhawk and red kite!!!
My shoot contained the best and worse that I have shot. I think I've established a new "style" and hope it will lead to success.
Whats the new style then Mr C, as someone given you some tips yesterday
Hi all. Lovely job Shaun.
Last weekend demonstrated to me, first with my paper punching at end of play at the 'ride on Saturday then on a largly condition free Newbury, that my form is not all it can be. I snatched & pulled many away from the KZ & infact only two I can think of mysteriously hit left of KZ making me think of the phantom pellet pushing breeze rather than my overly heavy trigger pull!
As a B Grade I shouldn't be displeased with a 74% I 'spose but I know I had more in me perhaps a new PB of 40!
Ho hum, it seems to have left me in 4th though, 1 point behind Mick Tromans on the same number of targets, roll on Dunfermline!
I've found that using the hook allows me to push my knee further away. This means my two main contact points are further apart and the gun feels very stable. I'm leaning back a bit and my elbow seems to naturally fit into my thigh.
Evening all.
Hello Phil are you missing your baby?
As for me; well, it's the bad days that make the good days so exquisite. (Hope I recognise it when it happens). Enjoyed it though, and Dunfermline here we come.
I wondered what it was, I must be pining
Sounds like a proper FT shooting position now mr C.
As everyone seen the pics on Robs site. There is one that as been mentioned alot lately.
A few piccies for general flavour. Not many of actual shooting I'm afraidas the darkness in the Wood brought out the worst in my camera flash;
thats if pining is the correct spelling of the progressive tense of the verb pine
which Muppet spoilt his card by writing "100" as his score?
Ahem, I got excited!
oh good I thought you were sticking pins in yourself.
no more than normal
Jonta, I've also noticed that there are broadly two types of shooter.
1) The long limbed (Mr O, Ian T, Sam M etc...)
2) Those that stretch there legs painfully apart (Andy C, Berty, Jonta etc..)
I cannot possibly fit into category 1) so I'm trying 2) however uncomfortable it feels.
what category would Greg, Roy and I fit into?
Maybe sneak into 1?
Mr C that description sounds like the site that Greg keeps having a peep on.
Its like anything once you have tried it for a while it will feel natural.. no rude comments please.
Well, as I appear to be using the disabled kneeling option for a seated position I think I may well fit into the 'challenged' section!
Jonta, I've realised that since having the Steyr, I've used a thumb through grip, but I found the thumb up with the Ev2 much more stable. I'm pretty sure you use thumb up with the proT, how do you use thumb up with the Steyr?
Probably crack s.w.at team Phil
No op today mate no bed available,
Phone in morning and fingers crossed.
Shaun, sounds nice and stable now.
I have checked my windage today and it was 3 pellets out to the left? but that should not have made that much differance, I could just not read the wind at all.
did you miss the t and get the s then
Phil I have pistol grip twisted so that I can place thumb on the little step on right of pistol grip if I feel my trigger technique is not smooth. If I feel trigger control is right I use loose thumb round the pistol grip.
Len Fairclough got the sack for that Phil
Didn't he write the "a finger of fudge" commercial?
I didn't bother trying to read it Steve, I watched Chris Brisco & Ozzie trying to get some handle on it but not coming up with much so I went straight at everything & I think that method probably cost me two. Everything else I snatched & pulled.
more like a thumb of fudge.
Later guys.....
you had time for a bit of snatch and pull?
I'm on sandwich box duty, night guys.
Swifty I hope it happens soon.
are there many sandwich box thefts around your area then?
Tried position 1 when you posted it Shaun. I've just managed to get up off the floor. Between 1 & 70, what number would you give my yoga position.
Got to pick my daughter up from the NIA now. Will blog later if anybody's still around.
Night all.
I wish someone would nick them then I wouldn't have to wash them.
Roy take care we don't want you stuck in the FT position.
Sounds like a good day and good scores all round, nice one guys!
p.s. will be following you next year, time to get serious
A night without blogging?
It's not British!
!!!!Breaking news!!!!!
Paul's scope is in the post ... yippee!!!
Evening all, Paul has joined the Big 60 Brigade, Hurrah!
At last a customer.
Howdo Shaunie.
Hiya Phil.
breaking news stop changes to club programme stop Dave must have changed his holibobs stop
did the newsletter stop or have I missed April May and June's?
Evening Phil. I'm not sure about the newsletter as my attendance at the Ride has been sporadic.
it defines you in so many ways...
no news yet on the container.
Have we given up on the Millride 60?
With the Worlds in SA this year, maybe that weekend would work for those that are not going?
Ian has reduced the size and weight of that filler cap by a half. collected it tonight.
Exciting news from Paul.
What container Phil?
Evening Roy!
if you weren't so spasmodic, you'd know...
As we stood getting soaked to the skin a couple of weeks ago, we discussed the idea of having a container to store the targets and stand in when it rains.
A colleague of mine at work has a couple of contacts who might be able to get us one cheap, but I've had no news as yet.
Millride 60, still an excellent idea.
We don't need a container, Roy could just bring his tent along, We could all stand about in that, no bother! I understand he's got how to fold it up again as well so we don't have to leave it there!
You'll wish you hadn't been unkind to me when I get to Dunfermline before you and claim my territory. Where will uou pitch your tents then?
lets make it happen then.
If we can organise a GP, it should be a doddle.
Need to work out prize money so we don't end up out of pocket.
15% of takings to each grade winner, 5% to 2nd in each grade, 20% to club?
Over to you Phil a fab idea; I'll help!
Not many Steyrs about.
Glad I got one.
Did I say glad?
I'd be happy to give whatever assistance I could.
Is this the weekend of the Worlds we're talking about, Sept 26th?
"Not many Steyrs about.
Glad I got one."
C'mon Shaun, 'ave 'im. I'll hold your coat.
the yes was to Greg.
What gun you got now Roy?
We could byline it, "NOT THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS" just incase there is any embarrasing confusion!
or "stronger lineup that the worlds"
I'm reluctant to say "Steyr" Phil in case social services try to take it off me for mistreating it.
why, what have you been doing to it?
You been cleaning the barrel with your 'special' cleaning rod again?
on the BFTA site, the worlds are listed as a "regional championship"
I'm referring to the way I shot it last weekend.
you shot great on Saturday.
Your shooting is fine, you just need to improve your consistency
What are the elements that need to be dealt with at the earliest apart from ratification by the Club and publicity?
I've been away buying another stock for my 400 having not used the previous one I bought.
Getting everybody behind the idea first up, I would think. Do you think Daz, Ian & Jonta will be keen on another big 'un after GP2?
1. Get agreement with club elders. 2. decide on date. Sat/Sun?
3. publicise.
4. inform cafe.
5. make sure we have a set of targets & sillys painted.
anything else?
I don't think it will be a big un.
Don't think we'd get as many as a winter league to be honest.
maybe 30-40 would be my guess
I think it could attract quite a few as the WL starts the week after.
to be fair, it's just an idea.
point 1 is by far the biggest. The guys who 'direct' the club have got to want to do it.
I'm just refloating an idea we had last year.
If we agree on the date I could run it by the MFTA committee in July.
Well, if there's a vote I'll stick my hand up for it.
i was going to say, euros week before, WL week after, is it too much.
Then I realised its not possible to have too much shooting.
Can we have Micro Kills?
Goodnight chaps. Exams for me tomorrow night.
Shaun, no-one would know the difference
You need to get back to 5-days work Mr Gee.
I am. this week. the new Friday (Thursday) is now the old Thursday.
And the new Saturday is now the old Friday. very confusing.
Careful you might start next week before this week ends!
right, off to get my beauty sleep
See you in a month or so!!!
I saw that
Hi all, great read as usual Shaun,i enoy Newbury but wasnt happy with my shooting! 3 targets i missed were due to a dip in concentration! mine wondering! got alot on my mind...
wont be going to Scotland its too far!lol but good luck too you hardcore boys thats going!
evening all
Evening Phil
I assume Mr C is playing with his new 400 stock (steyr wannabe)
I have some Steyr stickers he can put on the new stock.
I`m off to much action this is for me...
Try tomorrow if not see you at the Ride.
Oh, I've missed evryone again!
I'm back. Exams completed and 10 weeks to wait for results.
Ten mins before exam I decide an ablution visit is a good idea. Sitting there, contemplating the meaning of life and why Greg snores so loudly, Phil J rang. It was a bit echoey but the gist of it was that he's booked in for Dunfermline, but he and Jo are staying in a hotel, with a nightclub nearby.
I suppose that means that if the weather is inclement we've all got somewhere to lay our heads!!!!
To be fair Roy, I haven't been up there yet when the weather HASN'T been inclement!
Suggest a good place to get a padlock suitable for a substantial gun case Roy?
Evening all!
I've been putting a Nikko on Paul's 400, it looks the business.
Greg has the free padlock offer been removed?
is it the new, new one?
reading his posts, it looks like they don't fit
Willenhall is the home of the lockmaking industry, but apart from that unhelpful advice you could possibly try B & Q or even Machine Mart.
Yes it is the new scope.
i think you find the word you are looking for is 'was'
are you at liberty to divulge the price?
is this forum viewed by ladies of the wifey variety?
current exchange rate is 4 gun £ = 1 wife £
Hi lads.
Shaun, it doesn't fit mine but worth a try on yours just to see. I was hopeing to get a bit of class advise so I could avoid the total rubbish but I'm coming to the conclusion they must be all much of a muchness so I'm off up to a hardware shop the weekend.
How's the new scope looking?
£150 Phil.
It has certainly made hig gun heavy!
yes Phil that should be "his"
blimey. i didn't think they were that dear. where was that from?
what scope did he have?
AGS, Custom Shop, JSR.
Is he using the standard wheel & turret for the time being?
I think £150 is enough to spend at the moment!
I seem to remember the 45, 50 & 55 being VERY close together on ours, is it the same?
Didn't really look as we were only at 14 yards. However, it does have more graduations from 10 to 20 yards.
I think Paul would be keen to go to the Wedge on Sunday why not give him a ring. I'm afraid I won't be out at the weekend.
I think Sunday is a no no for me too. I thought you were considering the Sywell Open?
I'd love to go but as I'm at this meeting all day Saturday I won't see the boys if I visit Sywell and the whole weekend's shooting next week. In fact the following week I'm thinking of making my competitive HFT debut so I might not make the ride until the end of July; crumbs!
END of july?
28th June - Dunfermline
5th July - Weston in the Woods
12th July - Euskedi
19th July - Warwickshire Open
have you decided to not shoot the ride if you shoot on a Sunday?
If the gun turns out OK, I may consider the Warwickshire Open as my return to top flight competition.
obviously if my pass out gets signed
Yes I'll only shoot one of the weekend days until 25th July.
Can't you forge her signature?
Remember the Colditz spirit Phil, tunnel digging with spoons, special pockets to distribute the dirt, etc....
Remember the Douglas Bader spirit Phil.If she finds out you won't have a leg to stand on.
Goodnight chaps.
Good night Shaun.
Right! Now Shaun's gone we can talk about him. Forgot to ask his views on the football fixture list.
Oh dear!
Greg. If Phil & Jo are going to a nightclub they won't be wanting their hotel bed will they. Do you want to borrow my tent?
Goodnight everybody. All being well I have a 50 yard indoor shooting related appointment in the morning.
Roy. Hotels booked in my name. You can do what sooty does and sleep on the floor at the bottom of the bed if need be, but thats as far as you get. Suppose when the jacuzzi is empty Greg might fit in there. Shaun will will have to have the bath tub. But your not sharing my breakfast. Hotel is only 5 mins from shooting ground, just round corner from the pub mentioned on Dunfermlines web site.... Theres an Idea, Shaun can drive and you can all come round for a Italian dinner, a few pints and maybe a boogie after....
knock knock
Got to go now. Works calling. You can all discuss the sleeping arrangements whilst im gone. See you at the ride tommorrow. Bye Bye.........
Bye Phil.
Evening all!
no shooting tomorrow :( Fathers Day shopping, wahoo :((
I have wilted and decided a Father's day treat is in order.
Evening Bloggers.
Greg & Shaun, if I can book a flight would there still be room for me in spain?
Excellent news Roy.
I think that Jesus was putting us up in his mother in law's house so, without presuming, I'd imagine there is plenty of space.
We are booked on the 7.30am flight from Stansted on Friday 10th and return on the 11am flight on Monday 13th.
I am so jealous. Roy is this all after todays indoor shenanigans?
I assume it went well.
So, what did we learn today?
It looks like Setanta is going boobies up.
It looks like F1 is going boobies up.
It looks like most of the MP's will be charged with fraud, so Westminster is going boobies up.
Looks like a Sweatie will win Wimbledon.
I found a lump on my foot.
Setanta - 23 games to Sky and maybe 23 to ITV.
F1 - Mosley will resign.
MP's - no chance of conviction.
Wimbledon - Federer
Your foot - dodgy.
Don't think Sky can have more games, isn't there an EU rule against having too many of the packages?
Mosely won't resign.
Agree about the MP's.
Agree probably Federer.
mmmm, not sure about the lump.
Yes there is a restriction that prevents them having the 46 but they can have 23.
Are you tired after working on a Friday?
Your foot could be the Sweatie that wins Wimbledon.
Indoor session may have raised more questions than answers. For those who may not know, Kevin Jones from Millride is the Director/General Manager of a local Company with 55 yards + of indoor availability. As they're on a short working week he very kindly invited me over there. Because I've spent the week concentrating on exams, and not knowing what to expect at Kev's place, I could have been better prepared. Luckily there may be further opportunitie for me to have another go.
I'm pooped.
Took ma shopping and cut the grass too.
"Are you tired after working on a Friday?"
Is this payback for the jibes you've had to endure Shaun? They do say that revenge is a dish best served cold.
How did the exams go?
If they've finished will you now be seeking summer employment in a fast food outlet until the new term in September?
Revenge? That wasn't revenge Roy that was cynical care.
I quite like a bit of cold chicken myself
I could do Shaun. I could even apply to the Royal Mail but there's not much call for "Christmas" postmen yet.
Perhaps I could bum around Europe for the Summer (or 4 days in July) or I could just stay in bed.
or I could just stay in bed
I thought that was your full time job?
Just don't get anyone pregnant or have a facial tatoo.
You're right of course Phil, but I have to tell you that being a porn star is harder work than you think.
working with "wood" can be taxing it's so easy to make a mistake or regret your actions.
"Just don't get anyone pregnant or have a facial tatoo."
Would a hair weave be OK?
I think the other 2 are more likely.
what would they weave it to?
I always imagined it would be very hard to be a porn star.
No you have to be hard!!
boom boom tisch
With your new "rugged & manly" look Phil there may be an opening for you in the industry. Any ideas for a "stage" name?
Looks like a goat hung like a donkey?
Do you remember the advert for Hamlet cigars when the guy fits those new wheels to his Ford Anglia(?) and when he drives through the gate, the fence posts rip them off.
They were Carlos Fandango's, and I always thought that sounded like a porn star name
"I have wilted and decided a Father's day treat is in order."
Does that mean you are shooting tomorrow or Sunday?
Any news from Gary R, Phil?
I naturally assumed that meant on Sunday morning he'd be conkers deep.
Roy, no, although he doesn't have my number so I'm not expecting any...
I'd have thought you'd have been itching to get to M/r tomorrow in case of it's return. But, if you'd rather go shopping with the "opposition"......
At the moment I'm up for FC. Neale M has confirmed that the shoot is on. However, I'm on the beer Saturday night so hmmm ...
no chance of its return tomorrow, Gary said he wouldn't be there last week
So you kidded the wife you wanted to go shopping; like your style.
told her as its fathers day, I'd let her take me and buy me something.
I can survive shopping if its buying stuff for me.
Probably off to Tamworth shopping complex thingy.
What shooting related gear can I get without her knowing its really for shooting?
Just put your happy face on and make periodic appropriate noises and you should eventually make it through to the other side. I can't promise that it'll be easy though Phil.
Where's Greg tonight. I hope he's doing nothing nefarious.
Goodnight shooters and shoppers.
It's Friday night family night.
Sorry I'm supposed to be gone.
Gone now honest!
And from me too.
Bloody Hell, look at all the blogging that goes on when I'm not around!
Porn names, the rule is that you match your Mother's maiden name to the name of your first pet so mine is, Douglas Speedy!
Roy, can I E-mail Jesús that you're on for Euskadi matey?
Yes, I had the family down & it was difficult to blog but it looks like you did very well without me anyway!
Just go the reply okaying camping at Dunfermline so no more talk of comfortable hotels please.
It's on and we're going to have fun!
p.s. don't forget your head torches.
"Roy, can I E-mail Jesús that you're on for Euskadi matey?
Yes, subject to flight. I'll be needing to discuss logistics with you though about transporting the rifle etc.
" so no more talk of comfortable hotels please.
It's on and we're going to have fun!"
OK! If you insist, I'll have fun, but keep telling me when to smile just in case I forget.
Hi all I hope you've, were possible, enjoyed a day's shooting.
I'm just back from the BFTA meeting; phew!!
Hope to blog later as I'm off on the pop.
I suppose I should prime Greg for the 200th.
mine, all mine
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