The weatherman had promised a fine day and after a chilly start that's what we got. Harriers ground is exposed to fields all around and even a breath of wind can cause problems. A walk of the course during the AM round confirmed this as tuts and gasps accompanied the dinks of targets still standing. The light but variable wind was testing and it had to be learned for each part of the course.
Here Steve Mason is after the standers on lane 6; behind him is the field from which the wind does blow.And Keith Worboyes seeks out the long target on lane 25.
Despite the tricky wind some shooters were compiling high scores. Top guns from the morning session were Andrew Gillott with an incredible 47 and Dave Schofield close behind with 45. In fact scores were too high and it made me nervous!
The signing in desk was manned by Tony and Cedric and Sam could be found slaving over hot stoves.Another helper we can't do without is our marshals. Today Phil Riches was one of many who donned the fluorescent jacket.
So signed in and practise done I was ready to embark on my quest for 50. The pre-shoot briefing was given by Roger Moy and we learned that the feared black box would be marshal free and under shooter control; good luck!
The first 6 lanes were in the aforementioned young plantation. Here was offered targets at varying range and included a pair of reducers and a kneeling and standing lane. Range finding was made harder by heat haze and the profusion of yellow dandelions; some shooter were initially ranging the long target on lane 4 at beyond 60 yards! Thankfully it wasn't but it all cuts into your two minutes.
The course then moved to shoot across a pool and meandered down to a small copse where once again a change of direction introduced new wind conditions. After a few misses the targets usually give a clue but today the dinks were all around the killzone so each lane needed careful thought. An excellent course and a worthy opener to the GP season. Well done Harriers!
As the afternoon drew to an end it seemed the morning scores would stand but then news circulated that John Costello had dropped only 3 and a shoot-off was needed.
This is what they were after the Tim Williams Memorial Trophy. There was only one name on it, Andrew Gillott, and he was keen to keep it like that.The shoot-off consisted of three targets at about 35, 45 and 55 yards and first they would be taken kneeling. With a background a mewing Buzzards Andrew went first and was very impressive in taking all 3. It was a tough act to follow and John missed the 55 yarder but I'm sure he'll be top of the rostrum soon.
Congratulations then to Andy and also to John and Dave Schofield who finished third.
Grade A was won by Mark Charlton with 43 and Darren Moore took B grade with 39. C grade winner was Dave Oakes scoring 35. Marc Fisher won the piston class with an outstanding 43; I don't recall a higher score with a springer, wow! The SFT class was won by Brian Samson and congratulations to Martha Jones who won the second place shoot-off.
After a great day a group of us found ourselves in a bar where we spent a couple of hours analysing the day's events and enjoying a few pints. It's NEFTA next, can't wait!
1 – 200 of 379 Newer› Newest»First one up, excellant job again Shaun.
I very much enjoyed this Comp notable for me in that I set a new PB (Though I didn't realise it at the time! Pint coming your way Sir). The bar is heightened for the season.
I also shot the Course on x40 without the wheels falling off in a major fashion, the only problem I had was with the Rams on the Silys, (Should really of dropped the mag down, on reflection) Ho Hum!
Some nice piccies from both Rob & James on the STB forum to be viewed.
Very good day, just need to do it again at the 'ride now, Gulp!!
Shaun, did you get the e-mail about the guy who wants to enter the GP?
Oh, evening all.
Hiya Phil, how'd the thingy go Sunday?
Sorry I didn't reply to your text mate but I'd put my phone into my jacket & didn't spot the message till I had to start driving.
evening both.
yes Phil I've e-mailed him.
Just been on the phone to the world FT champion!!!
Greg, I've booked in for GP3
you name dropper you.
Claiming you know Greg...
Hurrah! We are off to Iceni!
Come along to Iceni Phil, you can drive & me & Shaun will get pished!!!!
Game fair was good, several varieties of hats. You would have loved it. Some from a fiver like your old one that went limp in the rain up to £20 for some really nice fellows.
went to the national arboretum which was right next door. they've got an actual section of the burma railway. still needs a lot of work, but starting to look good. costs them over £3000 per DAY to run. blimey.
sounds like a great idea.
me and 2 pished blokes telling me they really, really love me.
"they've got an actual section of the burma railway. still needs a lot of work,"
Are the Japanese still looking for labour?
I meant the whole place needs more work. I think the railway is finished.
Hello everybody. I'm playing truant from college tonight.
Thanks for the report Shaun.
Yes, I enjoyed Sunday as well, although in the main I suscribed to the "Greg's straight at 'em" technique
hows the crystal. stopped polishing it yet?
Is that a euphemism they use in the Black Country?
Hiya Roy.
There weren't too many I went straight at on Sunday mucker, I fretted long & hard over most of 'em!
Fancy a job on the Railways?
Do you think I should consider employing a trophy polisher? I have to say, the family is being less than respectful.
Would your wife mind; very liberal!
"""Is that a euphemism"""
Sorry Phil, I thought you meant the trophy, trophy. Well, anyway, yes to both.
You lot are always rubbing away at stuff there aren't you? Trophys, crystals.......
Come on then Roy, what was your first Comp like with a top racegun?
Once I'd settled down and was more confident wth the set-up it all felt very comfortable and without drama. Although one swallow doesn't make a spring, I have to admit that you were right all along Greg. You are now my official guru.
what did you swallow exactly?
There's a theme developing here isn't there. You're all very skittish tonight aren't you. Is it the euphoria of Wolves promotion?
Looks like Cardiff have blown it Roy.
I'm glad you admit it Royston now, about scopes.......
I've just had an e-mail from Jesus. He is keen to visit Furnace Mill on Friday morning Greg. Roy do you fancy joining them?
Shaun, when was Stuart Hancox World Champion?
Is anyone watching the footy? Incredible!
Shaun....Furnace Mill,almost certainly.
Phil...You need educating.
Greg....You're right. I think I'll go back to the FTX
2001 in England
2002 in Norway
Even more amazing!!!!!
I forgot about the football, and now J is watching CSI something or other. Am now following it through "live texts" on the BBC sports site.
I was thinking that Roy should be the first 'rider to sport a certain silver wündascope, after all he did get the Steyr at a very good price & after the recent sale of his S400 he has to be quids in.
Cheers Phil, bookmarked.
Was that wunderscope or wunderbra? The latter is probably more likely. And, judging by the shape of me, more useful.
Well dodged Sir but if you think the game is up......Ha!
Goodnight bloggers. Know contact tomorrow as it's the MFTA meeting.
When are you getting the Leup then?
I notice K's been trying to offload some stuff today.
When the time is ripe......I shall pounce like a Jaguar!
Have you seen this.
Looks like someone has just got the EV2mk3!
Greg, do you know anyone who does a spirit level which fits onto an accessory rail? I've looked in the usual places without success.
Wrong bloke to ask Roy mate, you are part of a growing clan now, Clan Steyr! A whispered word in a couple of ears should get you this info.
I bet if you think you need one then someone has got there first though! That's how it seems to work in FT world.
OK Greg. Got to go now so "see" you tomorrow.
Nighty-night all. Remember folks I'll be 49ing tomorrow.
Hi Roy, have a word with Jonny Harris about spirit levels , he will sort you out..Karl..Yes I am trying to off load some stuff , sold the Leup Comp, and other bits we dont use,as house is looking like a gunsmiths, Hey Greg , Steve Chueng has been in contact with me, give you info when i see you..
about half way down.
nice but USA
about half way down
Very nice
I think that is the definitive guide to scope mounted spirit levels. I thank you
Evening all. Back from the 49th, least said the better!
Hiya Karl, I was concerned about Steve not being at Harriers, I hope he is mobile after his car troubles!
If you are after Jonny D, he is upsetting the South Africans on their forum at the minute!
Thanks for your work Phil, but can't access the last item.
Sold the FTX scope tonight.
The S&B fund is growing!
just go to and navigate from there to the spirit levels
Thanks Phil. That last site was interesting. Is there anything you can't find?
Greg, I won't buy a Leup until you're fixed up with one. I'd hate to step on your toes.
No Leup for you Roy, you're my 'Most likely to own a Schmidt & Bender' contender!
You're not going to let this go, are you? Dogs and bones come to mind.
Somethings are startlingly obvious to me sometimes, for example an obviously competitive fella like you struggling along with a Sporter when you clearly needed a 'Racegun'. You were in denial, I perservered, you've got a's just the same old story again with this scope. A matter of time.
Got to go now Greg, but J says can you work on me for a new 3 piece suite please.
Evening bloggers.
Not a problem Jackie, nuff said.
Roy, I was in the house 5 minutes & saw adverts for sales on suites from ScS & a half price sale at DFS, some very attractive bargains to be had furniture wise at the moment due to the credit crunch, now is the time to buy!
If you were to say, purchase a classic all leather suite for around £750 that would normally cost around £1,450 that would surely leave you enough over to buy a scope with, sorted.
Some piccies of the day;
Nice piccies Greg, these off a phone?
Nah, my little digi-snapper, Panasonic Lumix.
You are definitely winding the SA boys up Jonny!
The only day there aint a sale on those places is New Years Day when they are closed.
What was £2k with bargaining could get for £1300 before recession.
Gov tone down wording.
Come on Greg would you buy anything without trying first, even second hand. I darent let rip.
I bought Trudy over the phone half way up the hill at Millride Jon, so yeah! lol Driven by impulse me!!!!
Probably not now though, I'd get one of you lot to shoot it first!!!!
Thats the point, they wil find out the hard way. Will require backup gun as well and probably see more use in first two years, think all have gone back at least once.
Difference here is shipments in and out of the country, could be waiting many months.
Evening all!
Greg, I'm lost for words. I can't even trust you with my wife now. She says ***** to the scope, she's got dog with a bad chest and expensive vets bills.
Howdi Shaun.
Meeting ok?
Ere Roy, who wears the trousers in your house.
Quite an interesting meeting. Millride are getting 2 WL next season.
I need your wisdom guys. I'm presently using JSB exacts and with the gun running at about 765fps this equates to 10.97 ft lbs.
When I put the figures into Chairgun 3 it matches my "trial and error" clicks almost exactly.
I've then keyed in a "what if" using mosquitos, which as you know is a lighter pellet. If I keep the fps at exactly the same (765) the click graph remains exactly the same as with the JSB's, which would be ideal. However, because of the different BC, this now equates to 10.27 ft lbs.
What are the pro's and con's, because I assumed that the power would need to be increased with the lighter pellet.
Well, you are in no danger of getting DQ'd!!
You do have the external power adjuster, right?
Did exactly the same 13 months ago.
Tryed some 7.9gr pellets at Millride, cleared the course.
Next day Clubs Cup, would have come 4th if qualified and i guessed the dialling.
Mine 773 ft/sec with 8.4 turns out 791 ft/sec with 7.9gr. All i do is move the turret 2 clicks, all other ranges exactly the same after 25 yards!
Evening Roy!
The Mosquitos will run faster hence your work with Chairgun might be in vane.
The advantage that you gain from low grain pellets is less wind deflection but you must run them fast. I'd suggest Mosquito need to run at 800+, maybe 810. The BFTA rules allows the MV to be 822.
Oh and the 773 was to pass the BFTA chrono, had some close calls 793,4 and 795, legislating with an unknown variable they know nothing about!
If had have used 8.4 Sunday mine would have failed but still legal on any authorised chrono in the land, yeh i would have kicked off.
Talking of which Shaun, when would be good to chrono Trudy?
One of these BFTA shoots someone who is running them at 795ft/sec will get DQ.
Yes I do have the external power adjuster.
Jon, forgive me but I don't quite understand what you're saying. Do you agree with Shaun that I should up the power.
795 and its nowt to do with temp either.
Seen numerous readings from several shooters Sunday at 844, 843, 825 etc depends how the light is on the chrono as to the reading it gives.
I complained before the session started.
Roy leave it as it is, you will only be down around 5ft/sec on me.
Its not that, its passing the chrono and its failings.
I'm not saying that I'm going to do it yet, but how do you use the power adjuster?
In the time Shaun & I have been doing the comps, the Chrono is frequently controversial! Who was the bloke who DQ'd himself Sunday ?
Roy if you must use that garbage tap in 785 ft/sec and get your diallings.
Peter Rowley from Castle.
Greg I'm a bit tight for time but I could bring the Scan on Saturday for you to use at home.
I assume you're thinking of changing the hammer spring. If so you'd better do it soon as the there's a lot of big event on the horizon.
Its controversial because they are taking the chrono as being accurate without knowing the side effects.
So if you travel 200 mile to shoot being 32 ft/sec down on limit and get kicked off by some dodgy chrono, what you going to do?
Thats with a gun that wont do any more than 790ft/sec from -8 to 92 degrees, being stable throughout temp range. Gun was cold to touch through the chrono at start 844!
Get the point!
Found my Son's tent in the loft today. As I'd never seen it erected I thought I'd put it up on the back lawn. Two man tent, but kinda small.
Get over to Decathlon Roy. For £35 you can have a cracking 2 second tent. Up in 2 seconds and very comfy for 1 person (that's the 2 man tent).
Ian's just bought the 1 man version for £30 but I think that extra fiver is well worth it.
Seconded from me, the 2 seconder is the way forward, don't trust something that's been in the loft years, what if it rains?
Yes please Shaun. I don't invisage doing any changes unless I have to but seeing as I put in a 33 on Sunday I'd be a fool to start messing but I do need to know if the mv is dropping or their chrono is pants!
Meeting the FTX buyer at the Northampton M1 s/stn tomorrow morning.
I happen to have their chrono as well at the moment. Perhaps we should set them up next to each other?
Your putting the miles in Roy.
Now, that would be very interesting!
goodnight chaps
You're right Shaun, considering I had to meet the S400 buyer at the Fradley Arms on the A38 earlier this week.(We stopped there on the way back from Redferns last year) Still, I'd rather do that than trust the post or carrier, and it gets the deal over and done with.
Evening shooters, only one week to go until our visitor arrives and the excitement begins.
Not too sure that tomorrow will be good for me I envisage quick in quick out.
Evening boys. Hope you're all geared up for the weekend; cylinders filled, pellets polished etc
Its gonna rain.
Thanks Jon. Is that a fact, or is it a philosophical comment on life in general?
Its what the news has been saying all day, but you cant trust em.
Yes it looks poor, could have done with some of that mid-week weather. However, I'll accept it if we get some nice weather next WE.
I was hoping to get across to M/r early tomorrow to check windage settings on the measured lane.
Evening bloggers, Good News, it's going to rain tomorrow!!!!!! None of that pesky heat haze, I'll avoid worsening my sunburn & a free wind indicator to boot, Hurrah!
Okay guys let's get talking FT. I've been doing some sum crunching upon this question.
Which course was harder (not conditions) Newbury or Harriers?
Good question there ole boy.
What determines how hard a course is?
Targets dont have to be long but it helps. Conditions and terrain.
You can have an enjoyable course and have it near on impossible to 50%, everyone hapy.
I was going to ask you if you were going to apply the Troyer calculation to Harriers Shaun. I went looking for the stats on your site but still had Newbury up.
I would find it hard to say as they both went for length. I had less problem finding a shooting position at Harriers, more open at the Shooting line, conditions played a big part on the day, difficult to disregard them but Harriers possibly edges it for target placement.
No doubt everyone will disagree with me now.
Definitely Newbury... hardest.
Dont think you can ignore the conditions.
Although didnt do Newbury last month, have shot it 10's of times, all the same.
The targets looked longer at GP1 due to the light, in fact theres only a few near 54 yards.
VCR regs seem to stop anyone advertising prices for guns. I wanted to see what the EV2 Mk3 was retailing at, anyone got any ideas?
Yes Greg the Troyer calculation has been done and it suggest that Newbury was harder. I've done some other calcs and will publish soon.
Who is to say a target at 15 yards is harder than one at 55 yards? Remember thats yank mostly oversize, rely on strap ons and cant get in to position for angled shots.
Further, short ranges dont inflict no where near as much wind as longer ranges, together with trajectory. US low med and high three diallings throughout ranges! Just point and aim, boring.
Back in Feb less than £900 Balts.
Just to get them out there.
Greg, try Julian Bond. I believe he sells them at very good rates, but you have to phone or email him for a price.
I think it's fair to assume that that a 40mm kill gets harder the further it is away. The weather will obviously have an impact and is probably the single most difficult thing to master but ... a 55 yard 40mm will be harder than a 40 yard 40mm given other conditions are the same, for clarity let's say on a horizontal lane.
Shaun, when can you firm up on the arrangements for Thur/Fri.
What time does Nefta get underway, and at what time do you suggest getting there?
Hold on Roy I'll chack last years diary!
I saw a EVMk3 at Bisley & I'm sure it was about £1,400-£1,500. The SA boys are quoteing 19,900 SA Rand which is about £1,560 so I wanted to see what our outlets are quoteing but BAR have only got EVMk2's.
Quick Roy spend his money!
Quite true but how hard is a 25mm kill at 35 yards to a 45mm at 55 yards? The extra 20 yards can have a drastic affect on windage.
BAR £1100 some things are dear there.
Just browsing and ex demo 8002 laminate £1200, last year £1050/1100 brand new. P70FT been there years £1400, when they came out they were £880 in aluminum stock! All the same, i know some one that paid less than £890 for an EV2 Mark3 from City Airweapons. Could go to anyone of the sponsored shooters, take your pick strike a deal but dont pay more than £700.
Have you ever witnessed something that isn't funny, but you can't help laughing at. Was at a house today when the owners dog (a schitzu) bit one of his testicles (through his trousers) and drew blood. He didn't need a tetanus jab 'cause he'd only recently had one following the last time the dog bit him.
Balts that lad that came from SA had an EV2 M3 in the car boxed £890.
I know of a sponsored shooter that had two given him and bought two shall we say between £300 and £600, sold two, one is Phils. Lets just say he made a profit.
Giving tham away to corner the market, what else can they do.
Right can't find the time we set off but it was well before sunrise. For us it's a 2 1/4 hour trip, first session starts at 9am so I reckon arrival no later than 8am I think we'll leave at 5.30am.
As for Thursday.
If you could get to my house at 2.45pm. Jesus may have arrived or is imminent, Evelyn will have to collect the boys around 3 and I don't want him to arrive with no one home. I should be home close to 4pm, you need to get Jesus to the airport (20 mins) before 6pm so if you leave at 5pm. I have football training from 6 til 7 and then I hope you will join us for a pasta meal. Then we'll meet up with Greg about 8.30pm for a beer at the Barnt Green Inn. (Phew)
Friday - I suggest that Greg picks Jesus up at 10am and meets you at Furnace Mill about 11am. The afternoon is flexible.
I had a figure of around £900 in mind from Shaun's purchase but that was awhile ago & there has been a price hike since but I didn't believe Bisleys price!
I'm not in the market you understand............a Steyr for me when the time is right, though my shooting partners on Sunday didn't have a good word to say about them.
Like anything else, its what suits you.
Would say straight out the box with minimal sorting the Steyr is the best bu tn ot at current £1700, hike with Euro around £450+
Maybe AA on the band wagon seeing these hikes. Having give so many away and offering lesser shooters at unbelievable prices! to win titles!
Now reaping the rewards or getting some of the losses back?
That sounds fine Shaun.
Is that yes to all aspects Roy?
Greg check out the "course difficulty" now.
Yes, yes to everything.
Greg a word of warning. I see that you bumped Dave H's EV. I did the same for Lee's Steyr and got a yellow card and warning for "excessive bumping". It seems that that practice is now frowned upon and only the seller can bump.
You've probably all gone to bed now haven't you?
Cheers Shaun for the heads up.
See you all tomorrow.
no. I'm lurking
Ahh right, I've been alookin at your difficulty thingy Shaun.
OK, Newbury was slightly harder, 0.2 worth but with ten extra targets & I'm convinced more variation of placement, i.e.
The two targets from different lanes on the same tree to fool the unwary, the high angle bunny, the ditch etc.
Newbury was very good but because the dropped away alot of their tree shoots were mainly level. Does the Troyer calc take angle of shot into consideration at all?
that should read;
'....because the range dropped away...'
Yes it can take account of elevation. However, as I'm shooting and scoring I can only really remember to record the distance and the discipline.
I think the subjective view is perception/feel. What I'm after is objectivity. I thought the varability of Harriers made it more interesting but Newbury was more tricky. The wind factor is obviously important but the course designer is initially challenging with distance, discipline and shot placement. The wind then shows by dropping the scores.
I think an objective view gives insight when comparing your score. We both hit our GP bests on Sunday but I scored very few points.
Okay let's define difficulty.
Seated = 55 yarder
is equal to ?
Kneeling = 45 yards?
Standing = 40 yards?
Reducer = 35 yards?
Is a 50 yard elevated target more tricky than a horizontal?
Certainly elevated kneelers some people find tricky.
For me how comfortable I am on the line is an important feature. I look back on a shoot & remember a lot of shifting around & tension holding a position & generally that leads to a poor result. I had a bit of that at Newbury but can't recollect much at Harriers. Not really aware of it at the time though, I'm just getting on with getting on.
Seated position difficulty:
55 yard 40mm
34.4 yard 25mm
13.75 yard 10mm
not of course taking into account range finding
Length is one thing but elevation another, I think we are pretty use to the idea of 50-55 yarders, Jon would be p***ed off if he didn't get any! But the high or indeed the depressed add another level.
As for the shot comparison, Mmmm I think the standers are alot more missable, I'll do kneelers all day & the reducers well, because they don't go out further than 35 yards they are surely straight down the throat most of the time.
Real close ones, real high ones & real low ones get me going.
Righto then Shauny, I'm up early for more OT tomorrow so I must away to my bed.
See you tomorrow at the 'ride & H2H5 for some of those inch KZs.
I'll keep number crunching, it's such fun!
Well, that was odd! 5 in the first 10, 4 in the last but a perfect straight 10 out of 10 in the middle!!! 19/245 very average.
Shaun, you were right I did get a warning from the BBS.
Fahey scores!!!!!
Greg are you there?
Roy it's 1-1 and before it's full time - they're simply a better football team than us (20 mins to go).
Congratulations on being champions!
What a load of shite!
Please B'ham don't get promoted. Get rid of the old, defend rather attack, wood. Get rid of McLeish, he has no idea how to play football on the floor. Make a team from young hungry academy players and build a team. The support from the B fans will be huge, get a team not a meal ticket.
I know you're disappointed Shaun, but I don't think Blues deserved to lose like that.....two shots that could have gone anywhere ended up in the net. Apart from that I didn't think they gave you that much trouble.
I enjoyed the game, although I was rooting for a Blues win. I think it's the first time I've wanted KP to score. It's gonna be a tough and frought last match of the season though. I think if my name was Bowyer I'd be having a quiet night in tonight.
Can anybody get a message to Jonta for me. I want to apologise for the fact that I won't be able to join the working party tomorrow. Thinking that it was the only shoot-free Sunday for the next few weeks J's arranged for us to go out for lunch
Roy, whilst I agree that they were fortunate Blues simply failed to offer sufficient invention from midfield; as usual. Why, because we play all defensive midfielders.
I'll tell Jonta tomorrow
I can't deny that you should have been a bit more inventive, but there was a lot at stake.
Was 280 the top score today?
Greg youve upset the SA, bad boy.
Naughty boy on bbs as well, dunno how i have got away with what i have for years, may people have had bans for less.
Think so Roy 5 of us on 5 down.
Make that 4 down.
Now listen up lads, this is serious, and I need your help. Last night in bed I was thinking of things I would need to pack for our camping trip next week. So being ultra efficient I made a note of them on my mobile phone. Now, picture the scene, 12.45 am, dark, me with no glasses, J jumping up in bed whenever I saved something and the phone did it's little melody. The only trouble is, I can't decipher what I put. Can anybody tell me what the following items might be.
foot mnymyrant
pencil, notepad, glasses?
Good book
Goodnight bloggers!
Roy, what's the problem?
I'm definitely bringing my foot mnymyrant, I'm never without it & the de6xrant is a must because although there is a little brick sh*t house with a sink there is no shower. I don't see the point in a dkawxl, we'll only be gone one night!
Things I find useful if under canvasse for any length of time;
A Headlamp or atleast some form of torch.(Check batteries)
Slip on shoes of some description.
A bottle of water.
An inflatterble mattress.
Dry socks to hand in the tent.
A tent.
A sleeping bag.
A pillow.
Some more earplugs because you are bound to mislay the first pair.
I find it quite hard to sleep in a tent because of all the snoreing going on around me so all of the above come in very handy.
..................oh & a folding chair so we can sit after the days challenges & discourse over a beer or three.
....And some beer!
"I find it quite hard to sleep in a tent because of all the snoreing going on around me so all of the above come in very handy"Watch you don't poke someone's eye out Pinochio!!!
Can't think what you mean Shaun!
Watch out for the guide ropes when you get up at 4 in the morning for a pee, I don't know why tent manufacturers insist on making them black, it should be the very last colour used! Orange, yellow, dayglow green, never black!
Add Immodium to the list, just in case.
Hi Jon, heres that sat nav location postcode CV66 DF sutton stop, Longford, Coventry, have a look on google...Hi Shaun , when are the minutes of the MFTA meeting released for reading..would like to have a look..
Hi Karl,
the minutes are sent by me to your club rep (Ian Stoddart), he can then share them with members (of course all MFTA card holders were welcome to attend the recent AGM).
The minutes will be published in 10 days or so.
Me and Debs are a bit worried too about this week end, probably need to take some ear plugs as do not know how loud noise from the fun pub next door will be. and hope that the shower in our en-suite is clean..LOL
Is this Baltipal the same as the BBS Baltipal that is asking if you can repair a shot Skan?
Yes & indeed the very same Baltipal asking a similar question on STB as well!
So, is there anything you would like to tell us?
Or indeed, anything you would like to share with your joint Skan owners?
Don't worry Phil, I 'fessed up to Shaun, Paul wouldn't worry about & Eddie has probably forgotten we've got one!
What's up with the Skan Greg?
Nothing, it's fine, don't worry about it, what Skan?
Good I thought you'd done something daft like shot it! Some plonker on STB has shot his, ha ha!
Some people shouldn't be allowed out with anything more lethal than a Curley-Wurley!
Curly Wurlys can melt which can lead to angst and low self esteem. You would be safer with wine gums.
You realise Shaun we have a lot to live up to at Ponty, we both came away with cheques after the last one.
Name me one bloke who uses a chrono that aint shot one?
Even Sir Nick Jenkinson admits!
Shaun, could I borrow your chrono please?
I haven't mentioned that I managed to shoot a hole in my new bean bag as well!
I admit to shooting myself.
Thankfully your feet are intact.
Yes Greg but
Greg C to B
Shaun B to A
Jonta and Daz A to AA
So money could be in short supply
My Amature standing isn't threatened then, ho-hum!
I have a scar on my face from a .22 when I was 14.
How did that happen Shaun?
playing soldiers
Hi Fellas, Mr C there was a hobby at Kingsbury Water Park this afternoon, also 1st Willow Warbler of the year. Quite a few swallows as well.
so you were not in the pub then?
Not today m8, just having a few beers this evening..
Now, there's an idea!
Dont do it Greg, may cause you to shoot something you should`nt.
Too late!
Have you got everything packed Greg for the NEFTA
Well, this is nice! Half way down a Banks', the windows are open & the birdies are twittering away. This will be us next Saturday night outside the tents, beers in hand.
Beer mad you lot are..
Jonta did you see the WW or was it its song?, somethings aren't washed yet! I have checked my tent,(and folded it up again I might add!) I have pumped up the mattress & let it down again & I have found & collected together my tent pegs, torch, folding chairs & travel pillows from the loft.
I had a little sit down on one of them while up there, quite warm & dry, wouldn't be a bad place for a gun safe after all!
"Beer mad you lot are.."Kettle pot black, say no more
Heard it 1st, then good views followed Mr C
Shaun, what was that beer you really liked out of the ones I gave you after the last bet you won?
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