At the World Championships in Northern Ireland last year we met Jose and Manuel from Spain. Here they are pictured with the 2008 champion Ian Taylor.

Soon after the event Jesús Sangroniz introduced himself via the air gun forums using the name Tesla and through the internet friendships were formed. Jesús and Jose live in the Basque region of Spain and are members of field target association of Euskedi. This is my story of his trip to England to compete in the NEFTA Classic 2009.
Whilst most of us were at work on Thursday Jesús commenced his journey. First it was a flight from Bilbao to Stansted and then a hire car to Birmingham Airport where he was met by Roy who transported him and his gear to my house. His arrival was keenly awaited by my sons George, Michael and Peter and he very generously bought them gifts.

Thursday was a quiet night in the Barnt Green Inn where we introduced Jesús to Black Sheep Ale!
Friday it was off to the HFT course at Furnace Mill Fishery in the Wyre Forest area to test Jesús' Walther Dominator had survived the trip and to enjoy the English countryside.

Behind that pool is a delightful wood which contains 30 targets some of which test your geometry!

Afterwards some traditional English lunchtime cuisine ...

Friday evening was spent meeting more new faces but we were early to bed excited and ready for a pre-dawn start.

My alarm was set for 4am but I was showered and dressed by 3.30am! Everyone was equally keen so our party of me, Jesús, Greg and my son George set off in the dark destination Pontefract. We made good time despite the profusion of cones on the M1. A short break at services left us refreshed but not particularly satisfied; oh for a Truckstop!

We arrived at Pontefract in plenty of time for a practise and for Jesús to meet some of the people he had only known via the internet.
Jesús was delighted to see the flag of Spain displayed behind the silhouette course.

The Classic is split into 3 sessions of 3 hours. In one of these sessions you will shoot FT, one session of silhouettes and three hours rest. Throughout the day the NEFTA team members work tirelessly to ensure that the competition runs smoothly.
The wind was very kind on Saturday and it was no surprise that the FT scores were high; seven shooters dropped only one shot. Here is Jesús showing his FT style.

One of the seven who scored 39 on the FT course was Sam Monkman he added a 38 on the silhouettes to finish day 1 leading on an excellent score of 77 ex 80.
With the day's competition over it was time for hotels for some but quite a few of us took advantage of the free camping offered. After a cool beer sitting by the tents we set off to explore the village of Burton Salmon which thankfully had a pub!

It was a beautiful spring evening and we all shared a beer or coke in the garden, cheers!

Two of our party were too young to stay out late and most were too old but some made it back to the campsite to enjoy a late brandy

Or a game of football

and some just made the wrong choice. We're in Pontefract Ian!

Sunday was windy and a little wet which promised that the Pontefract bowl would capture some victims.

After day 1 Mr Calpin was in a strong position in the FT competition hence he was quite reserved prior to his round on Sunday. No doubt contemplating his route to victory.

Another day's fervent competition followed. The changing wind, the various terrain and excellent course design combined to provide a challenging FT course. Best score of the day was still high at 36 and four shooters tied but it was the aforementioned Mr Calpin who came out on top scoring 75 ex 80.
Sam Monkman reigned supreme on both days of the silhouette competition scoring an impressive 75 which was 3 clear of second place James Woodhead. Sam also excelled on the FT course and his combined total of 149 made him NEFTA Classic Champion 2009.
It was all over too quickly and my second and Jesús' first NEFTA Classic had come to an end. After a few shoot-offs we assembled in the silhouette range for the prize giving.

There are prizes for all grades and pin badges are awarded for those who managed to hit all five of a silhouette bank. There are also many team prizes and plenty of shooting gear in the raffle. The NEFTA members honoured their Spanish guest and awarded him mementos which included every silhouette badge!

Then it was time to go and Jesús' long awaited trip was at an end. A chance to relax on Monday before the journey home.
Jesús we all enjoyed your company very much and hope that you will shoot with us again in September at the Euros and next year you return to take on the Classic.
1 – 200 of 319 Newer› Newest»I guess it's me the honour to put the first comment.
Thanks Shaun. Once again have you able to tale in few words the long weekend history.
As you said it looks like I was the "star" of the competition. I can assure you all that I feel like that in a lot of moments.
I would thank you all, here, for the unforgettable week end lived together.
Thanks a lot again everybody!
Evening all!
Any NEFTA junkies experiencing cold turkey?
Having difficulty sleeping; keep expecting to be woken up by someone's snoring.
By the way....that bit of trouble at the clever of them to give Steve S's and Lee M's names.
Not to mention Phil G's.
Yes I'd imagine a visit from the constabulary will soon occur.
Did you see the Essien goal?
Oops! Forgot about the football. I'll listen to the second half on the radio.
What have 'I' done now?
Evening all, back from the 49th & pleased to report that I haven't been thrown ut on my ear!
What trouble at T'Plough was that then? I do remember a strange game of darts between me & Mark & I suppose there are alot of holes in the wall around the board!
Here are a few piccies of the weekend;
Phil, I don't think it would be wise to go into detail on a public forum, but it involved a group of prominent Millriders.Greg's just in denial. As he is about his snoring. His tent was about 30 yards from mine and it was sufficiently loud to keep me awake. It even registered on a mobile phone recorder, and you know how poor they are.
Oh dear, Chelsea, what a shame.
Phil, Arby was sound asleep, he even dreamt that his tent was being shaken when no such thing occured. Shame isn't it?
Greg, I have to tell you that I'd forgotten about that until you mentioned it on Sunday morning. So if it wasn't you, how did you know it happened. Guilty M'Lud.
When you lot rolled in I heard laughter, then a thud, then "Oh F" as somebody fell over something. Then it was like Dad's Army with people running around panicking that they were shooting at 9 the next morning instead of 12 as was previously thought.
I had a good night's sleep!
While these shenanigans were going on, a rather dodgy game of darts was occuring(that wall will definetly need redecorating!) so any tent shaking was not of my doing. Perhaps it was an irate Badger!
Here are some piccies from Friday's excursion to Furness Mill;
The tent shaking happened after your return to the site, as well you know. Are you and Shaun in cahoots to make me think I was imagining it? I suppose it could have been seismic activity caused by your nocturnal noises. I don't know about badgers, but it was a bit like walrusses communicating over great distance.
Did Jackie sort the tent out when you got home, what had we done wrong?
Shaun, isn't Mitch shooting with his Dad at GP2 then?
Another brandy would have helped, bottle that is!
Greg a rhetorical question?
Eyebrow slightly raised quizically!
My turn to drive next Sunday, Paul has asked for a lift, do we come back up the M42, I can't remember?
Not yet Greg. I just stuffed it in the office at the end of the garden on Monday morning, and then went for a pint with you. You have to prioritise.
By the way, were you aware that Jesus and myself contrived to put the fly-sheet on the wrong way round. I wondered why the doorway was a bit restricted. That'll teach me to buy a new tent and not erect it fully before it's first outing. I blame Jesus.
Paul? Excellent news.
M6 then M42.
Suggest ditch my gear and then have a beer outside at the Barnt Green Inn.
You need to be here a 7am, the journey should take about 2 hours but our previous attempts at Sywell have not been good. I have new data though so I'm confident!
Sorry. I think I got the wrong end of the stick. I thought you were saying that Paul was shooting on Sunday.
Hi Roy, yes Paul is shooting on Sunday and you're coming for a meal to celebrate my (7th) and Paul's birthday (12th). Please come!
I see that Lee is selling his EV2 already.
Evening bloggers.
I didn't realise Paul was shooting Sunday, I took it that he wanted a lift to the Emerald, great! Result!!!!
I wonder what Lee will be shooting at the GP then, another Dommie perchance?
Evening Gregory.
Yes Paul is shooting so I'm afraid you'll have to get up a little earlier but it'll be worth it.
Remember to mine for 7am, oh please let it happen!!!!
I see also that the Anshutz the John's been working on is also for sale. A hefty £1250!
Was it your Birthday today then? Many Happy Returns you old bugger!
45 eh! How's it possible that has happened?????????
A bit of respect for those of wisdom please!
Yeh, 45 weren't we just popping SP50's by the river Rea and soldiers in Paul's back garden?
Seems like yesterday. Tell you what, I'll get a box of soldiers & I'll bring my pistol up. Should be even more fun with beer envolved!!!!
weather looks variable for Sunday
Same old story, got to be windy there!
What did you get for your B/day then, socks?
cash, I'll probably buy some socks!
I'm looking at the Tomtom satnav on the argos site. Do you know when they say,
'Traffic information optional, month trial free inside.' & 'Safety camera alerts optional.'
How much extra you have to pay?
Great news about Paul.
Thank you Shaun, it will be an honour and a pleasure, but will need to discuss logistics!! Happy birthday, young pup.
Greg I have no idea I'm afraid.
Roy let's discuss
I think the TOM TOM 1 looks fine Greg at under £100
battery gone Shaun gone year 46 begins
A little limited though for memory should you want to use it in Europe.
The V4, I understand has a slot for a memory card. For the difference is for the extra;
did you get the cancellation e-mail from Graham Taylor?
Evening all. what's occuring?
Well, young Greg, it's just occurred to me that I may have to miss shooting tomorrow. We've been invited to a lunchtime housewarming event.
You have a great many daytime gatherings matey, is it because you can't stay up late?
I can't attend Club Agg7 either actually, Mom's 85th!
Well, I've just tried to do a pull-through on Trudy.....that was a waste of time!
I'll try & get up to SFS tomorrow for felts.
Nail on head again Greg.J's cousin has just moved into her first new home and is havin a bbq. I'm not going to look at the forecast.
Will you please pass on my apologies that I won't be able to help set targets out tomorrow.
Oops! Sorry Greg, I forgot to get you some felts. I've got some here that you can have though. Can you wait until Sunday for your carrying bag or do you want me to drop it off at M/r before I go out?
Evening all.
I've just spotted an unwelcome pair of fingers on the NEFTA picture so will change it shortly.
Yes Phil I got Graham's e-mail and have responded.
Some inside info for the 100. At Harriers Val S was collecting some of those small kill frogs so check you close clicks gentlemen.
My word we look a bit glum on that one!
Won't be at Millride Roy, Mom's 85th. See you Sunday mucker.
Evening guys! Any news from the Ride?
Greg, I hope the 85th birhtday party went okay but not too well that you sleep in!!!!
Hope your Mum had (is having) a great time Greg.
I heard you guys saying that you had some trouble finding Sywell last year. I've got the coordinates but aren't I right in saying that it's just on the roundabout at the junction with the A14 and A43? Or is it more complicated than that.
No probs Shaun, still going on though!
Roy, please don't forget my softbag, it holds my shooting world!
Shaun, picking Paul up at 0630 to be up to yours for 0700hrs, OK?
You are correct Roy. Last time we followed the "shorter route" which approached from the south, tomorrow we will approach from the north.
Excellent Gregory!
AFK, family stuff.
Hi guys, news from the Ride today. We shot along the top wood today, wind was tricky to say the least.
Everything seemed to go well by comments made from others.
Hi Jonta, any GP discussion?
Yes, things seem ok slight alterations but will discuss saturday mr C.
Scores today to what I know. Jon, myself 23.. Daz 22. Ian & Mark 21,
Karl 18.. Turnout was lower than anticpated.
Check in on Monday Jonta to check out our Shire 100 scores
Sorry I couldn't be there today to help put the course out Jonta. Everybody I asked to convey my apologies were themselves not shooting today.
Will do, all the best to the Millriders for tomorrow. Switching off this laptop now its really p.....g me off, it nearly had a close look at the wall.
Evening Roy. Excited?
Evening lads!
Just seven days a go we were together enjoying the dinner at Burton Salmon. It seems like it was only yesterday!
This week has been very short for me.
Really up for it tomorrow Shaun. Should be a good day. Not a bad forecast from Metcheck.
Buenos Noches Jesus.
Yes, it was a good night. We're looking forward to 100 shots tomorrow!
Roy it's strange how it's windy today and on Monday but still on Sunday; could it be an omen?
Evening Jesus. Just got off the phone from my daughter who was very interested to hear of our exploits last weekend.
100 Shoots will be very hard test even for the nervous system.
Best wishes for tomorrow
It would be nice to knew her also Roy.
How are George , Michael an Peter, Shaun?
And Evelin too?
Give them my best regards
Everyone is good Jesus. It has been a busy day
George - mountain biking.
Michael - tennis and swimming
Peter - tennis and gymnastics
Me and Ev ready for bed!
Evening bloggers, I have returned. The Clan has finally left & Mom retired to bed.
The Mondeo Estate purchase looks odds on now!
bet ya
Any idea what time shooting starts tomorrow? Hope Paul is looking forward to it.
Picking Phil J up at 7 tomorrow.
Perhaps I should sleep in the tent tonight, it worked well for me last Sunday.
It's normal you all were tired!
This morning I was talking by phone with Gregory to say Happy birthday his mother but I had some troubles with the phone.
I've just eared to say Thank you his mom!
Glad you've RTK, Greg. FYI the SB is already in the car.
Dave has settled on a Hyundai Santa Fe diesel. I drove the Estate back from the Pub, abit slower but that doesn't matter.
Roy it's shotgun start so don't be late.
Round 1 commences at 9.30am after a short briefing.
If you leave at 7 that should give you plenty of time.
I'm sorry our phone conversation was cut short today Jesús, always nice to hear from you mate.
right I'm off to make sarnies and get an early night (hopefully).
See you tomorrow mate.
Good night folks.
TTFN everybody.
Buenas noches a todos
I appear to have missed everyone, not unlike my performance today.
Thanks to Jonta for not mentioning my abysmal score. I managed to trouble just 12 of the 30 targets.
I'm rather relieved that I'm not shooting the GP now.
Good luck to all tomorrow.
Shires 100 update
I had a great am and an awful pm to record 75 ex 92, others:
Greg 72
Paul 43
Roy 65
Debbie 65
Karl 77
Ian 84
Phil 81
great day out
.....and exhausting, I'm as stiff as a board now!
Not half as stiff as Paul's face from all the smiling. Hope the evening session went well.
For anyone who wasn't there yesterday,Paul, who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the competition ysterday, only went and won first prize in the AA S400 Classic with walnut stock.
Trying new ISP out.
Balts has he sold it yet?
No mate. He isn't on the forums so he will have to use me to post it.
Has the agenda for Sat/Sun been fixed yet?
0900hrs Saturday for a Work Party is all I know Roy.
do you know anything about the LG100 Dave Harrison is selling?
Evening all!
Is Royston in here anywhere?
Phill which one?
I know of at least 4 he had or has had recently.
Neale Marklew has just advertised an LG100 with laminate wood for £650 on the BBS.
Dave seems to be going through Steyrs.
Know anything about sending airguns to Belgium?
Neale has advertised it on behalf of Dave
Hi again.
I wonder if that was the one he was shooting Sunday then?
I'm grabbing the 100!
Phil, I'm here.
get in quick someone is interested
Seen this yet?
Roy, can you mount a scope directly to the LG100?
Whats the scope rail for? Just to raise the height of the scope?
I've spoke to Dave.
I want to have a look at it before agreeing a sale. I've told him I'll have a look on Sunday
If that means its sold before Sunday, then so be it.
mmm, lots of interest. looks like it will go before Sunday.
c'est la vie
you may be aware that i am now gunless, or in the process of becoming so.
You can mount directly but there isn't much room for adjustment. The scope rail, in my opinion, allows much more fore and aft adjustment of the scope. It also gives more room for loading pellets, UK Neil made mine in 1 day and charged me £50. The previous user didn't feel the need for a scope rail.
Roy, you fibbed. you're nowhere to be seen.
What happened that tipped you over the edge Phil?
I'm not over the edge. I am perfectly in control.
Apart from that slight tick that I can't seem to shake.
Oh yes, and the shakes, they're getting worse.
OK, what decided you to leave the Air Arms Lifeboat & strike out for Steyr Island?
Phil you need a nice walnut stocked S400 classic
the main thing was the front end weight.
I am possibly the worlds worst at standing and kneeling, but I think the front end weight didn't help.
That's my view anyways
Who's that smug looking so and so on the front row of that photo?
I'll give him twice what he paid for it
Millride will be a Steyr club soon!
And who's the slightly bemused & shellshocked bloke clutching ANOTHER trophy at the back?
you mean Trophies Boliver
I don't know Greg, but don't show it to anyone of a nervous disposition.
What did Jackie say when you walked in with that then?
She would have liked another glass one......for the symetry, you know. And she's been cracking a few jokes at my expense. As normal really.
Shaun, where did I see a booking list for our GP?
It's OK, I see it now.
Evening all!
Anyone buying a Steyr tonight?
Not me.
Have you EVER in your life tried to ship a gun to Belgium?
Well don't.
Just don't.
the beer is nice in Belgium!
I am sampling some of Mr Artois's now.
does Stella know?
Evening all.
Missed the Steyr then Phil?
Evening Greg have you found your passport?
I know where it is, we have a Safe......the key to the Safe is another matter!
Here ya go, piccies from Sunday;
Nice pics Greg.
Missed the Steyr then Phil?Nope. Tactical withdrawal.
I like the one of you & Roy with your feet up.
There'll be others mate.
to be honest, I'm getting p'd off trying to sort out this shipment to Belgium.
Might just can it and re-advertise.
Evening chaps!
Congratulations to the winners!
Shaun, nice bag...but space at home?.
Roy, please the Jackie's joke!
Greg, what score!
Buenos noches Jesus!
I can always find room for more.
Are you and Jesus definitely coming to the Euros?
Hóla Jesús, 72 amigo, aloooooong way behind the winner & a fair distence behind the winner of B Grade aswell!
I managed to shoot the wrong sequence on my second lane so lost 2 points!
Pepone has asked me on the American forum about the possibilities of shooting at the European Championships, he will need to contact someone quickly to get a place, that's if it isn't already too late!
Hi Greg it's not too late. Contact info is on the calendar page on STB
suggests 36 entrants so far
I guess you want to say Mamel isn'it Shaun ?
Y was talking yesterday with Mamel and he would like to go to the European as well as other Spanish shooters, like Pepone.
He told me, he sent you an e-mail with some people information to be inscribed into European, but I said him it will be better to contact directly with the Euro organisation.
I've decided to go to the European of course, and I was inscribed by yourself when I was in Birmingham isn't it?
Balts the first 50 was my better side of the card (45)and beat Bob and Steve Mason 3rd, went round in three and still finished half before most both sessions!
Too many unforgiveables and would have been happy with 8 more.
Hello everybody.
What you trying to send Phil?
Know most of them.
I'd be chuffed if I hadn't fluffed up lane 19!
Excellent news Jesus! We are booking our flights to Bilbao on Friday.
Hi Royston.
Ok, Shaun.
Please pm to my with the dates of people coming:
Arrival date at airport:
Leaving day the airport:
Passport Nr.:
Airgun model:
Serial Nr.:
It's in order to announce to the authorities you are coming to Euskadi's Open and to avoid any trouble in the airport border.
I'm trying to send the EV to a guy in Belgium.
Okay Jesus, I will e-mail the info on Friday.
Good night all!!!
Dodgy Phil, most come and collect but i am faced with same problem but for Germany and Belgium.
New legislation according to a UK shooting mag, no import of scopes over 4 mag without a licence.
Buenas noches Shaun.
Time to bed.
Nighty night
Buenas noches Jesús.
Anybody seen this thread?
Oh Dear! You're well out of it Phil.
I've read it now Roy, oh dear!
Yes, I've seen Blue's LG110.
Yes, I want it.
No, I cant afford it.
would you be interested if it was sold by "saddler-boy"?
if it was half the price, yes.
Evening all.
Is Blue selling another gun then?
Yes a LG110, 5 months old £980
sssh will ya.
You'll start Greg off.
He'll spend your money Phil don't worry, I'm concentrating on Roy's new scope at the moment!
It does look like a nice rifle though. I bet it's hardly been shot so it's like a 500 quid mark down on a new 'un really!
I'll shut up about it now.
I know. I already have the most powerful money reducing agent known to man.
All I need now is Gregory trying to rebalance the economy with quantitative easing at my expense
Oh S.... I thought Phil had relieved the pressure, and I was just about to comment on it. If I was an MP I'd have had an S & B by now. Perhaps I could order one from the next politician canvassing at my door.
I do my best.
S & B?
Suck and Blow?
You know the "barley twist barrel" in the lg100?
They were hammer forged on a grob hammer rolling machine.
We had 2 of these machines and gave them away for scrap.
they're about a million each new.
Phil, it's so easy to make a mistake when you're forum juggling, you must take more care.
Wigan go 1 up
And Hibs take the lead ...
sorry for the non FT chat
Shaun, I think José has said that he can't make the Euros.
if you watch the video, it gives you an idea of how they made them.
they obviously start with a plain tube to make a barrel
to be honest, i'm killing time hoping someone buys blue's lg before i do...
c'mon Wigan
£1000 subtract £600 for the EV that's only £400, shared over 10 months £40 per month. Come on Phil invest in the economy!
Greg how do you know about Jose?
If I know Greg, Phil, he'll have already phoned Blue on your behalf.
He gets through some guns does Blue.
Do it for England Phil.
I will match your expenditure pound for pound.
so. you give me £500 and i will put the other £500, how's that?
i might be keener if the deal was done on the EV.
Postage is now out of the equation, so the guy is now trying to book a flight.
I've just dropped in on the Euskadi forum & there is a Euros thread. José appears to be saying that he is on vacation but this is through the translator so may have got the wrong end of the stick.
Phil, there may be cheaper out there bud but when are you likely to see them? You know Blue buys then sells before they are even shot in so with some cash in your back pocket it could be a very good deal.
Gregory, leave it...
I HAD SHUT UP!!!! IT WAS THEM OTHER BOYS....................................................I just joined in abit!!!
perhaps, hope, he means he is on vacation in Weston Park
On the other hand Manuel looks like he IS coming afterall. On the American Forum(I get about abit!) I exchanged pleasantries with Peponé who said he was trying to arrange entry for himself & Mamel but wasn't getting any joy from E-mailing Roger. I sent him the link to the download entry page on the BFTA & mentioned it to Jesús, hence the thread on the Euskadi forum.
you cosmopolitan chap
Jesús just confirmed the worst but is working on him.
Perhaps he could convince Phil to buy that Steyr while he's at it.....I'm leaving it!!!!!
nope, i have resolved the debate in my mind.
no 110. maybe a 100.
Now that is a valid decision, just gotta find one.
That's about £775 matey!
Fingers in ears. La la te de la la......
Seriously though, the Leup & BN are very close together in price so cash isn't the issue if you are in the market for a new FT scope. It's down to whether you can handle the fixed high mag.
..........and I'm grabbing 200!
201 changes the page!
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