Newbury is the home ground of the BFTA; the shooting terrain is deciduous woodland set atop a hill.

It has been 6 months since a national field has been assembled so today offered a chance for distant friends to catch up on any news. Two FT characters it's always a pleasure to meet are Andy Calpin from NEFTA and Mark Bassett from WAFTA.
The course began with a kneeling lane; the second target though only 35 yards was an early clue that there was more wind effect than the sunny conditions suggested. By lane 5 a range of distances had tested the competitors and now it was standers. They looked deceptively easy but even the close 20 yarder was causing problems. Lane 6 I'm sure was an optical illusion because the second target looked closer than the first but my scope said they were the same! Such a puzzle is a credit to those who designed the course; in my head was "trust the scope" but it was only a voice and I didn't listen. There then followed a few lanes with one challenging and one gettable target before once more we faced some standers. The course then skirted a small copse which was offering shelter from the wind and the remaining targets were more affected by the breeze from the adjacent field. The last lane was kneeling and target 39 at 40+ yards was sure to offer a challenging end.
Despite the tricky wind some shooters were compiling good scores. First report was that Roger Moy had finished on 38 and some forty shooters later he was joined by Nick Murphy. Neil Daniels and Mark Williams came close on 37 but none of the later shooters could challenge first or third place so shootoffs ensued.
At a now windier lane 1 Nick was successful and further up the course Neil secured 3rd place.
Well done to Neil

Many thanks to the Newbury team for a superb course and an excellent event!
1 – 200 of 365 Newer› Newest»No mention of the Deer though Shaun!
Top report matey. I had real problems settling in & missed many to poor technique in the first ten lanes. My kneelers, normally quite reliable, let me down. I should really of got another 5.
I didn't find the conditions nearly as tricky as the last WL at Castle or indeed our shoot at Purley a few weeks ago. My issue lay between my ears!
I wasn't sure what type it was Greg. I had only glimpses of its hind quarters which were thick and suggested a muntjac.
Thanks Shaun, a vivid description of the if I needed one.
Good football result today, but only seconds away from being the perfect one.
Oh no! See what happens when I'm noty otherwise occupied by gainful competition on a Sunday.
Five rounds of .308 down the 49th this morning folloed by some garden spade work that worked up a thirst so it was down the Dogpool for a quencher, where there was live music of the Irish kind so a pint of Stella & 4 or 5 pints of Guinnessred later I find myself strangley disconnected from my familiar world & wondering how to spell familiar!!!
I need FT competition to stay sober & sane I tell you!
How did the boys do anyway?
Shaun, have you got my hat mate?
At least you haven't wasted your day then Greg.
I'm curious as to what the deleted posts said now, were they pithy?
Greg your hat is safe and sober!
Evening all, I've had a busy day doing DIY and cooking for 9.
The Villa almost did it and I had a couple of beers.
Ahh, Shaun nice one mate.
No word on Team MFTA yet then?
No intrigue Greg. Computer mouse pad doing some strange things. Clicked it once and it posted 3 times. Just waiting for action from the IT engineer we give succour to.
Why does the time on the last post say 12:12, how late is it? I thought it was around 7 O'clock!
By the way, the posting time clock on here appears to be a bit off colour
How did your Sunday go then Roy?
I suggest that we are in the wrong time zone.
OK Greg. Going off-line, laptop going into the pits. Hope to blog later.
The pits, if any Marshals ask you anything....tell them the truth!
Bye bye Arby.
We are now in GMT having been in Pacific time. It wasn't much warmer!
That's better. I still thought it was about 7 tthough!
Do you think the MFTA boys did it Shaunie?
MFTA win inter-regionals
Well done lads!
We need details now though.
News from the Inters
Ian, Mitch, Mark and Mick Tromans all got to shoot for the Scotland team.
A mistake by Mitch's as now he won't be able to shoot for England in the future! However, he'll be guaranteed a place in the Scotland team for the next 65 years!
any squeaky bums yet?
can we go back to Pacific time? Much nicer view.
just rang up E.on to have a row over my wholly unjustified direct debit hike, and spoke to possibly the most useful, accommodating and nicest lady telephone answerist I have had the pleasure to come across. She even told me about an updated version of my online account that will save me £60 a year and changed me over to it there and then, even though I should really do it online.
Restores ya faith don't it.
and she changed my direct debit back to its correct level
Phillip, who is E?
MAC due Thursday.
Evening all.
Can someone explain the form of the Inters to me? I'm looking at the results page, there appears to be two scoreing columns so did they shoot the Course twice? And is the column on the far right positions? As LeeEv2 seems to have placed 1st with a 29/37, while James Osborne placed 5th with 37/37???????
Balti ole boy, looks like its team placings purely to count towards the top 10 in every team.
ie we had 5 on 37 so you will see 1 to 5 along side those with a 37.
Scores to count must have been in 2nd column not the first.
1st column looks like a simple spreadsheet to calc 10 from 15 and not in any order.
Hi Gents,
Great report again Shaun.
I am still feeling down and desperate to shoot again should have done better and now saving big time to get Leup or new Nikko, range finding was a mare on Sat getting upto 5 yrds diff each time this caused me to rush shots and cost me as reading wind was ok but pellet hitting high or low.
How is the match going????.
Jon, it is E.ON, the old Powergen highwaymen.
I'm embarassed. wolves are 2 - 0 down to Blues even though we've got 1 more man. Shaun and his boys will be insufferable.
By the way, can I just mention that I picked up the Steyr know, the one Russ Spencer got 37 ex 40 with yesterday.
So Roy, no excuses now. A clearance at the very least on Saturday.
Infact, with a gun of that quality, you should be able to hit them blindfold.
Or are you just hoping to get the 3 Russ missed?
Evening lads.
I spent some minutes to find this new blog site but finaly I found it!
I arrived from Delhi last friday afternoon with some chills because the air conditioned and I rest the week end at home trying to recover from the cold.
Very exciting experience indeed.One week in Delhi is enough for the first time.
Now, I'll take Easter hollydays from the thursday 9th. up to monday 21st. and I'll take some time to prepare the next travel to Birmingham.
Shaun, Jose is trying to make a video as presentation of the next Open FT of Euskadi in english, and he ask me about the name of the mate with glasses in the picture you are with Shaun, Manuel, Jose and yourself in the Worlds. Could you please tell me what's his name?. Thanks in advance.
I'm in shock.
Spot on as usual Phil. The missing 3 will do me.
Welcome back Jesus. Shaun's team have just beaten my team, and he took his 3 lads to watch.
Thanks Roy.
Ahhhhhh....the Wolves
Sorry Roy, it's time to stand up the defeat.
My next door neighbour came home from Delhi yesterday.
It has been a shocking experience!
It's the organized chaos, specialy the trafic!
They drive "more or less on the left" and the first thing you must lerarn to drive in to "blow the horn" as they anounce in the rear side of the trucks.
Then the trafic lights...they exists but anybody respect them, neither the cows.
You can see on the road together, "rigshows"( a smal bikee with three wheels) a trucks, busses, cycles, cars, elephants, cows and people in the cross roads as a swarm of bees.
I've got a video very exciting!
Please, ask for those things to your neighbourg and he will confirm you.
Please try to play it.¤t=IMGP2090.flv
This is the cross road in front of the Red Fort while I was waiting for a car.
And this is a real optimized scooter
Right mates
It's time to bed for me.Too late.
Nighty night Roy.
Buenas noches a todos amigos.
evening all!
Well done to the boys in blue for a battling 2-0 victory. My boys had a great time and perhaps I can persuade them away from their Arsenal and Liverpool allegiance.
Evening Jesus, good to have you back. The chap in the picture is Edward Passalaqua
The force is with your lot now Shaun, I just hope Wolves can recover because you've inflicted a big blow tonight. I can imagine the excitement in your car tonight.
Little Peter really enjoyed it. I thought your centre backs looked very dodgy, in their defence (no pun honest) the surface wasn't great but they looked suspect. Shame about Iwelumo, he looked a right handful. In contrast our centre backs had a good game.
Morning lads.
For those who don't visit STB here are a few photo's curtesy of JO,
I see from pictures of the Sunday that Jonta used the Steyr and dropped only 6. Watch this space.
Roy have you set the Steyr up yet?
Evening Boys.
Not set up yet Shaun. Have ordered a scope rail from UK Neil, which should be with me sometime this week so there's not much I can do until that arrives.
Dilemna! Russ has been using JSB's to good effect, but I was told by Greg that these are hard to come by. Should I risk upsetting the gun by changing the pellets, and in the case of mosqito's, by adjusting the power? Advice please.
Evening Roy, just sat down for the footie and a Stella and there's 43 goals already.
As to the pellets, if you look at the world championship equipment list you will see that JSB is the most popular pellet. However, I agree with Greg you've got to have a supply. The mozzies that we all use are sometimes hard to come by hence why we all bought sleeves of 10. I'd say use something that you can buy 10 tins of and buy 10 more when you're down to the last 5 tins. I suppose the problem is that if you spend £75 on 10 tins and find that your gun doesn't like them you end up flogging them off cheap. However, that's what friends are for so if you want a tin of mozzies I will happily supply one.
Wishful thinking make that 3 goals.
Hi guys, sorry Mr C i actually used the PT sunday. the pic came from Rob as I was trying out the Steyr on the plinking after, while waiting for the rest.
Evening Jonta.
How you doing Roy,
OK Jonta, still recovering from the double whammy of my Saturday score and the humiliating performance of Wolves against Shaun's team last night.
The Steyr club having a private chat?
You wouldn't understand Shaun.
Had a terrible night's sleep last night. I kept thinking J was going to roll over and damage the gun.
Calm down Mr C
I must admit last night was one of my most enjoyable footballing experience. Sorry Roy, it was the combination of winning and having such fun watching.
The highlight of the night was when Peter was approached by a police woman dressed in full riot gear, she said "excuse me, did you win?". He looked bemused and replied "no".
Roy did you really need a rail.
You see Peter was so shocked by a Blues win that he probably thought the policewoman wouldn't believe him if he'd said yes.
Jonta, the hamster isn't quite deep enough for my stubby little legs, plus with only the existing mounts I feel that my head isn't upright enough, thereby causing tension. Am I using the correct logic? And do you agree with Shaun ref the pellets.
Blog later after footy.
You will have to try and find the best pellets suited to the gun. Should of thought Russ would of already done this, So see if Karl will give you some jsb to try. You will be able to get these easily enough if you want them..
Not convinced I have the right pellet for my Steyr yet, need to try different things myself.
Although I respect Shaun's viewpoint I think I'll continue with the JSB's (BAR seem to have some) because they're what the gun has been using up until now. I would think the time to experiment with pellets would be when I've got more used to the gun itself.
Evening bloggers, all you Steyristas out there!
Royston, did you ever follow the thread on STB about John Waterfield's saga regarding pellets, I think that he was in contact with JSB in Czech Republic wasn't he? Russ clearly has had good results from JSB's, it might be worth tracking a sleeve or 3 down.
Cliff Church had loads of them for sale sunday. Rob F as a contact through air ammo as well.
What time do you call this young Greg. I hope you haven't been sharing the delights of your company with less deserving souls.
Jonta, forgot to mention that another reason for the rail is so that I can push the scope slightly further forward.
Greg the thread you mention concerned was with air arms field pellets. Yes they are made by jsb though with different quality control and wire.
Roy just extend the back end furter out this will give the same result.
While on the subject of pellets.
My Brother-in-law, Dave was telling me that a mate of his had just bought the tools & machinery to make pellets, along with several big containers full of them. He bought them for a nominal price of an old Italian bloke who use to manufacture precision target pellets under licence for a major pellet manufacturer years ago. Part of the deal was after the run was finished, he wouldn't make anymore from those dies for x amount of years, this time restraint is up now but as he is in his 80's he'd sooner sell up than start working again.
Dave couldn't tell me any names other than the tin featured a Norman Knight on the lid, doesn't ring any bells with me but I've only been on the scene since '06 so it wouldn't.
Roy, I've been down the Chiropodists tonight, hense my tardyness mate, I'm v/exited 'bout your gun though!
Play your cards right mate and I might just give you a feel on Sat
Steady on Roy,
I'm not sort of boy Roy!
Sounds like Greg is getting choosey in his old age
Greg don't forget I'm away at the weekend so if you want your hat ...
Will blog end of week guys..
Me too, night all!
I'm in Bisley Friday/Saturday myself. I'll have to cap it.
Perhaps I shouldn't have said that, but I find it hard to refuse Greg.
Scope next Arby, what do ya reckon?
S'pose I'll play safe and go with the same as you. Don't know when though.
Well, it will have to be this year, you can't borrow the Beeza forever & your new baby won't be much cop without optics. The hunt is on!
There you go;
Don't want to appear picky but I prefer milldot.
Blog tomorrow.
Before you go Roy, try these fellas out tomorrow. Just ask if they've got them in at this price;
to good to be true!
Nighty-night all.
Morning fellas.
Just picked this up on the American forum, a variation of the 'Riflemans Rule' for airgunners concerning shooting high targets;
Thats why the yanks cant shoot Balti.
Plus running around 900ft/sec and a lot less susceptable to gravitational effects.
Also it dont state whether up or downhill, theres a big difference, or aint they figured that out yet.
Cmon 45mm at 55 yards, right.
Just shoot the things.
I would be amased if they could get gun in shoulder for anything over 20 degrees with bondage gear on. Probably why it takes them all day to shoot a few targets.
Roy you know that you can keep hold of the BSA as long as you need to. I am in no rush for its return.... Dont listen to Greg, think that he,s slightly affraid you might over take him... Hope to see the Steyr set up ready to shoot on Saturday
Phil, keep your eyes on the road!!!
Come on the Reds!
Thanks Phil. You know Greg gets all excited at the thought of new kit no matter who is buying it. There's not an ounce of jealousy in him, but we've got to keep him on his competetive toes haven't we.
Evening Shaun, Cardiff play tonight.
If you're still online Phil where are you tonight.
Hi Roy, I'm enjoying the Liverpool game. A beer from the fridge very soon I think.
Cardiff 1 up already
Just switched on......great start. No beer for me though Shaun; none in the house.
Evening Phil
This game could be a classic.
It's certainly going very quick. If this was the blues it would be still in the first 10 minutes.
Can see both teams scoring.
Yes, could be a few goals tonight.
Have we had a newsletter since the January one?
Yes a February one
Czech Budweise;, the business!
Budweiser even
have you got an electronic version by any chance?
of the newsletter, not the Bud...
Sorry Phil no to both.
When does E come back fron NY, Shaun?
More to the point, how's Eddie coping with being in sole charge?
They landed about half an hour ago. Ed's doing fine. He just sold the Mazda on e-bay. Sensibility comes to us all, it'll get you soon Roy.
Evening all.
Hope not.
1-2, bugger.
Cracking game but ... come on the Reds!
Evening Greg!
Howdy Greg. 49'ing?
Wow! A bit like watching Blues v Wolves eh Shaun.
Blue is the colour.
Diabetes Clinic followed by 10 rounds of .308 at the 49th, yes.
The question of POI change for high angle/low angle shots cropped up again coincidently on both the American forum, as you can see from my post this morning & the BBS. The suggestion seems to be to shoot low in the KZ for both.
Roy, did you ring that place to see if that price on the Big 60 was right?
Shaun, may stop by tomorrow night for my hat. It looks like being wet Saturday. That OK?
Is that the only similarity?
Now wouldnt be a good time to be Swifty's cat.
I'll be gone by 11am Greg. I can leave it in the porch if you're willing to risk such a classic!
And 11 players.
No, I bet Swifty's pulling his or someone else's hair!
No Greg. But I did order some pellets from JSR. Hope they're here tomorrow otherwise nothing will happen until Tuesday.
Roy do you fance a trp to Furnace Mill next week for some mid-week practise?
That will be fine Shaun.
On STB, the top ten from the B/Championships equipment list desbribes Big Neil as having a Leup 20x50. I'm assuming they mean a 20-50 as that would be a very low mag for ranging.
Drogba off! That's why we just watch the game I suppose.
Some interesting views on FT scopes on this thread lads;
Where's that, and what day?
It's somewhere near the Wyre Forest and I was thinking of Wed morning.
Have a look at
Sods law. I have an appointment on Wed morning. Any other time?
Sounds good. It's a date.
I'll e-mail the owner and catch up with you on here on Tuesday night.
Where are you off to?
Wales for a few days.
Have a great time.
Early night for me, so, see you soon.
Have a good shoot this weekend.
Greg enjoy Bisley and the Officers' Club.
Thanks Shaunie, you Ev & the lads have a good time out in the Wild west, say hello to Mary & Shaun for me.
Greg it's a date Roy and I to Furnace Mill next Wed afternoon. Don't want to dictate your work pattern but if you're owed a day?
Balts that just about sums the idiots up and says it all, bbs and yanky forums. 95% who go on there dont know how to dial and passing comment!
The suggestion seems to be to shoot low in the KZ for both. WRONG
No one about tonight then?
Hello greg, I'm here, on and off. any chance you could make wednesday?.
Evening lads!
I'm trying to enjoy the Easter hollydays in Medina de Pomar at 90km. from Bilbao.....but the weather forecast is not so good.
Finally I shall have some days without travels, because I was on Torino tuesday and wedenesday.
I'm quite tired.
Evening Jesus, not long until your visit eh?
Gents Hello,
Please be kind to me I am still trying to get over last night!. What can I say "out played" Gerrard was taken out of the game and without him we struggle, winning by 3 at the bridge????? cant see it so will have to go for prem now. Having watched Barcalona today ouch!!!!! think we would get a good stuffing.
Hope you all have a good Easter break and look forward to seeing you at the first GP.
Daz, If you read this can you get in touch please, bbs or phone thanks mate.
Hi Roy.
You are right.
I'm exciting for that.
I have already the flight tickets the car rented and all is Ok...I hope.
What about your hand?. Is totally recovered?
Alright lads, Hóla Jesús!
I currently surrounded by small mounds of clothing trying to decide what to take to Bisley tomorrow, Hmmm!
Swifty, any decisions on your scope yet mucker? I didn't realise Lee's had failed Sunday. What with Mr Boliver here being in the market too, could be new scopes all round!
Steve. Really enjoyed the match but would have preferred a L'pool win. I feel your pain.
Jesus, Thanks for asking. Hand OK but still giving pain at times. Still not regained its strength fully.
Greg, you're like a dog with a bone aren't you.
Nighty night mates!
Hasta mañana amigos
Now, Here's a sight you don't see often;
BFTA grading has been updated and should be what you will start the season in.
Over 20 shoots now it makes it harder to significantly go up or down. Even when couldnt be bothered with w/l courses still managed to go up 12+ points in 12 months.
Could see what some shooters tried to do last two shoots hope they get beaten.
C'mon then Greg.....tell us.
Greg, you're a tease. You come on here, feeding us little titbits, and then, when you've got us hungry for more info, you go AWOL.
Sorry about that lads, tired beyond belief, had to go to bed.
Let me sort the piccies out & I'll tell you all about it.
My fellow 'Probie' Ken, was very awed when he saw what 600 yards looked like from the Clubhouse & you could tell he was rather worried by it all, in truth both myself & Alan were a little apprehensive too! A trip down behind the Butts on the Century Range to look at the 6 foot Frames that house the targets didn't aswage our fears, they look tiny from a third of a mile I tell you!
We three were shooting the Club's .308(7.62mm) P17 fitted with aperature sights so didn't even have the benefit of a telescopic sight but after 4 hours of shooting & 12 rounds each we had all scored several 5's.
The targets are segmented by several rings, the outer white ring is worth a 1 then the first black ring is a 2 then a 3, a 4 & the outer bull a 5. What we might call the 'Bullseye' is the 'V Bull' & also counts as a 5 but is added to the score again as a .1 ontop of the total.
You shoot 12 rounds but only 10 can score. You nominate 2 as 'Sighters' to get a wind reading but if either prove by chance to be more valuable than any subsiquent shots you can swap. My second card on the 600 yard line which we shot in the afternoon was worth a 42 plus the 3 V Bulls meant I scored 42.3. I totalled incorrectly because it was the first time I'd done it.
A little section of me shooting on the 500 yard range accompanied by Alan showing his lack of understanding of technology; Bisley Club Shoot/?action=view¤t=49thClubBisleyShoot11409023-1.flv
Hi Chaps , Karl here we been down to far Coley today , excellent shoot , and Neale and the chaps down there have decided to have a shoot tomorrow ( Bank holiday Monday )09.30--13.00pm Just thought if you have not got anything to do..
Just in case you had no success today:
BRL208, £99.80 second one down.
Howdy Greg
Alright Karl, how ya doin'? I'm in, as long as I don't have anything sprung on me at breakfast that is!
How did yesterday go at Millride mate?
Hiya Phil, what's Jonta buying now then?
Evening everybody.
Greg, sounds as though you had a spiffing time over the last couple of days. Enjoyed the photo's and was interested to see what Bisley was like. Any more trips down there planned?
Good day at M/r yesterday, the wind was very kind to us.
It looks like youhad the better weather up here, we had drizzle most of the day. I had my waterproof trousers on & my W/P jacket handy!
End of May for the next one, if it doesn't clash with anything we are doing. May would have been a pretty busy month for me by then though so we'll have to see.
Anything of interest or note occured at Millride?
Don't think so Greg, except that I used the new gun for the first time. Really enjoyed it and it just felt so natural. Dropped 4 in the first 10, 1 in the second, and 2 in the 3rd. Even managed to get a 60 yarder in the field with a combination of dial plus holdover.
Shot with Phil G for the first time in ages. The only other scores I know of were Daz dropped 6 but Mitch dropped only 5
His scope's sorted then!
60 YARDS!!!!!! Got to be Jonta.
You got a 23 to Daz'z 24, that's some going, what did the unholy twosom of Jonta & Jonny D get, what about Ian & Mark as well?
It says a lot that I was sitting on the 600 yard shooting line at Bisley wondering what was happening at the 'ride!
Sorry, but I don't know any other scores, and because it was a practice day some may not have been counting.
60 yarder courtesy of Ian I believe.
Before I bought the gun Russ had told me about the stiff cocking lever. On Friday, when zeroing, it had worked well but come Saturday it wouldn't work at all. The gun could still be used by moving the bolt by hand. When I got to M/r Jonta had got more or less the same problem. Garry R fixed Jonta's with a dab of grease but it wouldn't work with mine. So, after shooting, my gun was taken away by GR and returned to me today. How about that for service? He'd found that there were a couple of loose screws in the action so he's fixed that in addition to a couple of other little tweaks. So it's back to M/r tomorrow to set-up again.
Not interested in Far Coley then Roy? A quick session on their plinkers to confirm zero & long range clicks then battle the F/C wind machine.
Would love to Greg, but I think the solitude of M/r would serve me better. Haven't got a lot of unallocated time this week.....Suffolk Thur/Fri/Sat. Coming home on the Sat in time for GP1 on Sun
I don't know if Phil is still lurking nearby but I see that the Millride site still links to 'The Tales Of Winter'. Might be handy if, time allowing of course, the link is altered to FT Adventure blog & maybe FT Adventure stat cruncher as well. GP1 next week, people will be glued to both!!!!!
OK Roy, you need to get it sorted this week & you will be FTing Wed a.m. as well with Shaun for confirmation. B Grade had better watch out!
Greg, what was that white box-like thing next to you when you were lying at the firing line, on your photo's?
On the 500 yard line in the morning, we would take a shot at the target & it would drop behind the butt, a rossette would be stuck over the hole & an indicator put up along the bottom of the target. Far left would be 1, next to it 2 then 3, 4, 5 & if red far right that would be a V Bull.
On the 600 line we had a display that showed the impact on the screen, if I had it on my left I needn't have changed position at all to see my score. As it was my R/O who was on my right had it by him so he could see it & advise me accordingly.
All hi-tech stuff!
Blog page now links to the FT adventure blog.
Might add some details of the GP's somewhere more prominent but I don't want to step on Mr C's toes and the site is really for Millride stuff.
Not trying to chivy you along or anything Phil, just a suggestion. Well responded to mucker!
You should know by now Greg that our Phil's a coiled spring.
i never did like those slinky things. always were such a disappointment.
I definitely had a feeling he was lurking in the background ready to pounce like a jungle cat!
Never had one Phil. Never had a pair of spurs for my cowboy suit either. Times were tough back then.
hows the gun now roy?
Haven't tried it yet, but the cocking action is so smooth now. Garry said that that tightening the loose screws would improve the accuracy and consistancy....and I thought it was good yesterday.
Well, that's me in trouble with Ian, I over slept so no shooting for me today!
Evening bloggers.
I never left the house today so no lead slinging from me, this despite two excellent offers to do so from Ian & Roy. The first one I slept too late for & the second the prospect of Bank Holiday traffic & the highway to hell otherwise known as the M6 diswaded me from the effort.
Any reports on these two expeditions at all?
I've just got Trudy out to give her a wipe down & noticed a bit of play in the cylinder, it moved! I then noticed a gap between the back of the cylinder & the Reg. A slight exploratory twist & air started to escape!!!!!
I've tightened it as much as I can with my hand but how tight SHOULD it be, should it be tightened up with a tool of some sort because of the pressure?
Anyone who reads this who knows someone who can answer please pass the question on, I can't have this weekend ruined by a stupid technical issue!
Evening Greg. After I phoned you I wondered whether you'd get any great benefit from it.
I spent about 2 1/2 hours over at M/r but the wind got to be a bit blustery so groupings were inconclusive. I think I more or less achieved what I wanted but after a while the eyes get a bit sore so to carry on is counter productive. Let's call it work-in-progress.
You might achieve more Wednesday with Shaun mate.
I'm sure you'll have the answer before the night's out Greg.
That will do Mr Balti.
Might have the M5 grub screw in then in which case you could screw the thing off whilst its out.
Yet another Niko gone down, season aint started yet.
The cheap price on Niko earlier is the old model, the disposable one. Just over £200 trade.
Ere Balts, recognise at least 4 faces in piccies, dont know where from.
Well, one would be Alan Montgomery, used to shoot with me before it got cold & scared him off. Shoots a S200T with an MTC 6-24.
I rang Ian in my panic & he told me to stop worrying, it should only be hand tight, phew!
Hello bloggers, Wales expo complete now it's down to GP prep.
Bisley sounds like a good experience Greg but did you only shoot 12 rounds?
Roy when you're on let's talk Furnace Mill.
Hi Shaun. Just came on to leave you a message to find you've just beaten me to it. Anyway, I can now make the morning session so I'll meet you there at.... what time?
Balts, Ian just told me you worry too much, i say its only an AA.
Hi Roy, the wife is due out in the morning. However, she has just gone to Merry Hell so the morning might be free. I'll not know until later though.
Evening all.
Jon, It's well known that I have occassional panics, it's always good to be surrounded by people who know what they're talking about!
Shaun, welcome back mate. 12 rounds through the Club's P17 at 500 yards, 10 rounds through the Club's Remington 700 .223 at the same range, 12 rounds through a scoped RPA at 600, 10 rounds through an Accuracy International & about the same through a scoped P17.
Only paid for 24 rounds of .308 though, result!
So, you & Roy are off on a jolly tomoz while some of us are working their fingers to the bone, Hmmmm!
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