Friday, 27 March 2009

BFTA Championship 4th April

The summer season begins with the BFTA Championships at Newbury. Last year 124 shooters competed for this coveted title with the winner, Ian Taylor, adding the World Championship later in the year. This would be the first chance for shooters to show how their regions winter leagues had prepared them for the GP season and allow the big guns to jostle for top spot. Who would challenge for honours this year?
Newbury is the home ground of the BFTA; the shooting terrain is deciduous woodland set atop a hill.
Various inlets allow the wind to play its part sufficient to hamper any course being cleared. It is a beautiful setting and today was alive with the sights and sounds of spring. There were many birds on show active in preparation for the nesting season and it was a delight for all to see the majestic Red Kite's aerobatics.
The day started early for those setting out the 40 shot course and competitors began to book in around 8am. Shooting commenced at 9am after a short safety briefing from Roger Moy the BFTA Chairman. Squads of 10 were called at regular intervals and soon each lane of the course was full and stories began to unfold.
It has been 6 months since a national field has been assembled so today offered a chance for distant friends to catch up on any news. Two FT characters it's always a pleasure to meet are Andy Calpin from NEFTA and Mark Bassett from WAFTA.
Well I think it's Mark!
The course began with a kneeling lane; the second target though only 35 yards was an early clue that there was more wind effect than the sunny conditions suggested. By lane 5 a range of distances had tested the competitors and now it was standers. They looked deceptively easy but even the close 20 yarder was causing problems. Lane 6 I'm sure was an optical illusion because the second target looked closer than the first but my scope said they were the same! Such a puzzle is a credit to those who designed the course; in my head was "trust the scope" but it was only a voice and I didn't listen. There then followed a few lanes with one challenging and one gettable target before once more we faced some standers. The course then skirted a small copse which was offering shelter from the wind and the remaining targets were more affected by the breeze from the adjacent field. The last lane was kneeling and target 39 at 40+ yards was sure to offer a challenging end.
Despite the tricky wind some shooters were compiling good scores. First report was that Roger Moy had finished on 38 and some forty shooters later he was joined by Nick Murphy. Neil Daniels and Mark Williams came close on 37 but none of the later shooters could challenge first or third place so shootoffs ensued.
At a now windier lane 1 Nick was successful and further up the course Neil secured 3rd place.
Well done to Neil
And RogerAnd to BFTA Champion 2009 Nick Murphy.So the summer season begins and Newbury has asked questions of us all. I'm on a diet of plenty of practise before GP1 at Harriers in two weeks time.
Many thanks to the Newbury team for a superb course and an excellent event!


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CB Chairman said...

Sounds even better than it sounded before Gregory.

Baltipal said...

GP1 is full, no elbow room on the line Sunday, the plates will be down to bare metal by the time we shoot 'em!

CB Chairman said...

But they do paint them at lucn time.

CB Chairman said...

Lanes 4 and 5 for us Greg and I notice that Lee Hadlington is on lane 1.
The website says that GP1 is full but there are a lot of lanes in the afternoon with only 2 shooters.

Baltipal said...

Extra room for anyone who just turns up I 'spose.

Baltipal said...

Where are you seeing the info about lanes Shaun?

CB Chairman said...

Season's grades are up. I see that Daz is promoted to AA, well done Daz

CB Chairman said...

On the link for GP1 on the Far Coley Website.

Fun at Stamford Bridge tonight!

Baltipal said...

Don't think I know a Jonathan Saunders, doesn't ring a bell.

CB Chairman said...

I shot with him at Redfearn last year. He shoots an Anshutz I recall. He was B grade last GP season.

Baltipal said...

The boy for me to beat then, a new PB has to be set!

CB Chairman said...

Too right! I'm with Peter Montanez who has remained in B grade.

Arby said...

Evening Boys. C'mon the reds.

Baltipal said...

That's me screwed then!

Baltipal said...

Hiya Roy, didn't know you were a Communist, POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Baltipal said...

That 'tosh does give you a slight look of Stalin though!

CB Chairman said...

Yes, keep the red flag flying!

ABC - anything but Chelsea (unless they're the only English team left, or they are playing Man U)

CB Chairman said...

Still waiting for the wife to return from the MHell Roy.

Baltipal said...

You've got the long walk on Sunday Roy.

Arby said...

"The long walk"....sounds a bit sinister.

I've never come back from Merry Hill with what I went for.

CB Chairman said...

I hope to get a wife and son back!

Arby said...

Why? Have you not been fed yet?

Best keep that comment to yourself Shaun lest you're not allowed out to play.

CB Chairman said...

She arrives!

Baltipal said...

Well, that's the food shopping done. Good job you can't buy guns online anymore!

CB Chairman said...

Just spoke to TC and although the website shows spaces he has four extra lanes in the afternoon!

CB Chairman said...

Football's just not rugby or tennis ... thank God!!!!

Baltipal said...

I can't see Steve Cheung booked in for Sunday, I hope he got his car sorted.

CB Chairman said...

this is unreal!

Arby said...


Arby said...

Is this one of the best Champions League games ever?

CB Chairman said...

Drogba is an embarrassment to men

CB Chairman said...

Roy. I'll meet you there at 10:30am, okay?

Arby said...

You've got that right.

I have to confess to being a closet liverpool supporter. Swifty'll be to exhausted to shoot on Sunday.

Arby said...

OK Shaun.

Greg, you can come out now, the football's over.

Jon said...

Sites showing 8 places left.
So 4 extra lanes of 3 people taking 3 mins each at best. Hardly fair on the afternoon boys.

CB Chairman said...

there may be more Jon as anyone turning up on the afternoon is allowed to shoot.

Baltipal said...

Footballs over.

CB Chairman said...

goodnight G I'll report tomorrow about the Furnace Mill experience

Baltipal said...

Nighty-night Shaun

Jon said...

Whats the point of booking in at all then?

I remember the Welsh GP two years ago, just turned up and a couple of places left ok to shoot. Full would have been a different matter and a wasted journey or that was what was implied!

Baltipal said...

I remember when we first started & were learning the ins & outs of the competitions that we were told that it was a BFTA rule that no one can be turned away from a shoot, which is why they have these add on lanes, 1a, 1b etc.
Most of the time it isn't necessary but every now & again.......
I think the booking in is all about gauging how many will be there & organising it as smoothly as possible.

Baltipal said...

Goodnight then bloggers, speak to you all tomoz.

CB Chairman said...

I heard the same "rule" Greg

What's the point of booking in? To allocate people to lanes

CB Chairman said...

Just back from Furnace Mill and what a little treasure it was. Beautiful woodland setting.
Myself and Roy enjoyed 3 hours of practise. The course is more for HFT so distance is limited but it was great for standing and kneeling. Will definitely visit again.

Jon said...

The point i am making is after the Welsh GP 2007 and what was inferred- Meaning full house you wont shoot. Ever since then booked in but only heard what you say amongst yourselves.
Now if the 75 places are filled in the afternoon for whatever reason and other people are allowed to shoot who just turn up, thats what you call fair is it not?
What this means is after 25th lane a severe hold up - 10 shooters at best 30 mins hanging about that morning crew didnt have. MFTA champs a right disaster for that reason with more than 12 in the que in front waiting to shoot lane 1, took their time as well 50 mins.
Same with the winter leagues, spoils the day.

Ayupmeduck said...

Yes Jon I must agree that at the Clubs Cup / Masters after starting at lane 16 and shooting up to lane 20 then having to wait at lane 1 for around 60 mins , you do lose the will to live ..could have been better ..Maybe everyone needs to be on a stop watch.

Arby said...

Yes, Furnace Mill is indeed a hidden treasure. Beautifully tranquil and picturesque. As Shaun said, it is more suited to HFT, but there is scope for lengthening many of the lanes. The only possible downside is that many of the firing positions slope backwards as well as from side to side.

Was well and truly beaten by Shaun in a 321 match which had much barracking and needle. Then I managed to escape without fulfilling my losers obligation of paying for the tea. Sport at its rawest.

CB Chairman said...

Evening all.
Whilst I agree with the points raised about queueing it's difficult if the BFTA have a policy of everyone who turns up being able to shoot. Of recent years the most participants in a GP was Harriers in 2007 with 154. It was thought that this year the economic troubles might mean low entry numbers but that is not the case so far; we are only 21 off a full house at Millride.

Baltipal said...

Evening bloggers. No 49th for me tonight due to yet another medical appointment, sheesh I'm a wreck!

Jonny, I'm not taking an opposing stance to you on this, I accept your point but I was just repeating the reason for this situation as I understand it. Not ideal but to some extent we are the victims of our own success.

Roy, I'm glad that you & Shaun had a nice time while I was beavering away at my Warehouse duties! I hope you learned your lesson taking the Chairman on at 321, it does get a bit cut throat doesn't it? They're not the harshest rules either, Jonta would have you pay a penalty for missing as well!
Was there no beer had after lads?

CB Chairman said...

Evening Greg, no beer was not an option Roy has household duties and I had to go to Decathlon AGAIN!!

CB Chairman said...

Are we visiting the Emerald on Sunday?

Arby said...

Definitely beer and more time next time. You would have been very welcome to have joined us Greg, but I guess somebody had to keep the country going while we were enjoying ourselves.

I found today's shooting to be very confidence building, and am getting to feel comfortable with the new gun.

Baltipal said...

Emerald,Why not!
What did you buy this time, I'd have thought you had most of their stock already? Only a matter of time before they open an FT section, Quechua 10-50 scopes £49.99!

Phil_G said...

evening bloggers.
a cold beer and Corrie on the tv, heaven...

Baltipal said...

No more room for adjustment Roy, all the clicks sorted, range spot on, trigger at pixie's breath pressure?
47 from you on Sunday then!

Baltipal said...

Hiya Phil, I've come upstairs to escape the dratted Corrie!

CB Chairman said...

You're not fooling anyone Phil!

Today was a set of football goals in my attempt to save the fence panels, a tennis racket and some t-shirts. They has no scopes though!

CB Chairman said...

I had a go Greg and it's poetry!

As dead as a nun's sex life!

Phil_G said...

If we're on about Roy's Steyr, I had a go to.
modesty prevents me from detailing the 50 odd yarder that dropped first shot, suffice to say Roy was suitably impressed.
V Nice.

Baltipal said...

I've seen the dreamie look that crosses your face when you've handled those Steyrs before young Sir, only a matter of time before you're all Steyr'd up & all!!!!!

Arby said...

I like your descriptive powers Shaun.

I'll be OK Greg if there's no wind, no long targets, no timer, no pressure, and there are a few more targets. Have you got your race face on yet?

CB Chairman said...

Roy, and the targets are clearly numbered!

Baltipal said...

Just been practicing it in the mirror, very impressive if a little disturbing!
A couple of little jobs to do before Sunday, like bailing some fill out of my new seat, mustn't forget!

CB Chairman said...

Greg good to know that your bowel will be regular.

Arby said...

Ah! Well. Yes. Ahem.I think we'll change the subject.

Baltipal said...

Well, talking of which, I took the wrong tablet tonight & now it looks like I may well be a frequent visitor to the smallest room.

Arby said...

I think I'd rather talk about Greg's bowel movements than about me shooting at the wrong targetson several occasions.

CB Chairman said...

Early forecast for Sunday is sunny 5mph wind.

Any score forecasts for Sunday
This will be my mantra for the season
Ideally = all 50
Challenge = 40
Realistic = 35

assuming favourable conditions.

Baltipal said...

The allusive 70% is always on my mind, except when I'm thinking about my bowles!
In real terms my PB is set at 35 so make that the norm & reset the bar a little higher.

Baltipal said...

Shaun, you're the keeper of all stats, what was my average score last Season?

Arby said...

Ideally would like a B grade %.

Baltipal said...

Easy Peasey for you now Roy, your problem will be missing B altogether & going into A!

Targets for the new Season;

1/ No more double dinks

2/ No hitting the wrong target

3/ Get atleast 50% of the disciplines


Arby said...

Greg, behave yourself.

CB Chairman said...

WL or GP Greg

Baltipal said...

Was Phil J there on Saturday Roy, did he mention the Butler Creeks?

Baltipal said...

GP Shaun.

Baltipal said...

Of course the other big comp of the w/e is Club Agg6, I have Pete O'Tool & Dave Pitt above me & Roy equipped to invade Poland below, not to be sneezed at!

CB Chairman said...

54% in GP
67% in WL

CB Chairman said...

Right I'm settling down for the second half. Blog ya later!

Baltipal said...

Room for improvment there then, the only way is up!

Arby said...

Yes and no Greg.

Unfortunately I won't be with you on Sat. Off to the Far East tomorrow (have tickets for the farewell tour of Riverdance)and will be returning sometime on Saturday. I can hear a sigh of relief from Daz that he'll still be safe in the Knockout Comp

Phil_G said...

Have you got your race face on yet?You mean you have a choice and you pick that one?

Phil_G said...

so, 3 out of 4 semi finalists same as last year, 3 out of 4 are English again, just swap Arsenal for Liverpool.
Boring or what?

Baltipal said...

Hasn't the footy season finished yet? I thought it was a Winter game!

Will you be there Saturday Mr Gee? I've just been talking to Paul & he may well put in an appearance.

CB Chairman said...

Just a pity there's so few English players.

Goodnight all!

CB Chairman said...

Hello again Greg let's persuade Paul to come to the Emerald

Phil_G said...

I am contractually bound to attend the gamefair at Catton Park this weekend. If I am required to attend on Sunday then I shall be shooting on Saturday and if I'm required on Saturday then I shall not be shooting this weekend.
That's husbandly contracted.

Baltipal said...

Good idea Shaun.
Good night mate.

Phil, so GP1 is out but ClubAgg6 may be possible? Can't you arrange it the other way, say you'll definitely take her Saturday & then shoot at Harriers?

Phil_G said...

I won't be at the GP, but may make Millride. All pray for me.

Baltipal said...

Fingers crossed.

Baltipal said...

Goodnight bloggers.

Jon said...

All the percentages depend upon how easy the course is and how others do.
Missing the point of why we shoot - That should be enjoyment but again depends upon the course layout.

Ayupmeduck said...

Hi Chaps , my not be at millride on Saturday as going to Wales to collect a new gun for my if I cannot make it up there by 15.00pm will come straight home so good luck on Sat club agg. and good luck to the Millriders for the start of the Grand prix season on Sunday..Karl

CB Chairman said...

Is that a Dominator Karl?

Can't blog tonight chaps as I'm off for a curry and a few beers; I should recover by Saturday!

Jon said...

More like another Steyr.
Used to use an LG10 barrel on No2 gun.

Phil_G said...

Hopefully, I'll be at Millride tomorrow.
If not, can we decide if we need to add any info to the website regarding the GP?
There are already directions, but we may want to add some more info, maybe not.

CB Chairman said...

Evening all!

Hope to see you tomorrow Phil. I shall mention to the committee members your request if you are not there.

GP1 coming, who's excited?


CB Chairman said...


Wind forecast is now 13mph on Sunday.

Baltipal said...

But of course, it's Harriers!
It looks like I'm having to work tomorrow morning so it will be a case of going straight to Millride from Tyseley so won't be getting there till well after 1300hrs!

Baltipal said...

I GOT THE 300!!!!!

Baltipal said...

No one around tonight then?

Phil_G said...

just a quick drop by. I've added a banner to the front page and a few words on the news page pointing people to the directions.
Let me know any more ideas. Do we need to link to any B&B sites, railway stations or camping etc?

Baltipal said...

Just you & me Phil by the look of it & I wouldnt know, nice thought though.

Jon said...

Yo Balts, Gertrude alright?

Cant trust them weather forecasts but hope its right.
See no mention of the MFTA Masters.

CB Chairman said...

Evening all. A good day's shooting at Millride. Hopefully the windy conditions will help come tomorrow at Harriers. I was amazed at how much wind the 30 yarder on lane 1 was taking.

Congratulations to Wolves and well done to the Blues!

Arby said...

Evening everybody. Who did what today then?

Exstatic for Wolves but great result for Blues today. All eyes on the Sheff Utd score on Monday.

Metcheck's saying 5-6 mph winds tomorrow.

Arby said...

Sorry, mis-type. Should be ecstatic.

CB Chairman said...

Exstatic if fine for a fan just promoted!

I had 21, Phil G = 20, Phil J = 25, Jonta = 23 and all the rest were still shooting

Arby said...

Was the wind that bad then, or was it a cunning course?

CB Chairman said...

Are you saying our scores are poor!!!!

No, it was windy. There were 6 targets out in the field which were causing some trouble.

On lane 1 there was a 32 yarder at head height that took a full kill for wind. (when I shot it anyway).

Arby said...

Now Shaun, I'm not saying that you shot's just unlike Jonta to drop 7. Oops,I think I've probably just been dropped from your Christmas card list

CB Chairman said...

I presume that your drinking Champagne so will forgive you.

CB Chairman said...

Lee's Steyr on the BBS!!!

Baltipal said...

Evening bloggers, anyone still here?

CB Chairman said...

At last a blogger!

Baltipal said...

Go on then, ask me!

Arby said...

Do you love me?

CB Chairman said...

A big score, or you're buying the Steyr, or is Paul coming out (not that way) ...

Baltipal said...

Paul is doubtful.

Yes, I'm buying a Steyr

.........not just yet though!

My score today, 25 with 9 on the silys!

Arby said...

You little tease.

CB Chairman said...

Well done Gregor, bring Harriers!!

Any news on Paul's attendance to the Emerald?

Baltipal said...

Non commital, "We'll see." Type of thing. Translation from Paulese, "Very Doubtful."
He seemed to have a good time though without the 'score-anxiety' hanging over his head so a return to the joy of shooting. He made some noises about Connor maybe developing an interest & getting an S200 for him, maybe an off-season sport!

CB Chairman said...

Itching for Harriers. See you tomorrow Greg at 10.15am

Baltipal said...

I'll be there Shaun. I've got to ladle some of these poly balls out of that bag now.

Phil_G said...

Shaun, you'll be excited to learn there is a new version of chairgun.

Jon said...

Oh no not the dreaded 3

Jon said...

Ere Phil Arby got 2nd in C

So no crossover then Roy.

Phil_G said...

well done Roy!

CB Chairman said...

Yes well done Roy.

A great day out and finished with a Chinese buffet.

Info for Greg - top score from GP's in 2008 was 31 at GP6 and 31 at GP8

Phil_G said...

who won?

Arby said...

Thank you for your kind words, gentlemen. The new trophy cabinet should be arriving tomorrow. (It's just a bit bigger than the Birmingham City one, so there's possibly room for 1 more trophy)

Jon said...

Ouch Roy.
But will the trophy cab be as large as Wolves?

Jon said...

Shame theres no Albion fans on here Roy.

Baltipal said...

Evening bloggers.
Congrats to Andy Gillott for taking Top Gun with 47 after a Shoot Off with John Costello. To Mark for taking A Grade & Roy for 2nd in C Grade.
Ian got a commendable 41, Phil J 40, Daz 45(I think!) Shaun 38, Jon must be up there somewhere but I didn't catch his score, What was it then Jonny? Forgotton Jonta's as well (memory like a Goldfish!) Mitch 33, me 33 & apparently a new GP PB though I was certain it was previously 35, I owe you a pint Shaun.
Now, I'm going to gingerly take a shower due to very red arms, Ouch!

Baltipal said...

...........and I'm too late, the sores have been posted on FC's site, Doh!

CB Chairman said...

Roy, 1963 Blues beat Villa to win the League Cup and ...

Arby said...

Shaun knows I'm only teasing Jon, and I'd expect no less from him. Delighted for my team though. I'm looking forward to banter with Daz, Mitch and Swifty now. Bags I shoot with Pete O'toole (Albion) on Saturday.

CB Chairman said...

Tough scoring in A grade. My best ever score and only 24 points!

Baltipal said...

Can anyone see Jim Vickers' score on the results?

Arby said...

Mitch was well placed in B grade. Well done mate.

Jon said...

Got a link to these scores.

Nothing up on FC site, NTL 404 error.

Baltipal said...

It is there Jon but doesn't look like the finished article yet. Try clearing private data in tools.

Jon said...

BFTA site not FC

Baltipal said...

Better version now on both. FC had BFTA numbers in blue down the side a while ago.

Jon said...

Mmm well i gave up after 7 down after 26 shot. A few misses could have gone either way in that plus one didnt drop a 42 yarder net tot he 54 twisting on the fence. Win some lose some.

Cleared the hard part, all i wanted was 10 in a row to go home happy.
Followed Oneil geeza round 3 down when i was 7 down, took his time as well.
Probably blame it on not being geared up for the event, still thats 9 out of 8 Gp with an AA grade score.
Light played havoc, many i guessed the range some couldnt be bothered to range but still went over.
Good day.

Jon said...

Chrono played up as well, 54 ft/sec high at one point but registered 25 ft/sec fast when i went through.

Jon said...

Soz thats the last 9 out of 9 GP AA scores, thats all i want.

Baltipal said...

Yes, it was Jon. Heat haze was a bugger, I tried to range on the number or the cord clip, easy to make a mistake on the plate. Not much feedback from the plate either, misses all over most of them.
I ranged & shot on 40X today, even for the silys, preparation for my Leup!!!!! I was doing alright on the silys too, then I buggered up th Rams! Couldn't see down the scope, just black, I missed the first one, lost the image again then it flashed back, I found I was on a Ram, I pulled the trigger only to find it was number 3! Ended up with 11 I think.

Jon said...

Thats it just spent 10 mins typing out only to be hit by the Brum ALT and lag.
New ISP tomorrow, got my MAC code.

Phil_G said...

just a fleeting visit as we've got Gadget Show then Ashes to Ashes.
Thanks for the offer to have a look at my gun Jon.
Did Lee H not shoot then, can't see his score?

Jon said...

Phil, bring that heap Sat, i'll adjust provided the sears arent worn. Load of b... on the hammer.

General Lee didnt shoot, spotted in the kitchen sampling the goods.

Jon said...

Alternatively Phil you could back off the first stage, not the spring tension may be easier than adding to 2nd stage adjuster. Basically you are going to have a tad of creep.

Jon said...

Balts, the thread worked wonders on the ones you could see. Unfortunately none showing in first section. Reckon Rob O Neil must have missed 4 in first 8 there, 2 myself.
Even had one categorically coming in at 63 yards and i read on the low side, just spun turret up some where, try that.

Jon said...

Dont tell me you didnt see the Wolves on the telly earlier. With the big boys again now.
Such a shame the Albion relegated- not.

Arby said...

It's with great regret that I have to tell's gone. Sold the S400 to an HFT'er tonight.

Jon said...

Better in someone elses hands than yours Roy, AA 2 a penny.

Baltipal said...

Evening all.
Have a look at this;

That's 2 cylinders worth of .44 ball at 25 yards. I was told to aim low to allow for muzzle rise & that explains the 4 along the bottom, the first one actually went under the target!
When I realised it was shooting much truer than that I shot my 6th ball straight & that's the lower one in the 9 ring.
The second cylinder I went straight at it & got a 3cm group with 5. The high one is a result of the revolver jamming & having to be stripped to free the mech. I think I kind of expected the thing to fly apart when I took that shot so wasn't really concentrating on aiming.

Baltipal said...

Why did you sell the 400 Roy? I wish I had a spare rifle.
You could have set it up for HFT!

Jon said...

Balts liky linky no worky
Image removed.

Arby said...

Bit of an impulse sale really. Someone on the BBS posted a "wanted" last night. I'm thinking that if I wanted a back up gun I could get something more appropriate for FT. The amount of HFT I'm likely to do doesn't justify holding on to it. It may bite me on the backside, but hey ho!

Arby said...

Result Shaun. Max 3 more points needed because of goal diff. Get it done this weekend. C'mon Blues.

Baltipal said...

Soz Jon, anyone else having problems opening the piccie? I tested it & it appeared to work. Black Powder night at the 49th Jonny.
Last month I managed to get two on the paper from two cylinders! A bloke there gave me the shpiel about how I can't expect too much & how unlikely it is to even get on the paper with a Club owned BP pistol, it made me doubt myself but after tonight I know it isn't me.

Arby said...

Great stuff Greg.

Jon said...

Nah cant shoot pistol, too heavy handed.
Pass me that brummie adjusting tool please.

Taking mutley out.

CB Chairman said...

Evening all!
Yes a good result for the Blues.

I've been busy compiling a new blog which will be online tomorrow after a spell check.

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