The final GP of the season took place at Sywell near Northampton. This is the traditional end venue and it offers excellent facilities including a lot of space to accommodate the prize ceremony and the end of season raffle.
Sywell is famed for its wind and today would offer a severe test. The course consists of a three sections. The first is open grassland and although the wind was strong it was, to a degree, consistent. Next was a garden area, here the wind was switching and swirling and flags, indicating wind direction, showed it was going left and right at the same time! The third section was "the bank of death", here targets were placed at varying heights and the wind was blowing a hooley. The strong wind gusted up the slope of the bank and lifted pellets well above the killzone.

Of the five competitions the winner of B grade and SFT had already been determined. The C and A grade winners were still uncertain and the big one could still be won by a number of shooters.
The last 2 seasons had seen the Sywell GP won with scores of 43 and 42. Today's conditions suggested that a score close to 40 would probably win the day.
Here's Andy Gillott negotiating the bank; he posted an impressive 36 to further his challenge for the overall title.

Roger shows off his kneeling technique.

Big Neil bags a pair on his way to 36 to tie for third on the day and 6th overall.

The morning session was topped by Andy Calpin who scored an impressive 38 to lead by 2. It looked like this score would not be troubled by the afternoon shooters as the wind seemed to increasing in ferocity. Dorian Falconer came close with a 37 but the day was to belong to Mr Calpin.
So to the award of trophies and the end of season mega raffle with lots of prizes on offer; many thanks to Napier for the sponsorship of the GP series.

Kate Green won a shoot off to claim her first piece of FT glassware; third in C grade. In her excitement Kate unfortunately dropped her newly won brandy glass. As soon as Mr Calpin received his then he offered it to Kate, what a gent!

Paul Schofield won A grade with an excellent 35 which was 1 more than Dave!

After the day's trophies were awarded it was on to the overall placements for the season.
Congratulation to Brian Samson who dominated the SFT class.
Piston class was a two way contest between Nick Murphy and Marc Fisher, both had won four of the previous eight rounds. Nick triumphed today and added the Piston title to the British Championship he won in April.

Ian Harford had started the season with 3 rounds of SFT before constructing six strong rounds to comfortably win C grade. Second place went to Roy Boliver, well done Arby!

Simon Higgins came top in B grade after an impressive first GP season. Tenth place belonged to Baltipal!

Midway through the presentation we were treated to some overhead aerobatics which temporarily took everyone's attention.

Ian Stoddart had a brilliant season and won A grade at a canter, Ian c'mon!

Karl Clarke finished 6th in A grade in his first GP season for many a year.

And to the top man. British FT Champion Andrew Gillott.

It's been a great season and I daren't add up the miles that we have travelled. The grounds, the courses and the weather have all been variable but one thing has remained constant - we all had a great time.
So goodbye for a while, it's time for a blogging recess. Follow the adventures of the MFTA WL starting in October.
1 – 200 of 1574 Newer› Newest»Nice one Shaun & thanks for all of them through the Season.
I've had my Computer issues the last day or so, as a result my piccies will be a bit tardy but they will arrive eventually.
Now, will someone please go & fetch Ian, he'll be all alone in the last one wondering where everyone has gone!
Hi Greg.
Congratulation to John and Steve for qualifying for the Showdown.
Hi Shaun, I was right, Ian's still in Wales going on about bins!
Greg I signed up today for a 10 week Spanish course. It's on Thursday nights at Redditch from 7pm - 9pm. It commences on Sept 17th and cost £74.
Ian Come On!
Evening once again brethren. I've spoken to Daz tonight and he's received notification that he too will be in the Showdown. One of the qualifiers is unable to shoot and Daz takes the spot
Hi all havent read yet.
Think Ian is still on the old GP8 blog.
I can't access Far Coley, Harriers or the results section of the BFTA site. I'm assuming that's because they are working on them putting the final results up.
How did you sign up for it Shaun?
Forgot to say thanks to Shaun for this and all the other reports during the season. The commitment is both recognised and much appreciated.
Someone text Ian, he'll be there all week otherwise!
They have been up ages Balts, yesterday actually.
You timing out on certain pages?
Dropped him a message on the old GP8 jobby 4 mins ago.
Yes, a 'Connection Interrupted' page. I can get all the forums but not the FC, Harriers or BFTA results pages.
Greg I phoned 01527 572954
The course is titled "Get by in a language"
Check your download speed which may be variable. Probably Virgin throttling you!
Nice one, I'll give 'em a ring tomoz.
Wolves just won on pens. How did Blues get on?
Do you think you can do that time slot?
Won 1-2
I bought a Nikko off Daz tonight. Not the latest one, but the one Mitch's been using.
I don't know for certain till I try, it might be tight, I'd prefer somewhere in Brum really.
BFTA loads for me on a slow connection.
i have have arrived . that is a nasty stutter i have
Hi Ian. We all get bins after our own comments but not other peoples so we can't 'Bin' others comments, except Shaun, he can bin everybodies if he feels brutal!
Hi Ian glad you found your way here!
Yes I have bins on all comment so watch out!
Nah Jon, tried that one but it failed as well!
how did you all know when to change. computers do my head in
How was Wales, Shaun?
but i am here . i am learning the key board better aswell
Shaun told us,
"Evening all new blog on line in 3, 2, 1 fire!"
Roy it was awesome. 7 hours and 5 minutes to complete the Horseshoe. It was also my first visit to the new cafe which was very impressive. Llanberis was virtually empty on the evening, I've been there in the summer when you can't move.
Only down side was that a Liverpool win was the fourth in an accumulator, they haven't lost at home in 2 years!
Oh and the visit to the loo a 2.17 am, followed by another etc. But you know my stomach can't travel to different countries.
Can you lot see the results?
Sin em yesterday Balts.
Still work for me. FC, BFTA site etc.
Ian to change to the new blog just reload the page from your favourites. It is still possible to view or comment upon an older blog. Look at the right hand side of the blog page that contains the report, click on any of the months and you can read old blogs. You might even find some pictures of yourself.
Just trying something out.
Andy Calpin ANSTON AA 40092 38 100% 1 AIR ARMS EV2 MK2 NIKKO DIAMOND JSB
Neil Daniels CASTLE AA 20352 36 95%
Lee Marshall PURLEY CHASE AA 20864 35 92%
John Harris MILLRIDE AA 20002 35 92%
David Williams QUARRY AA 50244 34 89%
Dave Schofield TAWD VALE AA 10167 34 89%
John Chopping KENT WOODSMEN AA 71139 33 87%
Neale Marklew FAR COLEY AA 20528 33 87%
David Penman DUMFERMLINE AA 30043 33 87%
Christopher Jones EAST DEVON AA 60272 32 84%
John Cox MILLRIDE AA 20321 32 84%
Mark Bassett NELSON AA 50057 31 82%
Rob Farnworth CHRISTCHURCH AA 923 31 82%
Phil James HARRIERS AA 20097 31 82%
Roy are you there?
I'm free.
Roy - I'm looking at your shoot percentages and reckon that if you score 60% or more at the Masters then you'll be in B grade.
The Euros also affects your grade.
All change for the weekend then, Roy will be sportin' some fresh optics, I'll be Ella'd up & Paul will have the unbeatable Trudy/Mk3 Nikko combination.....anyone else for new gear?
I think I'll be shooting a Tx200
see i did smile! in fact i have been smiling so much my face is now hurting
Shaun, go out & buy something quick!
"see i did smile! in fact i have been smiling so much my face is now hurting"
Too much unaccustomed muscle usage!
Thanks Shaun, I hadn't worked that out yet.
sorry about spelling i aint a teacher or a computer expert
spalling is'nt imprtant on this blag
Wind Ian.
Ian, spellin aint evryfink.
o gid
Rob gave me a link that sort of worked for the results, I could see the Day's results but not the Totals, oh well in a day or two perhaps!
I bet it's Virgin's fault, bloody Branson!!!!
well are we all going to change shooting mates this weekend. lets help one another
Ian I'm shooting springer, I hope, but we could have a bit of 1 minute showdown practise.
why not. not done it before must say i,m abit nervous
Squad has been announced for SA;
John Costello
Andy Calpin
James Osborne
Rob Farnworth
James Woodhead
Steve Page
Sarah England
Jonathan Noon
"Late entry Gregory Ralph takes the 2009 title"
1 mins plenty as long as you can find the target.
Beryl and Mike Noon talked me in to ticking Showdown box, wasnt going to do it this year. 4 out of 4 last year got through to 3rd round knocked out by that Finley geeza.
Jon you said on the previous blog of the North Oxon 50 at the weekend. It is on the 27th of September!
Thought there was more than that going Balts, never the less better than any one predicted especially the yanks.
Error North Oxon at Otmoor ground is 27th September- ooooops
Saved you a journey!
I think there are about 16 or so going Jon but that is the team.
I'm not sure ANY Americans will be there in SA. Paul Cray was booked but I think he pulled out due to work committments.(Is that too many T's or M's?)
Balts you need to chant it on the yankee forums, try the yellow or Delphi.
Right it's bed time. Blog tomorrow!
Truly ambidextrous Balts.
STB and FT Adventures at same time.
I'm ahead of you Jonny D!!!!!
And the Yellow matey!!!!
Time for bed now though,goodnight blogsters. Hopefully everything will be working properly tomoz!
Good night Balts like Lee's comment on STB.
Looks likr the NTL server is playing up now.
Evening blogsters.
Not sniffing the powder tonight then Greg?
No, I wanted to do a search online for a suitable Spanish Course, times running out for the start of term so I thought I'd miss the 49th tonight to get it sorted.
Hi Folks,
Shaun, Another great write up, and as said before thanks for putting in the effort all season creating the blog. When you dont shoot the GP its great to be able to read about the events from the day.
For the Winter League could we have a min of 5 pages and 30 min of video??????.
Ok then you past "Showdown shooters" any tips?.
2 targets in 1 min?.
Hiya Steve, great score Sunday mate.
Evening Steve. No ill effects from Sunday I hope.
For the video, can I suggest that Neil Daniels does the voiceover.
Or Lee. I gues that's where it starts getting pornographic though.
Hi Greg,Arby,
Thanks Greg it had you thinking every shot but enjoyed it.
Arby, Bit sore still, It hurt more whilst shooting but have alterd rifle and shooting position to try and help.
When will you next be shooting Steve?
Evening all.
Steve my one tip for the Showdown is;
Dial for the long target and holdover for the short target.
Hi Shaun. I'm enrolled on a suitable entry level Spanish Course.
Has Paul spoken to you about Friday?
Hope to be shooting Sunday at Purley.
Shaun, sounds like a good idea.
My one tip for Showdown is be there at firing line before 9am.
8.50am last year they were waiting on the line ready to start.
Made the last 16, knocked out third round last year.
MFTA used to run a Showdown, now replaced with that Masters thing.
Cheers Jon,
When do you find out who you shooting are against?.
Swifty - you find out on the day. It's all on a big board. As Jon said just don't miss your start.
Greg, where is your course?
The Hall Green Centre, Southam Rd. On the way home from work for me so very handy. It starts on the 17th of Sept for 10 sessions.
I'm not sure what I should take along though, it's been along time since I was in a classroom!
Cheers Shaun,
Night folks.
Take an apple for the teacher (manzana)
See you soon Steve.
Have you spoken to Paul?
Greg I haven't spoke to Paul but I'm assuming that you and he are coming over on Friday for a scope swap and beer. I'm stuck indoors so if you want a Fursty Ferret or two then bring one car.
Greg you will have to find your short trousers out, clean shirt and wear a tie.
Evening chaps.
Congratulations to all GP competitors as well to the stories writer.It has been very interesting to read all the GP's sythese.
Now time to prepare the winter league ....scopes, airguns ¿springers perhaps? and for the next year ....Spanish.
Great idea Shaun , Greg and someone else?.
Oh and dont forget your satchel.
Hola Jesus. Greg and I have become students of Spanish. Let's hope you see an improvement next year!
I'm sure of that.
Remember slowly= despacio, jejejejej.
Holá Jesús, soon the lessons begin!
Shaun,apparantly there is a Funeral to complicate matters, I spoke to Paul today & he isn't sure about times on Friday because of it, it is still on though AFAIK!
Jonny, I don't even know if I need a pen, I'm assuming so but......
Ooooooh, I take the 100!
Greg I don't know what your acronym means but come over on Friday.
As Far As I Know! Sssh!!!
OK, beer it is!
Not much mention on your Forum of the European Championship yet Jesús!
Greg don't bring beer. At Christmas when I won those beers I hid them so as to prevent them being snaffled on New Year's Eve. I found them last week!!!
What, we got some visitors again?
Just booked in Sunday got my tickets.
Downloaded the pdf around Feb but couldnt be a..ed to print it off.
There were some long tail backs Monday even 10 mile away.
Proper Euros this year Jonny, it's got actual Europeans in it!
You are right Shaun.
But our last sunday comp has been done trying to reproduce the European comp. with targets into the forest shade.
Three European competitors were in Okondo, Toñin, Osalvanes and myself and their toughts very exiting, so the comp was very difficult and strong.
It was very interesting oportunity to test how must be ranged in the shade and with the sun in front!
Weve had em before from Holland, NL, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal, NI, & Russia.
Wise to train with shaded Targets, they were abit of a problem last year but it will probably rain this year so don't worry too much!
More than likely the sun will be behind you and you are looking in to dark woods.
Ahh yes Jon, but this team they're coming in force!!!!
One of the complaints raised last year, IIRC was that there wasn't much actual European involvement in the European Championships, can't say that this year!
Is there a list up yet?
Well if no one want to come over, thats their problem.
For Team Read Year, must be going Doolali Tap!
By the way..Osalavanes told me he received already the parking tickets, and all entry docs .
As you booked on behalf to me in the European I gues you'll have my entry docs isn't it?
Evening Jesus. Glad you're looking forward to your forthcoming visit.
Yes Jesús & your tent mate!
I'll need Jesus and 4 or 5 others to help me put my tent away, or I could just ask J to do it on her own.
Thanks Roy.
It will be an other exciting experience sure!
Greg. don't be a bad man!
Roy for Gods sake go & buy a 2 sec 2 man job from Decathlon, we could your current one to park the cars in!
I was thinking more like Millride Village Hall.
ME, MALO, NOoooo!
We've got some cotton wool for your ears & some Pine board for your back, you will be fine mi amigo, confiar en mÃ, yo soy un médico!!!!!
Dont forget the clothes pegs for his nose.
Nah, plenty of cotton wool!
Ahhhh. If you are a doctor is different. I'll be more confident in you.
Very good Spanish by the way ....and without any class yet.
Jon. I don't know yet this aspect. Is it at the same level than the snoring?
Google Translator Jesús........I didn't have to look to long for that one though as it is one of Roy's chat up lines for the Muchachas!
Chatting with Muchachas perhaps it will be need to use very subtle phrases and to do it you'll need very good level I think.
Anyway this is very dangerous field.
Well, it is if you are married or not actually a Medico!!!!
I think I should be away to my bed so Good Night y Buenas noches a todos. This weekend brings great change.
evening chaps its just took me 15 mins to catch up
Hi Ian .
Sometimes I spend all the night to catch the way of the blog, so don't worry at all.
Right I'm off the bed.
BuenaS noches amigos
hi jesus nice to speak to you again its been a long time ! well pontefract at least. looking forward to seen you again at europeans mate.
see how i am learning all the time
have you all left me again
now we am talkin C`mon
Euros list; I'm seeing Spanish, Russian & Polish names;
1 Deitry Afonin R4
2 Manuel Alferez Cabello De Alba S3
3 Alexande Antonov R2
4 Simon Ayers 80031
5 Piotr Bajraszewski P3
6 Antonio Balbas Rodriguez S5
7 Alexander Bambizov R12
8 Sam Barr 10518
9 William Baskeyfield 21347
10 Demyan Beliakov R11
11 Sergey Belonozhkin R1
12 Michael Brown 20460
13 Cliff Burt 80312
14 John Bytheway 21067
15 Simone Callan 70850
16 Mark Camoccio 71109
17 Alan Chambers 30060
18 Mick Chapman 40747
19 Mark Charlton 20578
20 Debbie Clarke 20453
21 Karl Clarke 20454
22 Peter Clarke 21259
23 Michael G Cotter 70911
24 Michael E Cotter 70912
25 John Cox 20321
26 Neil Daniels 20352
27 Carl Davies 20028
28 Leszek Domagala P2
29 Paul Dunwoody 10798
30 Pete Dutton 41091
31 Des Edwards 20114
32 Paul Ekins 30247
33 Greg Ferson GF
34 Andy Finnigan 10272
35 Mark Fisher 20135
36 Tony Fouracres 60278
37 Andrew Gillott 20533
38 Tony Glazier 70898
39 Konstantin Grigoriev R5
40 Lee Hadlington 20512
41 Stuart Hancox 20084
42 Simon Higgins 41975
43 Christopher Hill 10589
44 David Hill 10588
45 Carl Hill 21145
46 David Hollingdale 70131
47 David Hollingdale 70131
48 Mark Huckle MH
49 David Jackman 71050
50 Manuel Jimenez Martin S2
51 Martin Jones 50403
52 Christopher Jones 60272
53 Carl Knapper 10635
54 Steve Kociumbas 50292
55 John Kociumbas 50540
56 Alexander Kozlov R14
57 Phil Lawrence 70689
58 Richard Lees 10124
59 James Lindley 40915
60 Callum Lindley 40914
61 Pablo M. Lopezosa Monge S6
62 Neale Marklew 20528
63 Jose Redondo Martin-Benito S4
64 Steve Mason 20037
65 Maxim Matveev R6
66 Maria Matveev R9
67 Craig McDonald 70757
68 Barry McDonald 70756
69 Conor McFlynn CM
70 Peter Montanez 60284
71 Darren Moore 20527
72 Peter Moore 20231
73 Elizabeth Moy 80027
74 Nick Murphy 20122
75 Ivan Naumov R7
76 Andrey Nekhaev R16
77 Alexandra Nesterova R8
78 Andrew Newbold 41978
79 Robert O`Neill 10587
80 Bob O`Neill 10123
81 Terry Ord 303
82 Hugh Osborne 40024
83 Pat Osborne 40025
84 David Penman 30043
85 David Purcell 562
86 Gregory Ralph 21180
87 Shaun Richardson 41532
88 David Robinson 41529
89 Scott Robinson 41950
90 Dermot Ross DR
91 Peter Rowley 20812
92 Radoslaw Rozum P1
93 Oscar Salvanes Henche S1
94 Jesus Sangroniz S7
95 Kevin Sayers 20166
96 Paula Schofield 10168
97 Dave Schofield 10167
98 Richard Shaw 40762
99 Mark Shepherd 50134
100 Shaun Shore 21181
101 Sergey Sidorov R13
102 Barry Smith 60519
103 Russ Spencer 40091
104 Ian Stoddart 20577
105 Sergey Surikov R10
106 Chris Suttey 80385
107 Ian Taylor 40053
108 Darren Tomes 20885
109 Mitchell Tomes 21363
110 Mick Tromans 20362
111 Maxim Vilensky R15
112 Adam Walsh 1206
113 Marek Wesolowski P4
114 Luke Williamson 20475
115 Steve Wilson 10746
116 Neil Woodhead 41986
117 Keith Worboyes 70813
118 Galina Yakushina R3
Ta, its a bit out of date in the 140's now.
That's the BFTA Forum for ya!
Evening each, how y'all doin'?
Is there Football on?
Evening Greg, How are your preparations with the new "girl" going. Is she house-trained yet. More importantly,am I in for another pasting on Saturday?
Not out her box yet Roy, the scope is going on tomorrow night at Shaun's so a brief zeroing Saturday leading to not expecting too much in the PM, I think you are safe.
Have you put the new glassware on yours yet?
Scope is on and aligned. Used the mounts I was using with the BSA, together with the same amount of packing. Optical centre coincides almost pefectly with 13 yards, which on the BSA was within 2 clicks of 55 yards. Number of clicks at 13 and 23 yards coincides exactly with what it did on the BSA, so I'm hoping all the other clicks will coincide, because I won't have time to fiddle before Saturday. Will also need to check the distance measurements because my pointer will probably not be in the same position that it was.
Evening folks?,
Greg bet your looking forward to shooting the baby?.
Jon, Are you still making the sidewheels?, Like the one Mitch has on his nikko?.
Check out the Cider thread on the BBS Roy, I've immortalised ya!
Everyone has got off the same bus!!!
Hi lads. I'm hopeing the same for myself. The mounts won't come off the scope, BUT......there will now be riser blocks to consider so......
Where did Ian go?
Arby all the best setting up the new scope (is it a nikko) spend as mutch time as you can getting used to the optics.
What are you using at the mo' Steve?
i will try again. mans a dummy, evening chaps, roy your scope will be very similar to old one.
Yo geezas, tis i.
I have something of yours Ian, as piccied.
Just had a very attractive young lady called Patricia from Guyana wanting to be my 'special' friend on Facebook. Can't see why she needs another friend though as her stats show 222 existing ones, most of them fellas, Mmmmmm!(rubs chin)
Balts the rail will need knocking off, not in the female sense.
Hammer will come in handy.
Mmmm reading between the lines she wants a home and hubby in Brum with citizenship.
Hope you like rings Balts.
or a good seeing too
Rings as in neck rings
jon i hope you`ve polished it ! come to pap pa
I noticed it the other day, thats all i am saying.
why do you keep changing ya piccy jon
Somat to do.
do you like mine C,mon
do you like mine C,mon
Greg give it some welly not because its something AA produced, you need to. The rail is a good fit shame about rest of it.
There you are Ian, that's what the little bin is for!
that is a realy bad stutttter i havvvvvvvvvvvvve
Its off that car advert aye it.
Yes but why has the rail got to come off?
You can leave the scope in the mounts and mounts on the rail = Just a straight swap.
yes greg i had to try it
Wheres Ian gone, has he deleted himself?
not yet . but theres still time
Cant hear him, can you Balts.
I hadn't thought of that. I just thought we'd take the scope/mounts off & put them onto the riser blocks on Ella, HOLD ON! We'll have to detach the rail for that anyway!
Has Ian ended up back on the old blog again?
Probably, havent heard anything for about 10 mins.
Still there Ian?
Just seen the video on the BBS, Greg. I've suddenly got a craving for cider.
Strangely enough so do I suddenly, off I go.
is tat blog or bog
Greg, Still got the nikko, but would love a leup???????, must admit like my nikko but crap in dark areas.
Ian, you sober yet?
Jon, did you see my post ref sidewheel?.
Not a drop in the house for me I'm afraid. Has Ian broken the blog?
me sober are you taking the p***s
Steve, check your text mate.
What I was asking you Steve, was what kind of wheel have you got already matey?
Ian, just what I like to hear go on my son, none for me but might change that Friday night Dragon going out yes!!!!!!!!.
I dunno, all this time waiting for Ian to show up then he disappears up in smoke!
its good this blog, its keeping me out of yhe pub. bought 8 bottles of bulmers tonite things not so bad
Hi Mr Swift cant hear you either.
Should be at it now 5 rails to do then back on wheels. As is looking around mid November.
Is anybody else having trouble reading Ian's blogs. They're flashing up but they're diappearing again before I can read them. Shaun's either deleting him or his "dustbin's" stuck in the on position.
I thought he'd gone down the Pub with Mia.
Se me old mate Ivan in Russia is coming again.
He copped me at 2005 Worlds, i was rambling on for a few mins, noticed Dmitri head turn like a dog, thought nothing of it.
Ivan then said calmly what language do you speak.
I have to say Jonny, I've often wondered the same!:)
Its that mixed accent, though brought up in Handsworth and Hockley.
Cant see Leonas name down but a fair few other Russian women.
Third time for Marek in Poland.
Used to see without fail NL, Holland up to 2002, but never known a year since 1997 where the NI lads dont come over.
Ahh Hockley!!! That explains it!
Shaun no doubt was busy with Results day at School & will be busy with both my old & new rifles tomorrow night so I don't know how much blogging will be going on, I hope I can trust you two to carry on the good work & I hope Ian turns up again, I bet he hit the 'Text lock' button on the keyboard. He could have been tapping away all night & we wouldn't have been any wiser!
I'm having 200
Thats cheating, ive already copied ready for pasting 200
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